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  1. PurpleKushBlower

    Small Box Ventilation Question

    get some dry ice, and hang it in a bucket at the top of your box...the dry ice will add co2 allowing you to run your box a little hotter as well as cooling off your box...
  2. PurpleKushBlower

    Pre Harvest Lockout with Flush?

    Correct me if i am wrong, but Unless your nutes are in the soil it would not be beneficial. The point of a flush at least in hydro, aero, bubble is to make the plant use up the last of the nutrients it has inside of it already as well as flush it clean so when you smoke the plant you are not...
  3. PurpleKushBlower

    Medium and Water Insight for Design

    a full house reverse osmosis is the best house filtration available...little pricey, but will end up paying for itself in the long for a grow medium i would suggest getting hydroton, holds water well and is readily available at local grow store. I have little experience growing so you...
  4. PurpleKushBlower

    Welcome New Members!

    Purp here whats newb looking for some guidance on a first attempt
  5. PurpleKushBlower

    Cabinet design quetions: Size and Lighting

    Hey guys, I have an area in my apartment that will be 84 inches tall and 28-30 inches wide with probably 28 inches of depth. I am planning on building a closet to inclose this and was wondering what is the best way to optimize this closet with a veg and flower chamber. I am set up to use an...
  6. PurpleKushBlower

    Getting Dr. Recommendation in the Morning, Please help!

    tell them you have patients who you are growing for and find patients and write up a document with their agreement of you as their caregiver...
  7. PurpleKushBlower

    Why I Smoke Weed!

    One reason...I love to get high, but if I was to apply for a MMJ card I would justify this love to get high by constant mood swings and trouble sleeping...
  8. PurpleKushBlower

    lighting question 600W bulb 1000W ballast

    i have talked to a few electricians about this...their professional opinion is that the bigger ballast will burn out your bulb quicker where as a larger bulb on smaller ballast will burn out your not quote this, but this is what i have learned and it makes sense..
  9. PurpleKushBlower

    DIY Reflector for smaller areas, GREAT PAR VALUES

    very nice, I would put an adapter and put a 4-8 in duct at the top with an inline fan....
  10. PurpleKushBlower

    Some Setup Questions about my GrowCab before I start my GrowJourney (Pics)

    first off very nice cabinet... as far as light proofing is concerned. You can go to your local hydro store and pick up some mylar or black and white poly. Overlap over the doors and use a single piece to cover the corners...this will light proof..if no hydro store go to a local hardware or home...
  11. PurpleKushBlower

    CO2 Idea

    Hey Guys I have an idea and was looking for some input. I am curious why people keep air pumps in their res first of all. I assume it is the oxigenate the water, however that got me thinking what if the pump had a bottle with yeast and sugar in the line before the air stone thus virtually...
  12. PurpleKushBlower

    Pc grow idea !!!

    looks like a solid set up, a HPS bulb may be extreme for a PC grow though I like how you accomodated with a cooling tube, i was thinking of doing the same thing...
  13. PurpleKushBlower

    Methods on cutting holes for netpots

    dude if you got 37 dollars buy it, use it to cut your 10 or whatever holes and return it...I work at home depot we always joke about our "free" rental service, because they will return almost anything. In fact funny story, one of the original owners bernie was doing a store walk with a manager...
  14. PurpleKushBlower

    carbon filter 101 help!!!!

    DIY....go to DIY thread and there is a cheap how to make your own...
  15. PurpleKushBlower

    Anyone ever use Ortho Ecosense brand insecticidal soap?

    I assume you got that at Home Depot? try a product called organicide or else a product called sevin both are good for killing insects and are okay with ornamental flowers and vegetables
  16. PurpleKushBlower

    White widow plants

    why not smoke everything off all 30 plants...
  17. PurpleKushBlower

    help me choose a generator

    i know there are home depots in Canada go there and talk to an older gentleman who knows what he is talking about
  18. PurpleKushBlower

    New 8x8x7 room.. Vent help

    you should look on ebay and check out the pyrex bake around it is a 4in tube which can be ducted with a inline fan can help greatly in reducing the temp and the ducting can be sent out a window or anywhere, however a carbon filter would be a good idea to prevent smell...
  19. PurpleKushBlower

    Help setting up grow.. (Crawlspace/attic)

    -Yes you use the White Pine to make the box and line that with the mylar sheathing -you will have to use some kind of T to go into an exisiting bathroom, however if you are going to use a bathroom vent to ventilate your grow there should be pieces in the box to connect it, if not bring the fan...