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  1. b1izzard

    150w HPS Mini Fridge {6x Diesel Ryder AF & 6x Apollo11/Green Giant}

    your correct on the yellowing. the plant is drawing energy from the leaves to use on flower development, which in turn will kill the leaves. they will fall off on their own. just let nature take its course. your plants are looking great btw
  2. b1izzard

    CFL Rubbermaid Closet grow *pics and updates!*

    i always rotate my plant once a day. Also i have changed my grow area once cause my space was to small and it did nothing bad to the plants. Instead they reacted well since the new area was able to keep better temps and what not.
  3. b1izzard

    CFL Rubbermaid Closet grow *pics and updates!*

    first thing first. Good job and good luck. This is an exciting time. A few words of advise. First with cfls you want them as close to the plants as possible without touching the leaves. The leaves will only burn if they are touching the bulb. Second you will need to look into lst or scrogging if...
  4. b1izzard

    400wHPS Lemon *pics*

    looks great mate. well done on getting 7 females. thats gotta be a great feeling. Btw, i am in the process of getting a 400w and was wondering what you feel is the best distance to keep it from the plant.
  5. b1izzard

    9k first grow

    its been a while since i read the first couple post so correct me if this is already stated, but do you have separate chambers for veg and flowering? Also the pots those plants are currently in appear to be pretty small. Are you going to flower the plants while they are still small, or do you...
  6. b1izzard

    plug-in sockets

    i have 2 of those that i use. Another thing you can do is that there are sockets that basically screw into another socket and has two outlets on each side. so you can screw it into a socket and put to of those plug ins on it getting three bulbs on 1 socket or if you wanted throw a y splitter on...
  7. b1izzard

    mushrooms growing with my plant? Help

    they are almost positively not psychoactive. word of advice. never eat a mushroom that you dont know exactly what it is. There are a lot of edible mushrooms but many more are poisonous.
  8. b1izzard

    what do i feed it now HELP!

    if its still vegging then it wouldnt be budding?
  9. b1izzard

    what get s you the most yeild

    you say he shakes it to imitate wind. I know from experience that if i have a fan blowing on the plant that it makes the stem stronger. I dont have it on an intense setting that blows the plant away, just enough to make a difference and i feel it works. I dont understand why you wouldnt just add...
  10. b1izzard

    I'm force flowering outdoors - anyone else?

    idk about fixing the problem of having to do it. it is a lot of work for you and time requiring which sucks but hopefully it will pay off. i do have one idea though. Is there anyway you can use wheels to move them? idk your house so idk if your would be able to roll them in and out of your...
  11. b1izzard

    Is this bulb any good?

    no its not a good choice for bulbs. go out and spend a couple bucks on some 6000k cfls they will work much better
  12. b1izzard

    hints on growing

    also make sure that there is plenty of light hitting the middle and lower branches
  13. b1izzard

    i think i found a solution to my heat prob.

    you should be drawing your exhaust air from the top of your room. Try setting up a system that allows you to draw the hot air from the top of the room funnel it to your exhaust hole in the floor. What i would do is get some of those silver tube (the name is escaping me right now i feel stupid)...
  14. b1izzard

    9k first grow

    Hey man whenever you get the chance i would love to hear how you do plan on dealing with the high electricity usage. I have heard some good ideas and i always enjoy hearing people creative ways to make it less likely the electricity company will be suspicious when your bill jumps so much. and...
  15. b1izzard

    150w HPS Mini Fridge {6x Diesel Ryder AF & 6x Apollo11/Green Giant}

    looks good man. only thing i would do and rearrange so that Carmen & Regina get more of the light. Right now they need it more than the seedlings, and right now a whole side of them is going lightless. Surround those girls with the lights and put the seedlings on the outside edge and they will...
  16. b1izzard

    My attempt on building a semi-stealth cabinet (pix inside)

    i saw those cabinets and was about to buy one myself, but decided that i would build myself one for much less. it looks great though. only thing is your gonna want to add an exhaust fan and a passive intake hole to get the air circulating in the box. Also if you can i would try to vent that...
  17. b1izzard

    seeds 4 grow design

    first no offense meant by this your spelling is pretty bad. Second if you look around the side a little i believe you will find the answer to your questions.
  18. b1izzard

    HPS or MH throughout entire grow?

    i use a mix spectrum also. during vegging i use a few 2700 cfls and during flower i use some 6000 cfls
  19. b1izzard

    school bus

    that is my mistake. i read it i just didnt pic up on the backho part. i thought it was a spelling error or something. haha my bad
  20. b1izzard

    Jiffy seed starters

    i have read that the netting is not that biodegradable. if i were you i would remove the net. you might hurt the roots a bit but i feel like it will stunt the growth less than if you left it on. good luck