Jiffy seed starters


I planted a couple of seeds in a jiffy starter kit the ones in the little nets that expand. They grew quick for a little and now hit a wall everything eles is good except I planted the damm things with the nets still on and there are some roots coming though but slowly(this is the slowest I have seen a plant grow)How long do these nets take to break down. We did the same thing in our yard with watermelons and they took weeks to do anything then took off. Anything I can do to help the process.


I was gonna put a little piece of root popped off so I might have to just sit and wait till the roots blow through and get growing. Guess I just put myseft a couple of weeks behind.


Well-Known Member
i used them on half of my plants a im a month and can't tell the difference between them. just give it time. good luck.


Well-Known Member
I used them with all the plants I've grown indoors from seed. Some of them I took the netting off. Some of them I left it on. Most of the ones that I left the netting on, the plants definitely got stunted. All the plants were grown with same soil mix, same size pot, under the same conditions, etc. If I'd have grown them outside, the netting might not have stunted them. Also, if I'd grown different strains than the ones I was growing, they might not have been stunted by the netting. Needless to say, I always remove the netting now, especially if they are to be grown indoors.

Not sure if it is too late to remove the netting or not. :-( Just use your judgement, and hope for the best. Good luck.



Well-Known Member
So the ones you left the netting on, how long did it take to finaly start growing good?
A long while. So long that by the time they were ready to harvest, those plants didn't have time to catch up to the ones that didn't have netting on the pucks, in terms of vertical growth. But I vegged for only 3 or 4 weeks before going 12/12, might have had something to do with it. :?

mike.lawry420 is probably right.


Ok took the nets off and some roots too Lets see what happens no big deal If they keel over just do it a agian I will keep anyone who cares up dated


Well-Known Member
Im using jiffy peats in a hydro setup. def take the nets off. I had 1 root coming through it when i did it.

placed them straight into rockwool from there.

they work great and have all the necessary stuff for the seedling to get a good start on life


I had a little more than a couple coming though when I pulled them off but lets see if they can recover from this one I have heard worse Lets wait for new growth


i have read that the netting is not that biodegradable. if i were you i would remove the net. you might hurt the roots a bit but i feel like it will stunt the growth less than if you left it on. good luck


Oh the nets are off now I think I only took off about a hundred roots too i'm curious to see what happens and how long they will take to recover and get growing agian


Well-Known Member
:s ouch. next time at least try to get off as much as u can without disturbing too much of the roots.

grab some superthrive from the shops to help with the recovery.


I watered with some superthive and I don't really see any new growth yet after that shock. The leaves have not really started growing yet they are staying small and all new groth has remained tightly packed together


Well-Known Member
give em a few more days. u ripped out a few roots so its gonna hurt it for a bit. but should bounce back hopefully


and bouncing back they are new growth way better than they have done so far. They are still a very light green.


Well-Known Member
:D thats what i wanted to hear mate :D

its always nice when u see them bounce back hey!

very obvious when they are doing well.

now u did put those peats into a bigger medium right? you will find if your doing hydro those peats will fit directly into the larger holes

pre made in most rockwool cubes.