Please Help....I am Confused...but thats normal for


Hello All. I am new here. I have been "studying" growing for months now, and have a few questions I hope can be answered. I would like an 8x8 growroom for flowering with a 24 Plant "Bio Bucket" setup. I dont know if I should use 4-600 Watters, or 2-1000 Watters? Please help me with this. Thank You.


Active Member
hey bud its great to hear uve done some reserach before jumping into this.... unlike many people on this site.... props......

I am unfamiliar with the bio setup but from the sounds of it 24 plants for 8x 8 area is too little plants unless ur vegging them for months... i personally have 55 plants on 8x4 table....... and i use 2 1000 watts for that table.....

For the size ur saying u should easily ba able to fit 3/4 1000 watt lights ...... the usual coverage for each 1000 watt hps is 4x4 - 5x5....

Good lcuk bro...


So you would say that 8x8 with 24 plants is not enough plants?...Man...I thought I was good was thinking about vegging them for 2 weeks under an MH light, then moving them into the flowering room. I was going to use 3.5 gallon pots for the flowering room. I though that with the pots that size, that 24 would be good. Please give me some info if you can on this...thank you again..


Active Member
I think the previous responses deserve clarification.... They are simply stating that there is the possibility to fit more plants in the given space that you have. This doesn't mean that you have to have more than the number of plants you have. For instance, you can make better use of your space by growing your plants larger. Larger plants produce more bud guaranteed. With that many plants in that much space you can have a really nice setup with some very decent plants. If the room is 8x8 square, that means you have 4 - 4x4 growing areas. 24 plants divided by 4 - 4x4 growing areas = 6 plants per 4x4 area. You could set up one 600 watt light per 4x4 growing area and that should give you all the illumination you need. you would need a total of 4 - 600 watt lights for a 2400 watt setup. A 600 watt light is a very powerful light and a 4x4 area is perfect. You will get bleed over from the other lights, thus enhancing your coverage of each 4x4 growing area. to make things better you can mylar the walls.

There is always more than one way to do something.


Active Member
So you would say that 8x8 with 24 plants is not enough plants?...Man...I thought I was good was thinking about vegging them for 2 weeks under an MH light, then moving them into the flowering room. I was going to use 3.5 gallon pots for the flowering room. I though that with the pots that size, that 24 would be good. Please give me some info if you can on this...thank you again..
I complety agree with stelth grower there are more then 1 way to skin a cat....

sounds like ur a bright person... let me ask u what are u trying to achieve the most yeild for ur area or more an experiment then anything else?????

Heres a few tips based on what u just wrote:

1. u can veg under hps.... i do all the time and i have great results.... if ur going to veg for 2 weeks they are going to be 1- 1.5 feet tall u dont need a 3.5 gal pot fort them a 2 gal pot is more then fine....

2. I would veg and bloom in the same room to aviod the headache of maintain 2 rooms temps and humidity .. i mean there is a point to have a 2 or 3 rooms but for this size of an op i would make it as easy and simple as possible..... there is alot crap on these forums its all about filtering the important stuff from the garbage.... these 3 things are the most important:

1. Room temp and humidity
2.corect feeding schedule (ppms & ph) for ur strains and maintining week 2 week, day to day
3. pruning to be only done in veg... i highly rececomend loolipop these bitches......

eveything else is trivial, it may work for some it may not for others ... but if u stay ontop of these 3 things u are bound for sucess..

THis is just my advice :

throw in 3 1000 watt lights into that 8 x8 room and leave urself some working space..... get ur setup up and runnning and check temps and humidity before putting the plants in... and throw those girls into 2 gal pots

Goood luck my freind :)


To Be honest with you, I would like the most yield. Like I said, i have been Studying this for maonths now, and like you said..there is more than one way to skin a many why i cant figure out the best "setup" for grow room. I have seen rooms with a lot of plants under 2400 watts with a good yield, and then again, i have seen 2400 watt rooms with only 3 plants with a good yield as well... Thats my main confusion...How many plants in that space..8x8 with the 4-600 Watters. I thank you again...and look forward to hearing from you...Your info is greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
If the Room is 8 x 8 (64 sq feet) and you put four tables that are 4 x 4 (64 sq feet) how the heck are you going to get thru the door??? There is no allowance for any type of walkway to acess any of the tables. Now if the room was 8 x 10 , he could put two 4x4 tables on each side and allow himself a 2 foot walkway in the middle to work his garden. It would be very tight but doable. Just an observation bro. Another suggestion (if a hydro setup) is to build two ebb and flow tables with the dim's of 8 x 3 and place them against oposing walls and that will leave you a 2 foot aisle to do your gargening.. I have a 8 x 12 room myself and did just that. Each table runs 80 plants for a total of 160. The plants are taken straight from the aero cloner and put into flower. I am running 4 x 1000w (2 over ea table) and its probably overkill but it works.

