White widow plants


i am growing about 30 ww plants indoors does anybody know how much weight i can pull out of these plants just in case i wanna sell what i dont smoke oh and how much does white widow go for an ounce in the eastern shore of the states anybody can help me will be great thanks!!!


Well-Known Member
going based off others' grows is setting yourself up for disappointment (specially if you're a first-time grower) -- best thing you can do is give it your all and hope for the best. each case is different.


Well-Known Member
dry? first time? hehe -- ive been growing a year -- and im pretty satisfied with what i've grown, and i've never had that much off one plant, dry. fuck, or wet for that matter.

but, as i said, dont judge yourself on other growers. if you supercrop the hell out of it, i could see 4oz a plant, but then grow area would become a factor. or perfect temperatures, perfect nutrient schedule, perfect lighting...sure

how are you planning on growing?