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  1. S

    First grow ever. hydro. PICS! some help

    You don't have to switch to 12/12 to find out sex. Sometimes they sexually mature in veg but if they haven't theres no point waiting for it if you want to flower. I must say they're looking tasty :hump:
  2. S

    Need advice on hydro method

    Unfortunetly aquarium rocks are all I can get my hands on at the moment so I'll have to go with them. If I can pick up hydroton I will. Do they evapourate naturally or do I need to clean out the tub? During these times though won't the plant dehydrate if it gets no water? Thanks for all...
  3. S

    Need advice on hydro method

    Even if its just for a few minutes? I might be able to sound proof around the grow area, hopefully. I read that aquarium rocks will do the job however I'm confused as to why these are so important. In soil grows soil is needed to keep nutrients and water but in hydro the nutrients and water are...
  4. S

    Need advice on hydro method

    Sorry for the triple post but I can't find this anywhere. Do you flower in the same bucket you veg in? I only ask because I know with soil grows you change nutrients between veg and flower but if your using the same tub throughout you can't change the nutrients. I might be going about this the...
  5. S

    Need advice on hydro method

    Also, just to clarify something, am I correct in saying that you don't need to transplant, because the roots are growing through the netpots and being delivered nutrients directly?
  6. S

    Need advice on hydro method

    Wires shouldn't be a problem, Its in a 5' deep walk-in closet. I'm also going to rig it so if the door opens it will kill the power to the pump (the lights will be behind a light-tight curtain. Could that be bad though, if the pump cuts out while pumping? I'm not sure what hydroton is but...
  7. S

    Need advice on hydro method

    What does this mean? They tend to be bigger, louder etc.? Thanks for the response, I've been reading through the forums and it seems like I could get everything between a garden store and pet shop (pumps etc.).
  8. S

    Need advice on hydro method

    I'm planning my first grow soon and was originally looking at soil however I'm thinking that hydro might be the way to go but I'd like a couple of questions answered first. My space is 51x31x24 (HxWxD) and I'm going to be using fluorescents (3 2' tubes and some CFLs). What are the benefits...
  9. S

    Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!

    Thanks. I'm even getting excited, can't imagine how you feel :mrgreen:
  10. S

    We're busted! What would you do?

    School smarts are for the ego, street smarts are for living.
  11. S

    Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!

    I'm just after reading your entire journal and I'm getting really into it :) Will you post you plants final dimensions when you harvest and how much yield (obviously)? Great grow :joint:
  12. S

    We're busted! What would you do?

    Yeah, beat the kids ass. Imagine the headlines: 'Abusive step-father grows pot' Think the judge will give you probabtion?
  13. S


    Is it needed or just recommended? Also, what else is recommended (or needed) regarding soil, perlite, nutrients etc. (soil related stuff)?
  14. S

    What do ya think? [Qs included]

    I just remembered that people grow in PC cases so 9.5" should be fine. I'm so confused right now, can anyone give me any advice regarding growing is such a small area?
  15. S

    Fluorescents on Chains?

    I'm now thinking that I may have to use CFLs after looking at my grow space again which is only 9.5" wide. Its pretty disappointing. Can I even grow plants in a 9.5" wide space?
  16. S

    First Grow (Questions and pics)

    They're stretching, what lights are you using? You should move them closer.
  17. S

    What do ya think? [Qs included]

    I was looking at my grow space again and I think I was being fairly optimistic before. Its only 9.5" wide which is very tight. I was looking at other peoples plants and they were at least 11" when flowering started. Is there anything I can do to keep the plant thin (which is not good for budding...
  18. S

    CFL Success!!

    How tall were the plants when you were finished? I can't believe you got so much from 3 plants, I'm inspired:mrgreen:
  19. S

    Nubie starting to flower

    Can I ask the dimensions of the plant? I'm wondering how many I could fit like that in my space :roll:
  20. S

    Nubie starting to flower

    Sounds like enough, 360+ watts for one plant? :hump: How much yield are you expecting, it looks really nice. Really stocky, thats what I'm going for :hump: