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  1. S

    Which will produce more?

    You have two DWC set ups in the same room, same temp, same humidity, running off the same rez with the same lights. They are also clones off the same plant. If one of the set ups contains 4 plants that you will harvest at 7" and the other one has a plant that will be harvested at 28" which will...
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    DWC first grow

    I thought it was the other way around, 40w produces 100w etc.? :confused:
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    First DWC grow

    I'd wait till they have roots before putting them into the rockwool. That depends on a lot of variables making it impossible to answer. From what I've read though you might not even get to smoke your first bud, presuming the plants live to bud that is :-?.
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    First DWC grow

    Theres a great short 'n sweet post in here by ViRedd. It (roughly) covers pretty much everything.
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    First DWC grow

    No problem I'm not 100% sure but from what I can gather; Yes, bottom of the cup. You place the seedling into rockwool, a cube etc. and water it from the top. The roots will then grow down, between the holes and into the water. Don't start nutes till about 2 weeks in. I'm not sure about this...
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    First DWC grow

    Your hydro unit should run 24/7 but your lights should be 18/6 (or 24/0) and 12/12, so the lights need a timer. I've read of some pretty decent grows using CFLs, this being one of them. Although CFLs will not get the results that HPS and other such lights will get you can still get a nice...
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    What is the absolute BEST nutrient

    I'm thinking of Sensi Bloom Part A/B and Sensi Grow Part A/B (Advanced Nutrients) for budding and vegging respectively. How does that sound? P.S. Sorry to the OP for hijacking the thread :[
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    Cheap way 2 grow?

    Also, don't grow near big trees because they shade out the light and steal all the nutrients/water from the soil. Try a training method (lst, topping, scrog) to keep neighbors from reccognising them, or stick tomatoes on them
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    Cheap way 2 grow?

    From what I've been reading its not that easy to grow (for a weed) :mrgreen:
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    First DWC grow

    Thats a nice set up but you could easily make the same thing for a fraction of the price (about $30). Check this out: That kit provides nutrients which should be fine for veg and bud state (or so it says...) so you...
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    What is the absolute BEST nutrient

    For a beginner what products would you recommend for vegging and budding? I'm trying to keep cost low and don't want it to get too complicated. Do I need nutes for anything other than the stages mentioned above?
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    Humidity lvl to low?

    I've heard people boiling kettles is their rooms to increase humidity although this is probably just a short term method like mentioned above.
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    What is the absolute BEST nutrient

    They tend to be biased :] To google...
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    What is the absolute BEST nutrient

    Out of These what would you recommend?
  15. S

    Males with white hairs? Theres a post that explains it there :hump:
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    Males with white hairs?

    I can't find the link (I had just closed it about 30 mins before reading this :-|) but optimal conditions are right temp, right nutrients etc. Basically don't stress the plant, especially during the 3 and 4 weeks of vegging (which is when the plant 'decides' its sex). I'll have another go...
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    Males with white hairs?

    In the optimal conditions you can almost guarantee that they will be female. There is a post here somewhere about it, I'll link it if I can.
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    Growin' hydro - no peat pellets etc.

    I've decided to go hydro as I've gotten a new (bigger) space and the materials should be easier for me to get except for the pellets. When you first germinate the seeds your supposed to put them in peat pellets or something similar, right? If I don't have any of them can I put the seedling...
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    Males with white hairs?

    Sounds like you've hermies and they popped. Do you have any other plants in your grow room?
  20. S

    Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!

    Sweeeet! They're beautiful, you must be so pleased :hump: Anyone have any guestimates on dried weight?