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  1. oldtimer54

    Songs that make you think about stuff.

    In the days of my youth I didnt hear the music I simply listened to it . Now , I hear the music and the meaning it's artist is trying to convey. Just yesterday I was playing a song I've heard hundreds if not a thousand times over the years and it brought a tear to my eyes because I finally...
  2. oldtimer54

    Been out of the loop for a spell

    There was a time when I would spend hours a day on this site. I decided to take a hiatus. Not much has changed for me since I've been away I'm several years older now still waiting on legalization in my state . Just wanted to say high to everyone !
  3. oldtimer54

    Tips for choosing weight

    I'll be 64 in 3 months I started working out about 7 years ago My weight was 287 lbs . I was fortunate because I already had several pieces of equipment to use but as I began this process i soon found out that I couldn't take the pounding from using the treadmill . I also had some joint problems...
  4. oldtimer54

    Play Guitar?

    I'm a lefty and have always had guitars all of them were for right handed players. Recently I purchased my first left handed guitar. Epiphone Les Paul standard. I could play a right handed guitar but there were certain things that I just couldn't do. I thought about how hard it might be to...
  5. oldtimer54

    Busted :( The second you know its over :(

    I got busted about 5 years ago . Nosey neighbor called the law and they came and smelled that familiar smell While walking around my property under the cover of darkness. When they returned several days later the wife and I were out of town for a week. The son was watering for me while I was...
  6. oldtimer54


    I haven't pollinated a plant in years. I decided to change that . I have a small grow usually 2 plants each grow. This year I broke out a grow box I picked up from a friend . I started my grow with 2 fem seeds after they popped I started 2 regular seeds that I had purchased different strain...
  7. oldtimer54

    Everybody has the right to grow marijuana (& your opinions)

    All I'd like to do would be able to grow a few plants and not have to worry about the law. Currently the state in which I reside has recently brought back hemp but the law has banned the selling of smokeable hemp . This upcoming July will be 5 years since I got busted with 3 plants My charges...
  8. oldtimer54

    Type II Diabetes ... what now ?

    I supplement as well plus fiber I do eat the occasional fast food burger. Heart attacks , strokes and diabetes have taken out almost all of my dad's siblings over the last 20 years. Something else might get me but it shouldn't be a heart attack ,stroke or diabetes. I admire anyone who can give...
  9. oldtimer54

    Type II Diabetes ... what now ?

    My pop's passed away at 65 He had diabetes and cancer and the last several years of his life he was miserable. After his death I started to change my life style. I weighed 270 lbs and had a 40" waist when I decided to do something about my situation. I began exercising trying to build my...
  10. oldtimer54

    Well Water

    I don't know where you live but for almost 2 decades I ran water plants and would receive calls from people who wanted their water tested from time to time and I never turned anyone down even if they weren't on our water system. The best thing was it was free ! You'll probably need to visit the...
  11. oldtimer54

    What Are You Listening To?

    Right this minute I'm listening to my wife bitch at me for something that I promised her I'd do but apparently my procrastination has pissed her off !
  12. oldtimer54

    why does europe like hash? do people smoke hash in u.s?

    My younger brother told me a story once about hash & camel shit. He was in the Navy back in the early 80's during a Mediterranean cruise. My brother and several of his ship mates wanted to purchase a large amount of hash . After finding someone who would do business with them they followed this...
  13. oldtimer54

    IF you were POTUS ...

    Order all elected officials back to the States they were elected in. Begin process to turn DC into the largest amusement park and tourist attraction in the world ! Return all power the federal government currently has back to the individual States and then resign ! Let them collectively govern...
  14. oldtimer54

    Led Users Unite!

    It's better to start out a little high to begin with. Once the seedings pop thru the ground you should be able to judge if they need the light closer. Your new light should have some info that can give you a starting point I'm sure you've seen spindly seedings before. You'll have to judge for...
  15. oldtimer54

    Led Users Unite!

    I'm a firm believer in the old saying you get what you pay for. Good luck to you my friend !
  16. oldtimer54

    I've dealt with that problem before that's why I top my plants Since that's not an option for...

    I've dealt with that problem before that's why I top my plants Since that's not an option for you. You can tilt the container they're currently in by placing a brick or something else under them that's should buy you some time. You mentioned tying them down which would buy you time .
  17. oldtimer54

    Led Users Unite!

    Im a LED grower and have been for about 7or 8 years . I Ihave used the cheap Chinese lights and I have used what I thought to be high quality lights as well . When I first started it was strictly the Chinese lights .I had grown outdoors for decades but I was new to indoor growing . I was pleased...
  18. oldtimer54

    Guys, let's talk about wallets

    I have a couple of new wallets in a drawer in the bedroom that I received as gifts over the last few years . My brother made me a duct tape wallet which is pretty cool and the one that I'm currently using. So when the current wallet is retired I'll have a quick replacement on hand.... BTW in a...
  19. oldtimer54

    Passing a drug test with Folgers coffee

    I once worked with a guy who carried a small 6 pack igloo cooler with him . Inside that cooler was a small container with his own urine that was frozen. He collected the urine during a time when he wasn't smoking and he knew it was clean .He kept the cooler in his freezer at home and would...
  20. oldtimer54

    So how many people can utilize the grow advice they get?

    I'll be honest. When I first found this site the abundance of information was a bit overwhelming. I had personally been growing weed for about 30 plus years at that time. I thought I knew enough to achieve a good final product. It was simple for me then. I was an outdoor grower who simply just...