whats wrong with my plants?

k so i recently posted a thread about them budding [which they started about 3 weeks ago], and they all looked pretty green and healthy just under a week ago, but when i went to go check them out last night, alot of them are turning somewhat yellow, mostly just the lower leaves though, the top third is all green on almost all of them

the funny thing is, they were doing better than this under a week ago, and this plant that is pictured below still had somewhat damp soil when i checked it, so it doesnt apear to be a watering problem?

The last time they got nutes now was over a month ago, and have had nothing since, could that be the problem now that they are budding?

Today i bought some budding fert to use, but is there somthing else causing this besides lack of nutes?

any help is much appreciated because im stumped..


Well-Known Member
whats the ph? how much r u watering it what kind of neuts r u giving it....if u havent waterd it then flush it with phed water and start neuts at about 3/4 str


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was using 5gal grow bags and after switching to 10gal could see a BIG difference! Turned green and healthy looking, and growth improved dramatically.


Active Member
your plant is begining to show a bit of signs of nitrogen def. it is completly normal for plants in flowering to begin showing yellowing leaves as the plant is redirecting its nutrients from the leaves to the buds. if i were you i would hold off on the blooming nutrients and give it a couple feeding worth of any nutrient which is high in nitrogen. there is nothing sustaintialy wrong with your plant, this is actually normal. the first time i grew this happened to me . your plant isnt dying or anything. once your plant is about to finish flowering it will actually shed many of the fan leaves because the plant is redirecting nutes. get a high nitrogen nute and you will be golden. i usully use a 20-10-10 when this happens to me
hmm ok.. cause that one pictured is kind of the best example of them all, some are better some are worse but most are better

the Organic nutes i bought today are a 2-8-4 i belive.. do u guys think i could get away with just adding the budding nutes or should i really go with a nitrogen one first?

i dont want to suffer nute burn etc. at this point, and when i used my other nutes earlier which were fairly nuetral i belive, they did get a little burn..


Well-Known Member
no way i would give her veg nutes. that totally goes aginst the concept of flowering. looks to me like she is getting too much water and thats why the leaves are sagging and as far as the leaves turning yellow thats ok because the plant is taking nitrogen from the fan leaves and putting it into the bud. all the nitrogen that she needs she can get from the fan leaves and the little bit that is in the organic nutes that you bought. i would give her some molasses with water next time you water.