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  1. K

    Can I tap into my furnace exhaust ducting(that goes outdoors)in order to exhaust an mj drying room

    What I have learned is you attack the smell in 3 different ways , 1 carbon filters does about 80^% of the job but there will always be some smell , then 2 you do O2 generator to add that extra oxygen atom and give it the Lightning smell and then 3 to not piss of your neighbours by having o2...
  2. K

    Can I tap into my furnace exhaust ducting(that goes outdoors)in order to exhaust an mj drying room

    Got 2 filters exhausting and a O2 generator and I got a filter scrubbing I have 2 dehums I just prefer to do a cool dry for 5 days using my exhuast to maintain the drying temp , then only on the last day I turn on the dehums , the product holds in the smell better the less you use a dehum and...
  3. K

    Can I tap into my furnace exhaust ducting(that goes outdoors)in order to exhaust an mj drying room

    Reboot ?? I did just find a vent in the crawl space the house uses to be breathe through not the most ideal location as its pointing at the neighbours place but it doesn't involve me tapping into any existing ducting and its 6inch direct exhuast to the outdoors . What you think ?
  4. K

    Can I tap into my furnace exhaust ducting(that goes outdoors)in order to exhaust an mj drying room

    No that's the thing my drying rooms are 10 x 12 & 10 x 8 . Im sucking the air out of the 10x8 room into the 10 x 12 room through a 6 inch duct using a fat max 6 inch vortex fan and blowing it through a filter . Then ,in the 10x12 room I've got another 6 inch fat max vortex fan sucking through...
  5. K

    Can I tap into my furnace exhaust ducting(that goes outdoors)in order to exhaust an mj drying room

    Thank you for the response now I know . Would You recommended I exhuast through the laundry dryer ducting then? I was considering getting a 4 inch v duct with a dampner that opens and closes depending when there is exhuast in order to prevent the stinky humid mj air going back up into the...
  6. K

    Can I tap into my furnace exhaust ducting(that goes outdoors)in order to exhaust an mj drying room

    Hey there quick question for you guys . Can I tap into my furnace exhaust ducting ( that goes outdoors) in order to exhaust a drying rooms stinky humid air or will that stinky humid air go back into the furnace? Why I'm asking is because I have 2 exhuast holes that I can tap into the laundry...
  7. K

    Need Help Please!

    I am not even gonna touch this.... u are 2 confused my lil child this went way over ur head..... I am fair with everyone... if u act stupid ill treat u like a stupid.... if u act like a bitch ill treat u like the bitch that u are..... if u talk with sense i will talk sense with u...
  8. K

    Need Help Please!

    Ok well hey bitch whats ur number ... i hold u to it next time im about to fuck a chick ill give u a ring and u can be a HERO again!!!!!!! GOOOO TEAM BITCHES!!!!!
  9. K

    Need Help Please!

    fish83 Stranger Stranger Join Date: Aug 2009 Posts: 3 Thanks All--King Kron And Everyone.
  10. K

    Need Help Please!

    WOw im a genuis ... this metaphor is completly deserving of this thread....... U 2 are complety doing this guys dirty work ..... making u bitches tooo..... Maybe nextg ull be whining and dining her then letting her bf fuck her.... man u 2 are pathetic...... I like what someone wrote about...
  11. K

    Need Help Please!

    lool!!!!! only a john like urself would even bring up a subject of prositition.... u obviously know moreabout it then me if it crossses ur mind so frequesntly......... If anything ur the one callingup whores just seeing how much of a bitch u are on here.... no chick respects a pushover and u...
  12. K

    Need Help Please!

    LOL THANKS MY HEROS!!!!!!!!!! i am helping the correct way giveing this poor girl some advice that she is obviously lacking......this goes beyond growing and is some strong life advice.... if she or u 2 dont respect that , thats ur own perogitive.......... U guys can be this guys bitches...
  13. K

    What do you HATE most about human kind?

    I hate guys who talk so much shit yet they can never back it up.... or guys who think there players but as soon as they get attention from a chick they are pussy whipped lil bitches...... u know some dudes are more of bitches then chicks them selves.... and that what gets to me ..... I have...
  14. K

    Need Help Please!

    lol its not dissing its the truth ... and if its the truth hurts ..... then help me god for being too honest.............. all im saying is im not going to her bf's dirty work .... if he doesnt give a fuck about his grow or his girl.... why should we......
  15. K

    First grow with master kush

    no jinxing here .. just straight shooting.... im happy to hear uve had a succesfull grow prio to this one.... my question is why are u not groing in the room u had ur previosu grow in........ I personaly have my clones 1-1.5 feet tall after 2 weeks and i harvest in a matter of 9 weeks from veg...
  16. K

    Please Help....I am Confused...but thats normal for

    I complety agree with stelth grower there are more then 1 way to skin a cat.... sounds like ur a bright person... let me ask u what are u trying to achieve the most yeild for ur area or more an experiment then anything else????? Heres a few tips based on what u just wrote: 1. u can veg...
  17. K

    Please Help....I am Confused...but thats normal for

    hey bud its great to hear uve done some reserach before jumping into this.... unlike many people on this site.... props...... I am unfamiliar with the bio setup but from the sounds of it 24 plants for 8x 8 area is too little plants unless ur vegging them for months... i personally have 55...
  18. K

    Tap water + nutes too much?

    if ur so worried about ur water being to hard or full of chlorine get ur self a fuckin RO machine..... and definalty a nutraip trimeter for ur nutes and rez temps and ph...... my water is great here so i dont have those issues to deal with ...... and yes i do get 1.5 - 1.7/ 1k light .... so...
  19. K

    Need Help Please!

    Maybe he is shipped out maybe he is travelling around slamming other girls..... who knows ...... all i know is that is i was going to be serious with my grow i would be serious with the shit i tell my girl...... MAybe then she wouldnt be needing to come here asking us what a real man e...
  20. K

    Tap water + nutes too much?

    i do thanks for asking.......