3 months in, what happens next?

so i planted these clones at the end of may, today is august 18th and these pictures are from today, these plants have seen some up's and downs including an extended no-watering period due to being away, but since then theyve sene to came back, when I watered them this past sunday i gave them [what im asuming] will be their last nutrients in the form of this miracle grow fert:

this is what they looked like today when i watered:

so whats next? when will they start budding? and do i need to add a different type of fert soon? do i start giving them less water?

the ones that are yellow are typically late-transplants of clones that died, which i replaced with other clones i still had which were not planted


Well-Known Member
Yes next is flower, they will start when the days are short enough. I wouldn't stop giving them the veg nutes untill they are a week into flower. Then switch to a flowering one. Give them as much water as they want.


Well-Known Member
They should start flowering any day now. You should switch to a flowering nute soon. This will be a fert with a higher middle number (phosphorus) and a lower first number (nitrogen). Keep the watering schedule about the same and you should be good.

Also I think I see some signs of nitrogen burn in some of them, be careful you are not overdoing it on the nutes. Also it may be a good idea to flush them on your next watering with some plain pH'd (6.3-6.8 )water. Good luck and happy harvest bro.


Well-Known Member
They look healthy (most of them), but a little small for how old they are. How much direct sunlight to they get? You've got a lot of plants - you'll get a nice yield if you finish them right.

Keep up the good work.
They look healthy (most of them), but a little small for how old they are. How much direct sunlight to they get? You've got a lot of plants - you'll get a nice yield if you finish them right.

Keep up the good work.
they get probably 15-18 hours a day, they are in a field with very little obstruction besides when the sun is about 2 hours from sunset

i think theyre shortness may be attributed to the few times they went extended periods without water, or perhaps too much sunlight?

i have a few planted elsewhere that get not nearly as much, probably not even half as much as these and they are much taller
k so here's an update from todays watering, every plant including the yellow ones have that looks like the "pre-bud" or w/e that is pictured on the last page, here's some pics of what im asuming is what is pictured in that diagram on the last page?

and a lil progress pic of the good group :)

update, so this is aprox 3 months in today begginign from may 28th i belive

when do i start using the budding fert from this point?
