Search results

  1. angryblackman

    The First Cut 2015 Outdoor/Light Dep - A welcome to harvest thread

    Hey outdoor growers! As the 2015 season comes to an end I would like to have a spot other than the show and tell thread to post up your work! I know for me the first cut of the season is exciting. Afterall, we have been working so hard all year to make sure that we can grow the best buds that...
  2. angryblackman

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Come one come all to the Rollitup Open Show and Tell for 2015. You got something green that you want to show off post it up here! I will start off with what I am working with this season. no pics to start but this is the show and tell thread so I should start taking some pics. I will be...
  3. angryblackman

    City Of Concord bans outdoor cultivation Damn sorry Concord! :(
  4. angryblackman

    BulK Picture download?

    Hey guys/gals. I was poking around and couldn't find anything so I thought that I would post up a quick question. Is there any way that I can bulk download all the pics that I have uploaded here? I lost all my pics in a HDD crash and wanted to see if there was a way I could restore them from...
  5. angryblackman

    Cali outdoor crew. Plans for this season?

    Calling mwooten, kushxoj, budologist420, 757growing, DirrtyD, DoubleJJ, Jhod58vw, southsacboy916, NoGutsGrower, and anyone that has been doing work and watching me grow over the last couple years. What do you guys have planned for the 2013 season? I am going smaller still. Running Breeders...
  6. angryblackman

    2ft T5 for veg? Anyone upgrading?

    Anyone in the Sac area using a 2ft T5 for veg? I just got a tent and thought I would use my 4ft shop light and some CFLs for seedlings and winter mother veg but my tent will not accomodate it. I am looking for something to just keep them going that will put off very little heat as I am not...
  7. angryblackman

    Police: YouTube videos lead to pot bust I believe this is in Michigan but could happen anywhere. All it takes is one bad angle. Careful out there guys and gals.
  8. angryblackman

    Sac area clones?

    Anyone have a line on any? Seems dispensaries are tapped out and I want to do a quick 90 day run and don't feel like waiting for beans to pop. Thanks in advance. :)
  9. angryblackman

    Roseville Ban on Outdoor Cultivation starts 11/1/12
  10. angryblackman

    Roseville Ban on Outdoor Cultivation starts today! 11/4/12
  11. angryblackman

    Man Burned on Face and Chest in Alleged Drug-Making Explosion,0,440432.story Wow.. Drug lab charges.
  12. angryblackman

    Did you know that your "recommendation" has no expiration date?

    I just got done talking to Dr Craig Cohen and got some interesting info. Apparently the expiration date on your rec is more of a "You need to be re-evaluated" date as opposed to being a "You are no longer a patient" date. If you are looking for dispensary access as...
  13. angryblackman

    Growing advise from Kaendar. Would you listen to him?

    It appears Kaendar doesn't agree with me that he needs to do a bit more research before giving advise. I would like to have some of you chime in with your impression of his knowledge of growing and if he should continue to help others or if we need to warn others before taking his advise. I...
  14. angryblackman

    Please be careful if you make your own BHO Dumbasses......
  15. angryblackman

    Looking for Monkey Paw seeds, clone, or flowers.

    Has anyone seen this strain floating around NorCal? It's supposed to be an old school strain. Thanks in advance. :)
  16. angryblackman

    Show me your innovative grow containers.

    Looking to grow in something different for a few plants that I really don't care about at the moment. What are some around the house or out if the box containers are you all using to grow. I figure I would do this in the outdoor forum where you can get the most bang for your buck not having to...
  17. angryblackman

    Elk Grove Passes Marijuana Growing Ordinance,0,7299549.story Looks like Elk Grove is shutting down the outdoors..
  18. angryblackman

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    Welcome RIU'ers! Just thought that I would start this thread now since I have been a little busy over the weekend prepping things for this season. I have picked up a tent and made what I like to call the "Mom Box". I have prepped the area and will begin to assemble the carport over the next...
  19. angryblackman

    Dank 2.0 Available for Kindle Fire!!!

    Just thought that I would give you all a heads up that may not have picked up the print copy of this. It's available right on your Kindle Fire! Don't forget to plug the book on the Weed Nerd! :D...
  20. angryblackman

    Angryblackman's Ugly Outdoor Grow 2011

    Hey all! I just thought that I'd follow my fellow NorCal brothers and start my thread for this season. I have named this the ugly outdoor grow because I did very little to get the area ready aesthetically for you all to see. I promise to clean it up back there as the thread goes on. :)...