400wHPS Lemon *pics*


Hey everyone this is my first grow and is going great so far. I topped every single plant and they all did great, some having 4 main colas now and others with three but they all have at least 2 main stalks :clap:. I put them into flower cycle 2 days ago and i already see pistils on 2 seperate plants :hump:. Ive had a roommate who grew so I have a little experience i guess and took 2 clones of each of plant and numbered them all for later. I took a couple pics to tell me what ya think. Oh and day temps are 78-80 and nighttime it drops down to 60-63 degrees and my humidity is always around 40% give or take a couple. So here is a couple pics from day one of flowering(which was 2 days ago) enjoy and comment please.



Those are lookin nice and fat man good luck on your harvest
thanks man.. i forgot to mention i only water with nutes every third water, and there a 20-20-20 nutrient. then i just use regular tap water that i let sit out for a day. But i started them on water from my fish tank. Next water will be with a 15-35-15 nutrient for flowering.


ya skuff i got the flat white paint already just rushed into growing before i painted it next time ill have it all glowing white :-P
So its official. all 7 turned out to be female!!:hump: The girls are just eating up the hps compared to the fluoro tubes i was raising them on. heres some pics for ya guys.:blsmoke::blsmoke:



looks great mate. well done on getting 7 females. thats gotta be a great feeling.
Btw, i am in the process of getting a 400w and was wondering what you feel is the best distance to keep it from the plant.


looks great mate. well done on getting 7 females. thats gotta be a great feeling.
Btw, i am in the process of getting a 400w and was wondering what you feel is the best distance to keep it from the plant.
hey blizzard i was always told 18inches is a good rule of thumb and another one is to just put your hand where your plant tops are and if your hand is fine the plants will be. so i just tied a 18 inch long string with a bolt-nut on the bottom for weight to my hps so i always know when to move my light. But since i put a fan directly on my light ive found that my girls arent gettin any bad effects from being a bit closer, well there about 12 inches from the light now. And no heat stress or fatigue or nothing just growth :hump:


Alright so its day 11 of flowering one plant is taking the lead on the rest of them and has some colas shaping out. All the plants are growing the same except for that one. Its possible that there is a Jamstar plant in here and the faster growing plant could be that or just a stronger plant. Heres some pics and comment pls.:joint::joint:



Alright so its day 18 of flowering and i think im doing pretty good!! all the plants have distinctive budding sites and are started to beef up. Sorry about the crappy pics,soon enough ill have a better camera. ive been using the 15-35-15 fertilzer in full strength doses. feel free to give me your input.



is it better to let the plant be in the veg stage for a while until the leaves get better so the buds would be a lot better?
i just veg them until they are between 8 inches and a foot. The longer you veg yes the bigger buds you can get but space is an issue with me so i need small plants., thats why i topped so i can have more colas with less plants