9k first grow


Well-Known Member

I am glad you are OK...

How is your buddy???:sad:


and the risk of fire...

That is scary shit man...

I fried a circuit in my house too... that's when I said fuck it and tapped into the 60amp range 22v outlet with a relay box...

But I only have 2400w +accessories..

I am glad the op is ok too....

Better if it didn't happen, but it's not like it's gonna kill anything...

Did you water by hand? :-P


Best wishes mate...:clap:

I'll be watching...

here's a bud for good luck!!!:weed:


mr doe


I am glad you are OK...

How is your buddy???:sad:


and the risk of fire...

That is scary shit man...

I fried a circuit in my house too... that's when I said fuck it and tapped into the 60amp range 22v outlet with a relay box...

But I only have 2400w +accessories..

I am glad the op is ok too....

Better if it didn't happen, but it's not like it's gonna kill anything...

Did you water by hand? :-P


Best wishes mate...:clap:

I'll be watching...

here's a bud for good luck!!!:weed:
Hes ok just a lil mad, watered by hand with a flashlight...


more problems..... one of my breakers tripped so I go out by the panel and i smell melting plastic, so I call my guy to come see whats wrong and he gets shocked an knocked to the ground an tells me to call a electrician. After the electrician gets there he shows me a breaker melted to the panel an stuck open, so after 18hrs with no power im back......stressful

have a smoke mr doe you sound like you need one
glad your mates not really fried and there was no fire.

one day that will be some funny shit to talk about


Well-Known Member

Nice job op, way to go. Don't worry about the kids panicking about 9kw or telling you every other way to do things. Nobody here has actually hated that I noticed it's just we all have our preferences and yes there are newer ways to produce more but damn I think you'll be able to keep your bong loaded just fine with this setup.

Even if you smoke a lot you should be ok. :)


Well-Known Member
more problems..... one of my breakers tripped so I go out by the panel and i smell melting plastic, so I call my guy to come see whats wrong and he gets shocked an knocked to the ground an tells me to call a electrician. After the electrician gets there he shows me a breaker melted to the panel an stuck open, so after 18hrs with no power im back......stressful
Roll with it baby. Glad to see your up and running again.



Well-Known Member
so thats some scary shit..thank goodness no flames..outta curiousity i may have neglected some good readings but are u runnin 240 master light controllers, or homemade? why the melted breaker..would love to know the exact reason...not like im running 9k but if u divide that by 1/3 thats were im at.....

more problems..... one of my breakers tripped so I go out by the panel and i smell melting plastic, so I call my guy to come see whats wrong and he gets shocked an knocked to the ground an tells me to call a electrician. After the electrician gets there he shows me a breaker melted to the panel an stuck open, so after 18hrs with no power im back......stressful


Mr I Can Do That For Half
gotta have good 200 plus service and high amp breakers for this....hydro is the easiest way to grow soil being the hardest to me..Hydro is plug and play just set it up and then check ph and ppms. i have never had to use a chiller and never known anyone who has and know ware house growers with dozens of lights. Im not sure how people get thier res temps so warm pumps are tiny for big tables and make little heat. even my 600 gph aero pumps run 24 hours a day add very little heat to the res. I never had a res get above 71 in my life..peat for me is another thing I will never use too mussy and a pain and costs. Im first and aero then a flood guy. Rockwool and hydroton set it and grow.. This grow should be fun to see as a first grow you will learn a ton and probably not get close to what your wanting first time or 2 until you dial it all in.Good luck and keep on growing

mr doe

so thats some scary shit..thank goodness no flames..outta curiousity i may have neglected some good readings but are u runnin 240 master light controllers, or homemade? why the melted breaker..would love to know the exact reason...not like im running 9k but if u divide that by 1/3 thats were im at.....
I am gonna put 5 lights on one breaker an 4 on another or 3 3 3 ..... the breaker was just bad, thats what he told me??
my lights are on these timers...240

mr doe

Ill take closer pics tonight when i get home....
I think im going to start flowering soon, my friend is gonna come by an make sure everything is good.



its been a while since i read the first couple post so correct me if this is already stated, but do you have separate chambers for veg and flowering? Also the pots those plants are currently in appear to be pretty small. Are you going to flower the plants while they are still small, or do you plan on transplanting all those plants?


Well-Known Member
you probably could have cut on power bills by say diving your garage in say 4th's, and put 2 600w's so light can reflect. You have a large area and your loosing alot of light to the environment. Maybe next grow you can benefit by moving some things around so you can increase your profit margin


Well-Known Member
you probably could have cut on power bills by say diving your garage in say 4th's, and put 2 600w's so light can reflect. You have a large area and your loosing alot of light to the environment. Maybe next grow you can benefit by moving some things around so you can increase your profit margin
yea dude that's exactly what I was thinking. or even split it into two or 3. working with a lot of area and the lights just creepin out into the dark corners
lookin good tho man. stoked to see these flower. keep it up :blsmoke:


Active Member
I may have missed it somewhere but if it hasn't been suggested yet you may want to look into hanging the lights vertically. You have the space and could do some big trees to cut down on plant numbers.