Some Setup Questions about my GrowCab before I start my GrowJourney (Pics)


New Member
Hey Guys,

I am planning to begin my first grow here in a couple of weeks and I just need help with a few basic things. I stumbled across a badass cabinet/entertainment system at goodwill for 50 bucks and it blends into my room perfectly(pictures below). Plan to make the top area the Flowering chamber and the bottom the Clone/veg area. Another nice thing is that my A/C vent is right by the back of the cabinet so i will be getting so super cold/fresh air in that box.

The cabinet is pretty cool but it does have some light leaks. I plan to close those up with some caulk. My question is how do you think i could fix the light leaks on the side of the doors and middle where the doors meet (pictures Below)? I would think that if i put sealent on the cracks it would impede the door from opening properly. Also i do not really want tape on the outside. I live in a one bedroom apartment so i don't want maintenence seeing my taped up cab. I read about too many people getting caught on this board.

That brings up my next point. This is in a single bedroom apartment where mainetence can come in and have their way with my shit at any time. I am gonna have to be on my A game in order to keep my operation covert and I know this. I plan on getting a 4 inch Inline fan and carbon filter combo from HTGsupply along with a 4 inch duct fan (for the intake) and a Floralux 150 watt HPS. I am pretty sure that a powerful 4 inch inline will take care of the 150 watt heat (only want 2 mature plants at one time) but I am not sure about the smell. Do you think that the 4 inch inline fan and filter would be able to keep my room minty fresh or would it still stink with only 2 mature plants?

The next sense I have to worry about is sound. With an 150 watt HPS/Inline Fan/Duct fan all going at the same time, what kind of sound do you think I am gonna get and will it be noticable?

My final question has to do with an appropriate locking system. The cabinet obviously has no locking mechanism and that just won't do. I was thinking about putting a small pad lock at the very top of the double doors (pic) and then maybe a blanket over the top of the cabinet that would hand over the edge and conceal the lock. Is that a good idea or is there any better way.

Thanks for all the help guys; I will be sure to keep you posted


first off very nice cabinet... as far as light proofing is concerned. You can go to your local hydro store and pick up some mylar or black and white poly. Overlap over the doors and use a single piece to cover the corners...this will light proof..if no hydro store go to a local hardware or home depot and ask for threshold seals...find a good flap and mount it in between the doors.

For ventilation if I was you i would create a hole of some sorts for a passive intake and mount a carbon filter from the same hardware store and mount that on the interior. for ventilation i would look into a vornado fan to help circulate air and a ventilation system and carbon scrubber to prevent smell.

If you are nervous about sound and don't mind giving up a little bit of space you can sound proof the box. make a frame on every wall with a square one by one and cover that with a foam rated to decrease decibles ask at the hardware store and they should be able to point you in the right direction. I believe that the insulation board has a nice mylar backing to in so you wouldn't have to do anything, just put that up...

As for security just put a lock with a padlock across the middle, it is your stuff in your apartment, maintnence will think you are just securing your property.


New Member
first off very nice cabinet... as far as light proofing is concerned. You can go to your local hydro store and pick up some mylar or black and white poly. Overlap over the doors and use a single piece to cover the corners...this will light proof..if no hydro store go to a local hardware or home depot and ask for threshold seals...find a good flap and mount it in between the doors.

For ventilation if I was you i would create a hole of some sorts for a passive intake and mount a carbon filter from the same hardware store and mount that on the interior. for ventilation i would look into a vornado fan to help circulate air and a ventilation system and carbon scrubber to prevent smell.

If you are nervous about sound and don't mind giving up a little bit of space you can sound proof the box. make a frame on every wall with a square one by one and cover that with a foam rated to decrease decibles ask at the hardware store and they should be able to point you in the right direction. I believe that the insulation board has a nice mylar backing to in so you wouldn't have to do anything, just put that up...

As for security just put a lock with a padlock across the middle, it is your stuff in your apartment, maintnence will think you are just securing your property.

Very nice advice right there. Never let down at RollitUp.

I have some holes in the back panel of wood that i plan to use as ventilation holes. I am def gonna mount everything to the side wall and have some venting going to the hole. Should be pretty effective... i hope...

That is a great Idea about insulating the cabinet a little more. Are you talking about buying a specific kind of wood (insulation board that has mylar on the back?) and just screw that to all sides of the inside of my cabinet? I think that would be a good idea.

And your right, I dont thin they would be too suspicious about a lock...