Need Help Please!


Active Member
lool!!!!! only a john like urself would even bring up a subject of prositition.... u obviously know moreabout it then me if it crossses ur mind so frequesntly.........

If anything ur the one callingup whores just seeing how much of a bitch u are on here.... no chick respects a pushover and u are 1.......

I may be a lil rough aroudn the edges but i will never not let u know how i feel ... and thats wwhat makes me the man that i am.... THANKS ANYWAYS :)


Well-Known Member
You can let people "know how you feel" without sounding like a complete retard. Even your way of telling her that her boyfriend is a loser sounded like some hick and/or wigger with a limited vocabulary. Not to mention "the way you feel" is that her boyfriend is a sub-par, of which you know nothing about. Yes I said it again. No girl may respect a push over, but they certainly don't respect an idiot, and congratulations, your an idiot.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
is it worth the risk for you? what happens if the cops knock on the door is your boyfriend going to take the heat?

if you want to do it do it right and learn the cabinet will still be there when your ready.


Well-Known Member
lol yea you know i must be one for prostitutes cause i mean normally your method of being a fucking moron works. your calling someone a pushover via the internet. What a joke man, you must really know nothing about girls or respect cause if you did you would not come off so dumb. Dont call yourself a man unless you have sex esp not paying for it. Sorry to say you just sound dumb, and your attitude is not tough. Its simply immature.


Well-Known Member
Look at all his other posts, they all have some cocky undertones to them that is simply not needed.


Active Member

i am helping the correct way giveing this poor girl some advice that she is obviously lacking......this goes beyond growing and is some strong life advice.... if she or u 2 dont respect that , thats ur own perogitive..........

U guys can be this guys bitches tooo.. go nuts LOL

Hey maybe next time im about to fuck a chick i should give u a call to help her put on my condom then u can watch me fuck her then after can help her take it off...... WHY MY HEROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOw im a genuis ... this metaphor is completly deserving of this thread.......

U 2 are complety doing this guys dirty work ..... making u bitches tooo.....

Maybe nextg ull be whining and dining her then letting her bf fuck her.... man u 2 are pathetic......

I like what someone wrote about getting in shit for her bf.....

like i said girl, this is ur bf's problem not urs he left u in this shiutty postion... who cares and woulnt it suck if u got in shit for it too.... just giving u my 2 cents

If i was to do that i would at least let u know what to do and be incontact with u....cuz i take care of my shit and my people unlike some on here......



Well-Known Member
Yes, we are certainly bitches for being nice and helping. That logic makes complete sense. Not to mention she came here to try to be nice for her boyfriend. i don't doubt she can stick up for herself if the plants don't turn out well, but then what are they left with. Plants that didn't turn out well. Shes just trying to do something good and your pissing on that. And again your ignorant assumptions that it's his fault he can't contact her continue. And to boot you assume others on the forum, which you again have no knowledge about the situation, also don't do the best they can given a situation.

I'm done. Your a fool.


Active Member
Yes, we are certainly bitches for being nice and helping. That logic makes complete sense. Not to mention she came here to try to be nice for her boyfriend. i don't doubt she can stick up for herself if the plants don't turn out well, but then what are they left with. Plants that didn't turn out well. Shes just trying to do something good and your pissing on that. And again your ignorant assumptions that it's his fault he can't contact her continue. And to boot you assume others on the forum, which you again have no knowledge about the situation, also don't do the best they can given a situation.

I'm done. Your a fool.
Ok well hey bitch whats ur number ... i hold u to it next time im about to fuck a chick ill give u a ring and u can be a HERO again!!!!!!!



Active Member
your doing the chick that asked the question. I mean thats what your saying
I am not even gonna touch this.... u are 2 confused my lil child this went way over ur head.....

I am fair with everyone... if u act stupid ill treat u like a stupid....

if u act like a bitch ill treat u like the bitch that u are.....

if u talk with sense i will talk sense with u.... however i have not heard much sense on hear but 2 dudes trying to be heros doing some other dudes dirty work......


Well-Known Member
its not being a hero its a pot forum. Simply put. Also try typing with less periods. If you really think about how dumb you sound you would be embarrassed. Oh it didnt go over my head your saying next time your fucking a chick you will call the heros. So that means that you think you really will fuck a girl. Ah funny stuff.


Active Member
WOw im a genuis ... this metaphor is completly deserving of this thread.......

U 2 are complety doing this guys dirty work ..... making u bitches tooo.....

Maybe nextg ull be whining and dining her then letting her bf fuck her.... man u 2 are pathetic......

I like what someone wrote about getting in shit for her bf.....

like i said girl, this is ur bf's problem not urs he left u in this shiutty postion... who cares and woulnt it suck if u got in shit for it too.... just giving u my 2 cents

If i was to do that i would at least let u know what to do and be incontact with u....cuz i take care of my shit and my people unlike some on here......

For real man chill out no1 wants to listen to ur crap stop postin on this and go smoke and relax.:joint:


Active Member
Hey, did you ever get the answers to your Questions ? How are the seeds doing ? Let's get back to helping you out ?


Active Member
discounting the idiotic replies to your thread. yes, he should have cracked the seeds in a bowl of warm water or soaked them in a paper towel, in a dark place so they would pop open. The rockwool needs to be moist, but not soaked. If the seeds were not germinated prior to being put in rockwool, this waiting period before little green things pop up can take a while longer. So, be patient with this and check on them every day, keeping water in the bottom of the tray.