Anyone ever use Ortho Ecosense brand insecticidal soap?


Well-Known Member
I believe I have a gnat larve problem, or some kind of issue of that sense....little white worm like things and gnats flying in the air. the lady at the garden store said this would be best for my indoor "tomatos" she said spray it right on no problem. Just curious if anyone else has used this with any luck.



Well-Known Member
alright well if anyone cares I would say this is a no go, made my leaves curl under after 2 days, I think that was what did I'd say nope!
I assume you got that at Home Depot? try a product called organicide or else a product called sevin both are good for killing insects and are okay with ornamental flowers and vegetables


Well-Known Member
are they available at local stores or do you have to order them online??? I got it at the local hardware store for my indoor "tomato" plants......the lady looked at me in disblief and sold me this.........ehhhhh not so psyced


I used ortho ecosense and the new growth on my babies curled up from the sides. I wish would have read this post before I bought the shit!
I think I'll use it again after I bait the larva out of my soil. I'd say that ecosense is NOT A GOOD PRODUCT. But will work if there's nothing else.