I think the previous responses deserve clarification.... They are simply stating that there is the possibility to fit more plants in the given space that you have. This doesn't mean that you have to have more than the number of plants you have. For instance, you can make better use of your space by growing your plants larger. Larger plants produce more bud guaranteed. With that many plants in that much space you can have a really nice setup with some very decent plants. If the room is 8x8 square, that means you have 4 - 4x4 growing areas. 24 plants divided by 4 - 4x4 growing areas = 6 plants per 4x4 area. You could set up one 600 watt light per 4x4 growing area and that should give you all the illumination you need. you would need a total of 4 - 600 watt lights for a 2400 watt setup. A 600 watt light is a very powerful light and a 4x4 area is perfect. You will get bleed over from the other lights, thus enhancing your coverage of each 4x4 growing area. to make things better you can mylar the walls.

There is always more than one way to do something.


Well-Known Member
And as Kron stated.. Lollypop in that space is the way to go IMO. Thats what I do. They ain't monsters but I take my1 bow (dried) every 2-3 weeks.... Good Luck


Well-Known Member
I think your best bet would be the 24 plant set up. If you try and crowd to many plants in there your going to have light penetration problems IMO and you will have good top buds but thats about it unless you keep pruning to let light get thru and then your not really going to gain that much. You might want to start out with 12-15 plants to start with and see how quick the room fills up. If they get to bushy you can spread them out and after that grow , from your experiance you will be better able to judge the optimum ammt of plants for your space. For that matter, if half way thru 15 plants you see you can add more put some more in and then have a perpetual grow. Thats the best advice I can give but soak up some others opinions and weight them out and see what will work best for you. Lord knows that I have changed my grow room a cpl different times over the last 8 months till I got it to where it suits me just right. Good Luck and let me know how it turns out.

I made these on "paint", and it took me i said earlier...I am new to this, and need help.. Please tell me which one of my "Illustrations" would be best for me.. I appreciate this so much.. Thank You...


I think your best bet would be the 24 plant set up. If you try and crowd to many plants in there your going to have light penetration problems IMO and you will have good top buds but thats about it unless you keep pruning to let light get thru and then your not really going to gain that much. You might want to start out with 12-15 plants to start with and see how quick the room fills up. If they get to bushy you can spread them out and after that grow , from your experiance you will be better able to judge the optimum ammt of plants for your space. For that matter, if half way thru 15 plants you see you can add more put some more in and then have a perpetual grow. Thats the best advice I can give but soak up some others opinions and weight them out and see what will work best for you. Lord knows that I have changed my grow room a cpl different times over the last 8 months till I got it to where it suits me just right. Good Luck and let me know how it turns out.

which 24 setup? the 4 serperate one...or the one big one?


Well-Known Member
If the Room is 8 x 8 (64 sq feet) and you put four tables that are 4 x 4 (64 sq feet) how the heck are you going to get thru the door??? There is no allowance for any type of walkway to acess any of the tables. Now if the room was 8 x 10 , he could put two 4x4 tables on each side and allow himself a 2 foot walkway in the middle to work his garden. It would be very tight but doable. Just an observation bro. Another suggestion (if a hydro setup) is to build two ebb and flow tables with the dim's of 8 x 3 and place them against oposing walls and that will leave you a 2 foot aisle to do your gargening.. I have a 8 x 12 room myself and did just that. Each table runs 80 plants for a total of 160. The plants are taken straight from the aero cloner and put into flower. I am running 4 x 1000w (2 over ea table) and its probably overkill but it works.

theres one thing you fail to take in to account and if you have tables and trays yours should be the same unless you built it all yourself.any tray you by is 3'x3',4'x4',etc whatever sizr you get .there is also a 3"x3" lip on all trays so with 2 side bye side you lose a foot. thats 6 inches xtra on each tray.therfor he would only have 1' of room for a walkway


Well-Known Member
i would start atleast 20 plants weed the small and weak ones then the males you should have 10 or 15 good plants to work with an more than enough room for em


Well-Known Member
I made these on "paint", and it took me i said earlier...I am new to this, and need help.. Please tell me which one of my "Illustrations" would be best for me.. I appreciate this so much.. Thank You...

i think the last one will be the one for you and if you see your losing light or have xtra room and light ad the other 12