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  1. K

    Need Help Please!

    lol u think im for real with the shit i say...... im just pushing the buttons that need to be pushed for this poor girl to get a clue.... u think i actualy expect or want a chick from the net to come over...... cmon man.... all im saying is she can do better and i didnt realize some dudes leave...
  2. K

    question about cool tube....+rep....

    i personally dont fuck with cool tubes cuz there a haedache and waste of time...... drop the tubes and just use shades and get ur self a nice ac and ull be gold my freind......
  3. K

    Tap water + nutes too much?

    get ur self a nutradip trimeter and reserach the strains u are getting.... make sure they grow well under the same enviroment & feeding cuz then no matter what u do u will always be fuckin urself.....
  4. K

    First grow with master kush

    umm sorry to tell u ur plants dont look great for day 13... and that set up is gonna have to be much more imporved if u even stand a chance of completing a harvest....
  5. K

    Need Help Please!

    what the real question here is: why are u dating such a douchebag..... who leaves his girl to babysit his grow and doesnt let u have a way of contacting him.... this is his problem not urs........ if i were i would drop this loser take the grow and set it up for urself.... or come over t my...
  6. K

    Tap water + nutes too much?

    ummm u are supposed to use tap water and nutes.. there is nuthing wrong with that and letting is sit for 2-3 days is way to long.... give it a day max i sometimes even feed right after i make the mix.... there is no need to minumize nute strength..... what u realy need to find out is how much...
  7. K

    Wanna grow 10lbs every 8 weeks...

    Just like that ur gonna post a 2 sentace question about growing 10 lbs per 8 weeks and magically ur going to know everything LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man u sound like a stupid freind of mine... he goes i know how to grow, my freinds freind did it hes gonan tell him and hes gonan tell me and im gonna...
  8. K

    Need Help Please!

    i need a girl like u around......illl show u everything in simple terms before taking off lol................................... k girl, this is what u do..... to sproat seeds put them in between moist napkins or toilet paper in a dark warm place .... the heating pad will help for sure...
  9. K

    question about cool tube....+rep....

    honeslty it doesnt really matter what direction u have the air the flowing as long as that hot air isnt going back into the room....just utta curioustiy how are u going to make a cool tube u know that the plastic has to be a speicla type of material......