My bud dont smell and hairs are still white(pics)

what strain? Sativas take a while, and some strains don't really have a smell. I can click on the pics, but 46 watts doesn't seem lijke enough light. Compact flouros just don't produce top quality like hps etc. I don't know a whole lot about compact flouro growing though.


what strain? Sativas take a while, and some strains don't really have a smell. I can click on the pics, but 46 watts doesn't seem lijke enough light. Compact flouros just don't produce top quality like hps etc. I don't know a whole lot about compact flouro growing though.
well there doesnt seem theres much TO smell, you should have invested in HPS or even a few more CFLs really could make a huge difference...


Active Member
Compact flouros just don't produce top quality like hps etc. I don't know a whole lot about compact flouro growing though.
That statement is simply wrong my friend! Take it from me, I have many years of experience of growing under both HPS and CFL's :-)

Now, re the plant, just needs time to finish :-) Lets face it, with 46 watts theres not going to be much of it, but it will still finish given time. Aroma depends upon strain as said above and of course the amount of bud. Give it time, once you start to see browning pistils you are still looking at another 2 to 3 weeks!


Active Member

get 2 bulb socket spliters and put 2 more lights in

surround with a reflective something to keep more light on your bud

switch fert you need less N more P and more K


Active Member
Some strains just don't stink as much as others. And six weeks in is still early. Early strains run 8 and if they are sativa you're gonna push 12 weeks. Give em some more light if you can and some nutes w more P an K. It's weed man, let it grow!


Active Member
You need more lights. there is no shorted of people growing with cfl's around here spend an hour going though some of them


Well-Known Member
man, you let her stretch really really bad, you need the light closer, like 1-2 inches away. you also need more lights, i would use at least 150w of cfl. looks like you might get a bowl or two when all is said and done, but oh well, the first grow is always a learning experience. the plant will take another 6 weeks to finish imo, for the tiny bit of light you have it looks good for 6 weeks(well, besides the horrible stretching that is)


Well-Known Member
yea dog, you need more light! And make something to reflect it so less light is wasted! You could cover the inside of a cardboard box with a space blanket, put the light's in there and I bet that alone would do a hell of a lot... General rule of thumb tho, just for future purposes, 100w minimum of light per plant SHOULD do fairly well.


Well-Known Member
yeaaa iwas gonna say that.. get somethign to reflect.. a simple way to do it is to get a soda can.. a knife and a can opener.. and scissors too! use the can opener and open the top of the can where you drink from... then.. use scissors and cut... hmmm.. shit im really stoned.. and im havin a hard time tryna explain it.. i dont wanna try to explain it and have you not know what the fuck im talkin about.. lol.. lemme look it up for you real qwuick and send u a link.. but yeaa i think it might be cuz u dont have enough light.. kinda hard to see.. cuz the pics are that great.. did u use ur phone to take the pic?? the buds look a little undeveloped.. how close do you have the lights to the plant?? try to keep it 2 inches away from the plant.. maybe u can go to walgreens or wal mart and find one of those 150 watt CFL's.. and use 2 of those.. it will add a little bit of extra light.. how big is the pot too?? might need a bigger pot. the plant could be root bound. ... and some plabnts do take a long time.. i have a plant 7 weeks into flowering and it still doesnt even have any buds!! just hairs here and there.. but it stinks like crazy!!! only when i touch it and smell my fingers.. and my other 2 plants are judst about ready.. im cuttin them down today cuz im movin and their hermie so i dont want to bring ANY pollen to my new house cuz im growing nirvanas white widow.. and dont wanna chance them gettin pollenated... but its funny.. cuz i started all 3 plants the same exact day.. and 2 are getting cut down today.. and the other one still doesnt have any buds.. only calaxes here and there whith some hairs comin out.. the 2 plants im cuttin down today dont really smell either.. ughh.. well im madd high and rambling on about nothing.. ill try to find that thread for u on how to make a soda/beer can reflector.... good luck!


Active Member
the same thing happened to me once, more light won't help, it's not going to grow beyond that point. i kno exactly what ur talking about ( the buds feel hard no smell what so ever) scrapp it start with quality seeds . peace


Active Member
i say finish,

then do it right the second time around


yeah i agree, im also on my first grow and mine is having pretty much the same issue, i have a sativa thats 7 weeks in flower...pretty sad actually, but i think its still got a few weeks left.. im hoping to at least get a 1/4oz maybe :bigjoint:...just let her finish


Well-Known Member
sativas take alot longer than indica, dont worry bout it,most sativas go about 12-16 weeks. it may seem stalled out right now but its completely normal, the plant is getting ready to gather as much energy as possible then when its ready it will really take off and fatten up your buds even more, in the last 2 weeks it gets deperate and puts all the energy from the leaves into the buds making them swell and make the buds stickier in the hopes of getting pollinated and not miss its chance to breed. it may form a few balls though so keep your eyes open, it probally wont effect em but its possible one could screw you over and actually contain pollen and burst.