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  1. oldtimer54

    Right in the funny bone

    Two gorillas were at a Kane concert the mother gorilla said to the younger gorilla if I threw you on to the stage do you think they would shoot Kane ?
  2. oldtimer54

    Any need to worry about kwh/powerbill?

    Pay your bill on time and you'll be fine ! And scrub your exhaust. I learned the second statement the hard way !
  3. oldtimer54

    Welsh sheep go on rampage after eating cannabis

    Maryjane had a little lamb it's fleece was white as snow everywhere that Maryjane went the lamb was sure to go !
  4. oldtimer54

    Loser friends...or am I an asshole?

    There's a difference between friends and acquaintances. To read what you've written it seems you're confused as to which category these people are in. This trip might help you alleviate the confusion. Good friends are hard to come by but there should be no hesitancy or confusion as to who...
  5. oldtimer54

    Can anyone passionately and intelligently explain what Southern pride in relation to the Rebel flag

    The confederate flag is a symbol and it is my opinion that the only power it has is from the person that displays it. I'm from the south born & raised. There are people in my area that display the confederate flag . Did their family own slaves or did they lose family members in the civil war or...
  6. oldtimer54

    The ethical dilemma of self-driving cars

    They also said insurance rates would decline when the seatbelt rule was enacted and when airbags were put in vehicles. Less money for anything isn't the American way. They know that just like new phones many people will run out and purchase one just to be the first schmuck in their neighborhood...
  7. oldtimer54

    deer meat for dinner.

    I grew up with parents that were raised on farms that were greatly impacted by the great depression. Even though both my parents worked we always had a large garden and we always had a few pigs , chickens and cows for milk and beef. We always had canned veggies and salt cured pork and both of...
  8. oldtimer54

    And the noose continues to tighten..

    I just saw a story that the atmospheric pressure around Pluto has increased by 300%. Which is by far the most of any body in our solar system. Scientists believe that as our solar system is traveling thru the galaxy at more than 72,000 KPH Pluto has moved into an area of high energy causing...
  9. oldtimer54

    The Beard Thread

    I go thru phases with my facial hair. Right now I have a beard I've been growing for 3 months I'm shooting for a year. I very seldom go without some type of facial hair. I've been mustachioed since the 70's.
  10. oldtimer54

    What are your favorite things to watch or listen to while high?

    I don't know what part of the world you reside but if I saw an elephant killerwhale wolf it would surely ruin my buzz !
  11. oldtimer54

    Serious people only.

    I used smokeless tobacco for several decades and like bushleaguer I would spit in bottles and put the top back on and lie it in the passenger seat. And on numerous occasions while delivering papers would reach for my Drink thinking I was about to get a nice cold gulp of whatever sugary soda was...
  12. oldtimer54

    America's guns and the Euro View point?....

    Three fingers is the word wide equivalent to a derringer !
  13. oldtimer54

    Volunteer Firefighter

    I live in a rural area. Without the volunteer firemen our homeowners insurance would be considerably more expensive. And there is also a retirement for volunteers in our state. I don't believe they're compensated hourly. Most of the volunteers in our area go on to be city or county firefighters...
  14. oldtimer54

    How will your epitaph read?

    Mine will read I told you it wasn't heartburn !
  15. oldtimer54

    Going to Church!

    Find you one of those Pentecostal Holiness church's. You know the ones where they speak in tounges and roll around on the floor shaking . If you find it difficult to locate one of those church's see if you can locate one that handles snakes. They're both prevalent in my state ! Good luck in your...
  16. oldtimer54

    Rocky soil? Read this

    Before I started growing inside I grew for decades outside. When I first started I would find these remote locations that were a pain in the ass to get to.......but it provided me the isolation I was looking for. As I got a little older I started growing on my own property . I used the...
  17. oldtimer54

    growing in the woods

    A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do ! I planted in a wooded area years ago only to have a big dead limb That I hadn't noticed before I chose the spot fell from a storm and crushed most of my plants.....Take notice of what's above the spot you choose. Good luck !
  18. oldtimer54

    Should food be a right?

    I've never been in a situation as a child or as an adult when I've gone hungry because there was no food in the house. Both my parents worked to provide for their 3 kids as my wife and I do so we could provide for our 2 kids. I've always thought that if a person can't provide for themselves why...
  19. oldtimer54

    That paranoia....

    As I've gotten older the appearance in my rear view mirror of the law doesn't affect me . I'll let my attorney be paranoid . I don't have time for it. Believe me when I say....if they want you bad enough they'll find some reason to fuck with you and paranoid behavior is their invitation to pull...
  20. oldtimer54

    name this puppy

    Hillary Clinton