we have lift off


hello all, this is my first grow, im growing under 2 42w cfl. I do plan to get 2 more for the grow. Unfortunately I dont have a camera just yet, gotta figure out how to get pictures off my phone. what I have so far is ----

3 little sprouts in 3 party cups just came up today.

I have been misting the soil, just a soil/perlite mix, the past few days every 3-4 hours throughout the day.

And thats about it. when I get picks I'll put them up and try to update every 5-7 days, thanks for the help, any will be appreciated.



If anyone could lead me to some info on how to keep these guys to a certain height, that would be awesome.

thanks for looking and my plants are about an inch and a half tall, the stem(?right word?) is kind of red. would that be due to the type of lights I have, because I believe theyre around 3700k spectrum...any advice always welcome.

Silentbobs son

Well-Known Member
Change your spectrum, it is not doing you any good. The Phillips 42w are 6500k and you can get them at Home Depot. If you want keep them short wait until they get their second set of true leaves ( 5 blades) and put them on a 12/12 cycle. Just keep them on 18/6 until then.

Silentbobs son

Well-Known Member
When you start to flower the plant will grow up to 3x it's current height. If after the second set of true leaves the girl is still shorter than you like, let it veg for some more time before doing to 12/12. Say she is 5 inches tall from soil to top during veg, during flowering she will finish when she is around 15 - 17 inches tall. Good Luck.


Active Member
If anyone could lead me to some info on how to keep these guys to a certain height, that would be awesome.

thanks for looking and my plants are about an inch and a half tall, the stem(?right word?) is kind of red. would that be due to the type of lights I have, because I believe theyre around 3700k spectrum...any advice always welcome.
3k-4.5k bulbs are not very good bulbs for growing (its in the spectrum that the plant doesn't really use). you want 2700k for flower and 5300-6700k for veg. (I personally like 5300k for veg).


Hey man, i think stems are often red when they've just sprouted, light makes them grow green. It freaked me out at the start also.

Check out my grow and ask any questions re cfl's, i'll try and answer :)


Active Member
Ya Closer80 is right, seedlings tend to show red/purple stems when they are in there seedling stage, they tend to grow out of this when they start growing. Keep in mind though that purple/red usually = temp is too low but it also is apparent on some strains due to it also being a genetic trait.


thanks for all the info, after I checked out some other sprout pictures I saw that it was normal. And I will be replacing those 42's for 4 30w's.
silentbobs son - thanks for the answer on the height, easy to understand, cause sometimes I look at some good posts but dont really understand all the jargon quite yet I guess.


just a picture update of the setup

3 27w daylight bulbs (about 3 in from each plant as pictured) will be replaced by 3 42w upon flowering, sound good?

also, I believe they look pretty good so far, any thoughts?



ok, I have been on 18/6 lighting for a few days now
watering has stayed the same, just a little everyday to get the top wet.

picture - I am wondering why the leaves are droopy because in my previous pictures the leaves looked flat, are my lights too close or what? any help/comments welcome.

