Budding, now what to use?

k so i hadnt checked my plants for about a week and a few days as it was off and on rain and sunshine and they were getting plenty of rain water

before when i went just under 2 weeks ago there were only small sprouts on the stems etc, no real buds or anything, then today when i went they looked like this:

the only thing these plants have ever had was good clean tap water and one dose of nutes which was just over a month ago from now

is there anything i should be using on them now? some kind of budding fert or somthing?

they've always stayed Organic and I want it to stay that way, no chemical ferts plz


Well-Known Member
Hit 'em with some high P and K nuts. Flowering uses higher levels of these. It will stimulate more/bigger buds. I use Fox Farms Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom once a week outdoor as recommended by their .pdf feeding schedule. FF also has other supplements you can buy to complement the ones I listed above, but I'm a cheap novice grower and they are expensive. Ther are open sesame, Beastie Blooms, and Cha-Ching. They can be bought as low as $69+sh for all 3, but I have not bought. I am, in addition to using Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom, introducing Molasses into the mix at 1 table spoon per gallon as other claim that it feeds the soil (in short) to grow better buds (we'll see). I mix all 3 in one concoction once a week. I have no exp with anything else so if FF in not your thing wait for others to chime in. Good luck!!!!
how will the yield suffer if i dont use some kind of budding fert?

i want the best possible quality smoke, so should i just leave them as they are and just keep watering? no fert?

broham 10

get some organic nutes and deff use 1-2 tbs of unsulph. molassess per gal. of water, every time you water. trust me it helps alot!


Well-Known Member
Roots organics has some pretty good organic nutes. Just get the one for bloom. Fox Farm nutes are not 100% organic so if you want to stay organic don't use them. I'm finishing my current grow with fox farm but will be switching to the Roots formulas for the next one....