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  1. S

    4 days drying then curing, gonna be alright?

    I actually read through that whole guide before i posted this post, i only posted because that had some information which conflicts with other guides i've read regarding the drying time etc. but I was very happy to see the numbers for temp and humidity in that guide, because those numbers are...
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    4 days drying then curing, gonna be alright?

    so finally cropped out and I had the drying in my garage which has built in baseboard heaters as well as a built in dehumidifer I had a limited amount of time of which i was able to dry [4 full days], all the time they were in the canopy of a truck with the big buds hanging and the smaller...
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    Correct relative humidity for drying?

    K so in the shed which I'm drying there is a built in humidifer, brand new and works great it's normally at 65 and I just read the low end of comfortable is 35 where lips get chapped and noses dry up so what is the optimal setting?
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    refer me to a drying/curing guide?

    hey guys, im just about ready to cut down my crop and begin the drying/curing process, i searched and looked through the stickies but i couldnt mind a good guide on the process, any recomendations? any specific things for outdoors? i plan on hanging them in a garage that has a built in...
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    Cropping in a week, these look good?

    I'd like to wait longer but it's almost like I've pushed my luck at this point even hopefully all sunny this week they get a last little spurt going :)
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    Cropping in a week, these look good?

    k been growing since early june, the weather is going to be agreeable for the next week or so then i feel i need to harvest because of bad weather and cold tempetures from here on in, the cola's right now are about 3/4 of a pop can and the trichromes from looking with the naked eye look like...
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    purple top leaves?

    The strain is most likely grapefruit I gave them a bit more nutes yesterday and hope to harvest in 2 weeks in the clearing it smells greatttt :) but up close the buds smell kinda weird
  8. S

    purple top leaves?

    hey so i just took a look today at my crop and theyve had some decent rains on them in the last couple days with just a little sun and lower temps, but all together they look fine, what I noticed today though is that some of the main top bud leaves are turning mostly purple, but the lower ones...
  9. S

    Will rain hurt my buds?

    so it looks like rain didnt hurt them at all, and its gonna rain one more day and then be sunny almost till the harvest time.. looking at these pics, what do you guys thinking about cropping out in 2.5 weeks from now? it's pretty much the only time I will be able to dry indoors and its...
  10. S

    Will rain hurt my buds?

    what am i looking for with mold and bud rot? what does it look like? one of of my shittier plants around the buds there are these little like orange fuzzy hairs they look like, whatever it is it doesnt look like it should be there and none of the other plants have this, is this rot?
  11. S

    Will rain hurt my buds?

    k so my grow started a bit late, and right now it's pretty much 3/4 of the way done budding, there are very nice main stem buds, as well as nice buds with nice hairs/THC covering the smaller stems/leaves seeing as I started somewhat late, the weather in the pacific northwest here is getting...
  12. S

    whats wrong with my plants?

    hmm ok.. cause that one pictured is kind of the best example of them all, some are better some are worse but most are better the Organic nutes i bought today are a 2-8-4 i belive.. do u guys think i could get away with just adding the budding nutes or should i really go with a nitrogen one...
  13. S

    whats wrong with my plants?

    k so i recently posted a thread about them budding [which they started about 3 weeks ago], and they all looked pretty green and healthy just under a week ago, but when i went to go check them out last night, alot of them are turning somewhat yellow, mostly just the lower leaves though, the top...
  14. S

    Budding, now what to use?

    how will the yield suffer if i dont use some kind of budding fert? i want the best possible quality smoke, so should i just leave them as they are and just keep watering? no fert?
  15. S

    Budding, now what to use?

    k so i hadnt checked my plants for about a week and a few days as it was off and on rain and sunshine and they were getting plenty of rain water before when i went just under 2 weeks ago there were only small sprouts on the stems etc, no real buds or anything, then today when i went they...
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    3 months in, what happens next?

    update, so this is aprox 3 months in today begginign from may 28th i belive when do i start using the budding fert from this point?
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    3 months in, what happens next?

    k so here's an update from todays watering, every plant including the yellow ones have that looks like the "pre-bud" or w/e that is pictured on the last page, here's some pics of what im asuming is what is pictured in that diagram on the last page? and a lil progress pic of the...
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    3 months in, what happens next?

    they get probably 15-18 hours a day, they are in a field with very little obstruction besides when the sun is about 2 hours from sunset i think theyre shortness may be attributed to the few times they went extended periods without water, or perhaps too much sunlight? i have a few planted...
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    3 months in, what happens next?

    yea it could very well be a little nute burn because sunday was the first time they all got nutes in quite some time
  20. S

    3 months in, what happens next?

    so i planted these clones at the end of may, today is august 18th and these pictures are from today, these plants have seen some up's and downs including an extended no-watering period due to being away, but since then theyve sene to came back, when I watered them this past sunday i gave them...