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  1. C

    First grow: euforia under 200w cfl

    Here's a few photo's of me growspace, all very simple, tin foil, a wardrobe, a light, a reflector hood , and a fan to cool the light and circulate air. I recently rearranged everything, fan used to be propped on books, but i changed it round, and it is now suspended from the bar that holds the...
  2. C

    First grow: euforia under 200w cfl

    Cheers man, i'll be happy when it's done :)
  3. C

    bikeskill own blueberryXak-47

    Looks sweet man :)
  4. C

    we have lift off

    Hey man, i think stems are often red when they've just sprouted, light makes them grow green. It freaked me out at the start also. Check out my grow and ask any questions re cfl's, i'll try and answer :)
  5. C

    First grow: euforia under 200w cfl

    By the way her name is bubbles ;)
  6. C

    First grow: euforia under 200w cfl

    And here we are at around day 40, it's reassurance to see the development in the buds in those 12 days, sometimes it does feel like they aint swelling, but my eyes deceive me it seems :) I have heard Euforia takes longer than 7 weeks to flower, i reckon the most i can give her is about 60 days...
  7. C

    First grow: euforia under 200w cfl

    here we are at about 28 days flowering First pic is the whole plant, second is main top, third is another top i like :) I love LST. Seriously. If you're in a small space, and want lots of tops, and don't want to cut the plant too much to avoid stress, do it. It feckin worked for me anyway :)
  8. C

    First grow: euforia under 200w cfl

    Well i'm growing this little lady out a while now so i figure i should post a journal. My growbox is an old wardrobe that i'm not using, it's about 2 foot wide, 1.5 foot deep and the light is about 5 foot high at it's highest point. I decided to go cfl because of a few important reasons. 1...
  9. C

    My 2 month olds are small and dying! HELP!

    Are you monitoring heat in the box? Or in the area of the plants? Have you fans going in some way, air coming in etc. Heat above 90-2 farenheit will stop them growing, and above 95 for too long and they WILL die. Heat stress can look like nute burn in some ways as well. If the soil was ok it...
  10. C

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Anyone wanna sell a clone? I'm doing an indoor grow at the mo, and want to throw in a clone for early flowering (bonsai type grow) with me plant. Cork.
  11. C

    Silly mistake...Help please! :)

    Here's some pictures from today, as you can see the yellow is a little more obvious now. One blade of one of the five fingered leaves is badly burned. Anyone know if mould is caused by this kind of burn? Will those leaves now be stunted?
  12. C

    Silly mistake...Help please! :)

    Check out the first image, "plantburnfanleaf" I can upload newer images later on, In that picture you can see the leaf blade on the right is curling inward and going yellow. At this point it is completely shrivelled up. If i cut off one blade will that affect the leaf?
  13. C

    Silly mistake...Help please! :)

    Hey Guys, long time reader first time thread poster. I'm doing a closet grow under cfls, so far it's been great, i'm about 2 weeks into the grow, and it's responded really well, apart from losing my other plant in transplant :) The seeds are fem'd euforia from dutch passion. I am hoping to...
  14. C

    Nlite PURple CFLs

    I used one, different brand though man. Used it for two weeks or so of vegging, actually i used two different ones because the electrics in both went. I was up to 7 fingered leaves, but i couldnt replace the second faulty one with a purple light, so i ended up getting a 2700k light instead. All...
  15. C

    Can I grow with a 2700k cfl through veg and flower??

    I was bringing my little fella up under those mixed spectrum (25000k) but after two weeks i had gone through two of them (cfls go too easy, or at least the ones down here do), so being as the first nodes were up and i didn't have a choice (noone had the purple ones, or even blue ones above 125w...