First grow: euforia under 200w cfl


Well i'm growing this little lady out a while now so i figure i should post a journal.

My growbox is an old wardrobe that i'm not using, it's about 2 foot wide, 1.5 foot deep and the light is about 5 foot high at it's highest point.

I decided to go cfl because of a few important reasons.

1. Space & heat. While a 200w cfl may not be significantly colder than a hps, in the space i am growing in it could make all the difference.

2. Expense. I am relatively poor, had enough money to get a reflector and bulb after saving up a bit, no way would i have been able to afford ballasts etc.

3. Safety. I sometimes have to leave my space, i want to be sure that even if plants ended up touching the light nothing majorly wrong would happen. If anything, i would at least THINK it was safer, thus not worry so much when away from my space.

Anyway the context:

I'm growing in an all mix type soil, in fact i think it is plagron all mix or one of those. Lots of worm castings, vermiculite etc.

I am using Plagron Alga-Gro and Alga-Bloom, used alga gro for two weeks or so after the cotyledons died, and have been using bloom since starting flowering.

I generally just brita filter my water and let it sit for a while. Sometimes i don't have time to let it sit though, but i haven't noticed any major problems

I germinated 2 seeds in the soil, in paper coffee cups. Didn't bother germinating outside the soil, figured the early strenghtening of breaking through the soil would be good for the taproot. Anyway both germ'd like a charm and i had 2 lovely little fellas on my hands. (Unfortunately 1, named Ricky, died in transplant.

It was a hard blow :)

Transplanted from the coffee cups to 11 litre pots at about 3 weeks or so

At first i veg'd for about 2 weeks under a purple 220w bulb. This blew and i got it replaced free of charge with a purple 200w bulb. This also blew. at about 20 days i read up on the kelvins and reports and figured i could start using a warm spectrum bulb. It worked a treat, but was a few degrees warmer.

I made the mistake of leaving the plants too near this new bulb when i replaced it (near enough that they would have been fine under the purple bulb) and some of the leaves burned. Shit i thought, i've just killed one in transplant and now im burning this to death.

Anyway, i left the plant veg away under the warm spectrum light until day 35. I lst'd a week or so after the transplant to the bigger pots, and the growth astounded me. I had heard that warm spectrum bulbs would slow growth, but it certainly didn't seem to. They became quite bushy :) Multiple tops started appearing all over the place, it was really amazing, waking up one morning and a new growth that you hadn't noticed suddenly being incredibly apparent.

I switched over to 12/12 around June 3rd. There were already preflowers evident before the switch so it bulked up the hair pretty quickly.

Now i attach the pics, here's the ladies at 2 weeks of flowering, i'll make another reply immediately and show the growth.

Sorry if my pics aren't great, i'm using a phone camera or webcam!

Feel free to comment anyone, and ask any questions i'll do my level best to answer!



here we are at about 28 days flowering

First pic is the whole plant, second is main top, third is another top i like :)

I love LST. Seriously. If you're in a small space, and want lots of tops, and don't want to cut the plant too much to avoid stress, do it. It feckin worked for me anyway :)



And here we are at around day 40, it's reassurance to see the development in the buds in those 12 days, sometimes it does feel like they aint swelling, but my eyes deceive me it seems :)

I have heard Euforia takes longer than 7 weeks to flower, i reckon the most i can give her is about 60 days, so 8.5 weeks. I have to move out of this house you see, and want time to dry it here too.

I hate deadlines so much, i really want to flower her out well as she's been so good to me :)

Keeping humidity down is a real hassle at the moment, weather is NOT good here, was lashing yesterday. I have a little fan heater on a timer for daytime, when the lights are off. It's hard to get a balance between heat and humidity. With lights on temps are around 80 - 85, i try to keep it on the 80 side, humidity is around 40-45 lights on 50-60 lights off. I try my hardest not to let it get over 60, but obviously sometimes it just acts the bollocks :)

The next grow i do i will have proper ventilation going on, intake and outake, however i do think it's quite possible to grow in a wardrob without cutting holes in it. I always leave it open a crack, but have the room its in in near complete darkness when lights are off. Window is open, and a fan is near constantly on, facing the lightbulb. I try and prevent the fan hitting the tops, or at least blowing them alot, as i don't want them to focus on thickening their stems. Inevitably though they do move slightly, but i suppose air moving will cause them to do that. Anyone want to allay my fears on that one? :)

and now the pics, again, first one is full plant, second one is main cola, third is the other cola i particularly like. There is another on next to the main that is starting to get fat though so i have my eye on both. :)

Buds are starting to get crystally, the smell is starting to get stanky, and when i lightly touch the buds and smell... hoooweeee...

I wish they'd fatten upa bit more and a bit quicker though :)



Here's a few photo's of me growspace, all very simple, tin foil, a wardrobe, a light, a reflector hood , and a fan to cool the light and circulate air. I recently rearranged everything, fan used to be propped on books, but i changed it round, and it is now suspended from the bar that holds the light.

it's not touching the bulb, but blowing constantly on it, and is now blowing less on the plant, allowing it to completely focus on budding rather than strengthening stems.

As you can see it's a pretty compact space. The pot my babys growing in is 11 litre or so i think. Though Euforia is meant to stay rather squat, and i have lst'd also reducing height again. This was another reason behind the rearrangement, it was getting a bit too wide for the space. Now she has loads of room to flourish :)

Feel free to comment and ask questions :)

Oh the first pic there is that second to main cola i have my eye on. Think it's gonna be sweet. :)

