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  1. S

    Fluorescents on Chains?

    I'm planning on installing 3 12" fluorescents but I want them on chains. This will allow me to have them horizontal for 2 or more plants and vertical for one but I'm having trouble finding info on the subject. Can you hang fluorescents from chains? Do they need anything other then the light...
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    Lighting Question

    So if I get a 13w CFL it will output the equivelent amount of lumens as a 60w?
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    Shopping List << Complete?

    I'm not too sure if your talking to me or Tactic :roll: What do you mean? The timer (connected to the lights) will be the only thing plugged in in the grow room. I'll see how many out of 4 germinate. If all 4 germinate I'll plant them, keep them small, flower them, pull out the males (if...
  4. S

    what is the average time a plant starts to bud?

    Whenever you want it to bud it will. Its all dependent on what light cycle you have running. You use 12 hours light and 12 hours dark (12/12) to get your plant to flower/bud. The longer you leave it in vegitation stage the more buds and more potent it gets, same with flowering. Avg is probably...
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    Shopping List << Complete?

    You sell it all? How much for 8 oz? (I'm normally the guy who either takes hits off of yours weed or gets ripped off buying it). I'll look into that aswell :hump:
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    Lighting Question

    What the **** is up with different wattages? Can someone explain or link to an explanation on the difference between imitation watts and the other one? I thought I had it down but now I'm lost. :neutral:
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    CFL Success!!

    Theres an old poker saying that I just made up '1 dollar won is a 10 dollars lost, 100 dollars won is a 1000 dollars lost, but 10,000 dollars lost may have only been 1' It sounds shit but it has meaning; don't think what could have been and be happy with what you have.
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    You'd want to check that out with the mods first though. Its not uncommon for forums to take full rights over what you post so they can use what you say for marketing etc. You'll probably be fine though, its only rarely they implement the right but definitely check it out.
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    Shopping List << Complete?

    The space is 40x9.5x18 (HxWxD) so opening the door twice a day should be fine for ventilation (I think). Good tip about the battery back-up timer, I'll definetly pick one up :hump: The CFLs seem to be working pretty well for you guys so I'll stick with them. 8 oz is pretty sweet. Out of...
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    Help a noob out

    And to think I do higher level biology :-? Whats the world coming too?
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    Help a noob out

    I think halogens produce ALOT of heat which requires fans which cost money and make noise. You can use vinegar to increase pH and Baking Soda to decrease it (or is it the other way around?). You'll need a pH tester/litmus paper etc. the test for it.
  12. S

    Shopping List << Complete?

    Sounds like a good idea, I'll probably set it up on a weekend so I can keep an eye on it. Also, whats up with fluorescents and flowering. I know they're not the best but can they produce decent buds? The way I'll have it set up 2 cfls on either side of the plant(s) with the reflectors tilted...
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    Shopping List << Complete?

    Any recommendations? I don't what to lose my hair over this because my timer is faulty :roll:
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    Shopping List << Complete?

    This is what I'm planning on purchasing over the next couple of weeks for my soil grow however I want to make sure I have everything. Black/White Visqueen Pots Basin (collect water) Lights (2 x Fluorescent t5) Light Reflectors Chain & Hooks (to hang lights) Electric Socket timer...
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    Will they be wasted?

    Is a cola a main stem? So if I untie it will there not be a bunch of plants sticking out of one plant? I'm a little lost on the reason for it ( google...).
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    Will they be wasted?

    To be honest, no. Mainly because I don't know what it means but also because it sounds like STD :-? Can you expand? (Not physically, just explain what LST is [I'll google it now anyway]).
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    Will they be wasted?

    The space is about 40x9.5x18 (HxWxD). I was planning on growing 2 but could 1 produce the same (maybe more) buds if well topped?
  18. S

    Will they be wasted?

    I was originally planning on growing 2 plants but I've only a small area and after reading about topping I'm thinking of growing one plant and keeping it stocky. Will this be the equivelent to 2 plants (1 plant the width of two). Also, If I only want 1 plan how many seeds should I germinate...
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    I'm Not F%ckin' around with This Hash Thing Anymore

    Anyone got a link to instructions? I've got loads for hash oil but can't find any brick.
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    Setting up everything

    Wow, I didn't realize that lights made that much of a difference. I know they are one of the most important aspect but... wow. When you say short how short? What about 3 feet tall under CFLs? Don't mean to hijack the thread, last Q, I promise :-|