help me choose a generator


Well-Known Member
Hey, so I'm looking for a generator to run 4000 to 5000 watts. I have no experience with them at all, so im not sure what type to get, or where to find the best deals on them, I'm a Canuck so no US only sites please an thanks alot. Also what are the costs like running one?
Stop being a dick.. The guy is asking for help with choosing the BEST/RIGHT generator for his needs ( i assume growing ) and this is a good place to ask.. Its a good question imho as a big purchase like a Genny is not something to rush into.. The time it took you to post that lame ass joke , you could have helped him.. Unless you have no idea yourself.. In which case, you really didnt even have any buisness clicking the reply button to begin with now did you ?

I have no idea what to recommend to you ( OP ). But im sure your answer can be found here.
