i think i found a solution to my heat prob.


Well-Known Member
but will it work..

i've been looking at inline fans for awhile procrastinating on if its worth it. but the heat is really becoming a problem, hitting 98f at time.. so do you think this is suitable for my problem.


i figure it would be better than an inline an because it cools the air down and gives a slight breeze as well. dont inlines just suck heat?.. also if you have any ideas please gimme some info ..

thx in adv,


Active Member
Hey Tryna

Do you have a source of cool air, perhaps from your basement or cooler side of your house? If so, use the inline to draw this in and cool down your space. Do you have your lights on during the hottest part of the day? If so, consider a different schedule aswell.

Good luck



Well-Known Member
+rep both.. i have a 6 inch duct that goes to outside through the floor..but nowhere to intake from .. i have a duct fan hooked up now pulling hot air out ..but temps are still high.. y wouldnt ac be a good idea. isthe air laced or sumthin???


you should be drawing your exhaust air from the top of your room. Try setting up a system that allows you to draw the hot air from the top of the room funnel it to your exhaust hole in the floor. What i would do is get some of those silver tube (the name is escaping me right now i feel stupid) with an open end at the top of your room going to your exhaust hole. Also i would advise putting an inline fan somewhere in that equation to help draw the air through the piping. Btw you will need an intake hole to bring cool air into your room for this to work though Since taking out the hot air wont fix the heat issue if it isnt being replaced with cool air. If there is no way to make an intake whole that preferable twice the size of your exaust hole, then i would think about a portable AC unit if your space is big enough.

btw the link didnt work for me said something about the product not existing


Well-Known Member
i have space for an ac.. the intake hole is in the floor.. my grow op is in a laundry closet so the hole is in the floor(for dryer exhaust but i have a duct an hooked up to a duct(silver tube). pulling hot air from the top to outside but its still too hot outside temps in my area are in th mid 90's right now and im hving to put my babies outside to avoid 100-110 degree weather

my bad this is the ac unit


