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  1. P

    How are my plants doing?

    are those...? no way.... are those pot plants?!
  2. P

    rock n roll radio

    ramones are great, but there is much better punk out there. most their songs are the same exact rhythme, beat, melody...just the 5 lyrics are slightly changed. original - YES
  3. P

    Will they make it under a 250 HPS?

    Geez RICHIRICH, too stingy to put that extra $50 in the pot???? 7 oz is a big yield for a 250w
  4. P

    Roseman's Odor Bucket

    shitdamn pink floyd
  5. P

    anyone know

    pancakes + waffles + pink floyd = A LONG NIGHT To answer your question, Yes, you may, but only under the correct circumstances
  6. P

    What fertilizers and or nutrients for indoor? pls help

    No way, BEGINNER NUTRIENTS - - cheap ($5) and effective
  7. P

    BIG BUD almost 12/12 from seed cfl grow

    foil would cause heat but most CFL barely get 'warm'
  8. P

    How to get a woman to shave the bush?

    I don't know i'm high as a kite but really, like I said, I could o either way I just like it smooth n clean. Hair on the head is normal for women of today's socety. Why do girls take so much offence about subjects involving personal matters....oh wait....your a female! I'm such a fool. I'm...
  9. P

    How to get a woman to shave the bush?

    Dee-ter I'm talking pubes here, it's a completely different story. Get the net.
  10. P

    Look down upon dealers?

    What about the slingers that deal and maintain two REAL jobs for that precious dough to pay the overdue rent and are happy just to have a roof over their familie's heads?
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    How to get a woman to shave the bush?

    I could go either way, but I'd prefer smooth n clean during all parts of all hours no matter what the day or the month or even if it's Labor Day. I like my womAn feminine and hair FUCKS EVERYTHING UP!!!!
  12. P

    Cops kill my friend

    Walk down the street in Utah and you WILL be pulled over. They profile like no other, I can't even tell you how many times I've been stopped, and SEARCHED! They make lies to defend their illegal search and siezure, with that 'ol, "I smell marijuana" bullshit, whether I've got it on me or not...
  13. P

    humidity and temp during drying

    as long as you find suitable in jars. its smokable at any point but it should start stinkin good at 3 weeks. maybe 2 months for full potency. be sure to open frequently to release moisture
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    Anti-Rape Dick Trap

    have fun fingering yourself
  15. P

    My bud dont smell and hairs are still white(pics)

    well there doesnt seem theres much TO smell, you should have invested in HPS or even a few more CFLs really could make a huge difference...
  16. P

    Best MMORPG Ever

    no one has mentioned Diablo II??? That game is amazing until the 420th time ya beat it!
  17. P

    HELP! 3 weeks into flowering, yellowing, dying leaves, HELP!!! PICS!!

    Thanks to previous posters +REP for all EXCLUDING JAKETHETANK. I poked a hole in the side of the bucket and poked the soil - its wet, not soaked, but very damp still from last weeks flush. Im thinking the container may be an issue as well. Its approx. 3 gallons , theres a fuckload of the plants...