what is the best way to keep a plant small and bushy?


Well-Known Member
i have about 12 plants growing now they just sprouted right now there in a spot were they cant get big at all or someone will see them. i plan on putting them all in a ditch in my yard because its full of some other plants that kinda looks like marijuana so they will be alot less noticable but i was wondering what is the best and easiest way to keep my marijuana plants short but bushy?


Well-Known Member
Flower asap and maybe some strategic topping will keep it bushy. You do not want a monster main cola;)


Active Member
Top it a couple of weeks or when it gets about 3 sets of leaves, cut where the 4th is going to form, I think anyway, maybe somone can clarify that. You could also try LST, I've heard good things about that.

When your doing it in your ditch are you just going to toss it in there or will you look after it like potted plants? I'm curious about this, I've heard it done before and always wondered how the plant is taken care of or does mother nature do her thing.


Well-Known Member
id take some care of it like id water it but i wouldnt add nutes or anything i never have and ive had no problems but alright thanks so i could top it when there are 3 sets of leaves and all i have to do is cut a little above the 3rd?


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