Look down upon dealers?


Well-Known Member
Also dealers have a lot of other bullshit to deal with than just sitting back on the couch and waiting for the stoners to buy.

How about the dumbass that can't keep their mouth shut, and then too many people know what you're doing.
Or the people who can't observe the rules and bring strangers over to buy, or want to treat you like the fucking 711- calling at all hours or just showing up at really bad times wanting pot.
Then there can be problems if you take market share away from the dealers already around.
Price and availability are rarely stable around here, so dealers are always changing what they have- prices and quality fluctuate too much. It's a bitch to spend a few days every few months re-acquainting myself with the local market status (when I run out- or just want another flavor).

What really pisses me off are those FUCKWADS who can't hook up, and bug you to pick up a bit for them too. Then all they can do is bitch abouth the price, quality, and how long it took to get them stoned. They usually can't get any because they've pissed off or burnt everybody around.
You added what I forgot to add. There's snitches, too. If you're moving enough weed to make it profitable, theres some decent time that you face in jail. And you have to have confidence that this dude you're selling a couple ounces to isn't gonna take the deal when he gets caught up. Not talking about nickels and dimes here.

And then as far as the nickel and diming goes, you get those motherfuckers who are knocking on your door and windows early in the morning. Answer the door... "hey bro, you got a 5 sack I could FRONT from you?" First of all, wtf is a 5 sack? and second of all don't wake me up to ask me to front you a sack. :bigjoint: Sometimes people act like dope fiends over some weed. But it is money, so...

It's all about patience, because unless you have someone bringing you up in it, the only way you can learn is from making mistakes. And a mistake means lost money, so they're expensive mistakes.


What about the slingers that deal and maintain two REAL jobs for that precious dough to pay the overdue rent and are happy just to have a roof over their familie's heads?