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  1. S

    outdoor so far, need opinions

    awsome thanks for all the tips you guys it's not going to be possible to transplant them into bigger pots, nor into the ground because the reeds they sit on in the pic is just a marsh land, shitty soil and its a very very difficult time to lug soil to the spot.. so they will have to grow in...
  2. S

    outdoor so far, need opinions

    TTt anyone? Need to know pretty quick
  3. S

    outdoor so far, need opinions

    no not worried just wondered what the best practice is i dont think i will be able to move them from those pots either so they will have to get as big as they can in those my main concern is fertilizing/nutes?
  4. S

    outdoor so far, need opinions

    just looking for some help with my outdoor so far, I have 5 gallon pots i belive they are, there are 3 different soils, a miracle gro, a sea soil, and an organic potting soil, the oldest ones in this bunch have been in the pots since march 2nd the front pots of the group we just transplanted...
  5. S

    bugs! I'm scared

    K so I went to go do the first batch of my pots yesterday planting my 2.5-3.5 inch clones and while they were in the box/planted I am noticing they are attracting bugs, on the box I noticed a few little "mite" looking things and also a few little spiders I plan on planting the rest tonight...
  6. S

    first outdoor, please help me with my soil

    Mixed in with the soil prior to planting the clones?
  7. S

    first outdoor, please help me with my soil

    Where/how is the dolomite lime used and how much?
  8. S

    first outdoor, please help me with my soil

    Ok, I think the soil in the area I have the bags of soil at right now the soil should be ok.. So in the pot do like a 25/75 mix? Is there anything else I should add during planting or the first watering?
  9. S

    first outdoor, please help me with my soil

    to be honest im thinking it may not be 100% organic.. BUT.. i have not bought all the soil yet, only soil for 1 patch which is about 4 of those bags, they are the "super size" ones i guess u could say i will look into the mixture you posted for my others, but i have to lug all my shit...
  10. S

    first outdoor, please help me with my soil

    K so ive got a decent little setup going in BC, first time i've tried an outdoor, im using clones of 3 different stains with about 75 of them total currently i've got about 65 five gallon pots, all cleaned out and ready to go, ive also got the locations for the sites im going to be using...