Busted :( The second you know its over :(

You talk like someone who has never been arrested, many new lawyers that get arrested learn real quick about bending over.
I have been arrested a couple of times and even did a 4 month stint in my early 20's. It was because of my lack of knowledge in law (Canada) that I wound up in serving a sentence. After that happened, I decided to never let that happen again. I am no lawyer but an easy counter argument to the "I smelled marijuana" statement is to first ask as to what defines the smell of marijuana. I mean it is fact that marijuana can smell like fruit or candy so when an officer smells blueberries for instance, does that give them the right to further an investigation? I would hope not or all the pie baking grandmas out there are in serious trouble.

The biggest thing is not to admit to smelling anything...nada, zip. As soon as you admit to smelling anything (B.O. pets, cooking, etc.) , you are confirming that there is a "smell" present and that is where things get sticky but again, define the olfactory sensations that constitute 'marijuana smell' that allows an officer to further an investigation based off of that 'smell'. What kind of court sanctions action from a criteria with no outlined definition? The ones that are allowed to me thinks.

The people that need to bring up these kinds of arguments are usually too stressed out to figure out the counter arguments and present them. The interpretation that is upheld is usually the one that the prosecutors present because it is rarely challenged.

The reality of the situation is, if a police officer is asking if he can come in your house, you are fucked. The question at this point is how fucked are you.

Really the time to worry is past. If you are doing something in your house that is not legal you need to make your self invisible.

If you are driving around in a POS with a marijuana leaf sticker in the back window, lawn not mowed, music blaring and your equally questionable friend showing up at all hours of the night then you are gonna raise a red flag. I understand that all this stuff is perfectly legal but you gotta be smart.

Still, if you grow all friends that know your place is a liability, someone has to inform only 2% get busted without an informant. Make sure everyone is guilty too, if they come over its their lease on that room, or her room. .
I keep two cans of air freshener next to my door. If someone I don't recognize is outside I start by spraying at the door and move back so that I've sprayed about a 5 foot area around the door before opening it and stepping outside. I've had everyone from neighbors to the local Sheriff come to my door and never had a problem with smell.
That’s not obvious, people know what’s up and weed and air freshener don’t mix too well
Thanks and your right, I could not in good faith rissk 5 years of my life in the hands of a jury knowing I was guilty. I did what I had to do to support those I care about in a failing economy, I guess I should have went and got welfare and food stamps I guess............Point is I knew the consequences before I did the action and if I didnt think i could deal with them I would not have did it. I will go do my time with no regrets and if it took it to feed my family I would do the exact same thing............minus the getting caught lol
In Canada we can get charged summary or indictment. Summary a walk in the park no matter what the charge (provincial, no jury just the judge)
Indictments the minimum and max sentences almost triple and it’s a jury trial and guaranteed jail time.
Summary will most likely be suspended
Still, if you grow all friends that know your place is a liability, someone has to inform only 2% get busted without an informant. Make sure everyone is guilty too, if they come over its their lease on that room, or her room. .

Wow 6 yrs old.
mr burns evil laugh emoticon
I got busted about 5 years ago .
Nosey neighbor called the law and they came and smelled that familiar smell
While walking around my property under the cover of darkness.
When they returned several days later the wife and I were out of town for a week. The son was watering for me while I was away.
Just as he was coming out of my building two vehicles pulled in the driveway 1 k9 officer in a marked sheriff's vehicle and 1 narcotics officer in a big F 250 . They approached my son asking questions They thought he was me. Once he provided proof of who he was they wanted to enter the building he wouldn't let them. The cops preceded to tell him that they had this device that could detect marijuana by placing it out of they're vehicle window while driving by and had been doing it on our road and had gotten a hit. That was why they stopped. He finally told them that I was out of town and wouldn't be back till the weekend . They wanted him to call me after being badgered a while he finally called me and told me he had someone who wanted to talk with me . He put one of the guys on the phone. ...I thought it was one of my friends .
I didn't recognize the voice so I finally asked him who the fuck he was that's when it hit me that it wasn't a joke but the real deal.
He wanted me to grant permission for him to enter the building. He tried to run that same story by me that he told the son about that magical device that could detect weed in the air and he was a talking about thc and cannabinoids and all kinds of shit that he kept pronouncing wrong . I asked him if he had a warrant and then he tells me that he'd arrest my son and daughter in law if I didn't let them enter So I granted him permission .
I asked him to give the phone back to my son.
I told the son to unlock the door and let them in and to stay just as close to them as he could. He went to the door and unlocked it and when they entered the son could tell they were disappointed at what they saw.
They thought the building would be full of weed but it wasn't. I had three fully grown plants growing under a workbench in the workshop I had purposely kept them small to keep them under that bench out of sight. It was my first grow in that building and I didn't have a decent place for them( the wife and I had recently inherited the house and building) we had only been living there a short time.
The son listened to the cops talk and could tell they were under the assumption that I was some big time weed distributor in my area and when they finally found the three plants and nothing else they were visibly upset.
The cop called me back and asks me if I had anything else and I told him that I didn't that what he saw was all there were.
Long story short that episode cost me over 7k in lawyer fees and fines a 36 k a year gig that I had just started.
But what really pissed me off was my state taxed me for every gram they confiscated and if you're unaware when they weigh the plant they weighed everything rootball and all. They claimed I had over 1100 grams and that's what they fined me for thru the state tax system. I may have had 90 grams of weed when it was all trimmed. If I remember correctly it was a $5.00 tax on every gram . Luckily I could afford a good attorney and I never saw the inside of a courthouse I had multiple felonies all charges were dismissed.
All I had to do was 24 hours of community service at a habitat for humanity store.
When I returned home that weekend I went straight in my building and saw that they had taken all my lights my fans my timers and some other things that had nothing to do with the weed. But I also found a few quart mason jars full of weed that was somehow missed.
I kept that in another area in the building. They never brought the dog in for some reason.
There is a silver lining to this story. In the past year that whole narcotics department was shutdown and the sheriff and multiple officers from that department and the two schmucks that got me have been fired and are facing multiple charges for being corrupt.
Hell , the sheriff tried to hire someone to kill one of his officers and it was caught on tape .
All of this started because of a phone call.
After the fact I found out that the neighbour who called on me called the officer who came out directly. So I guess if I'd refused to let the dudes in there's probably a good chance at that time they didn't have the proper paperwork they'd probably would have just left.
They may have come back later but who knows.
I do believe that if the law wants you they will get you legally or not.
Yep it happened. The day we never want to see come :(

So I was asleep on my couch when I hear a knock at the door, I look out the window and see a fed ex truck and two fed ex guys. Odd....a bit but maybe someone in training. I open the door and step outside closing the door behind me. The fed ex driver holds a package out while asking me if I am so and so. I say yes I am and hold my hand out for the package. He pulls it back a bit and opens the top and tilts the package towards me while saying "I am detective ------- from the ------ county police department and we recieved an anonomous phonecall that their are illegal narcotics at this location" I try to act surprised but the damn world stopped spinning as I tried to figure out if someone was messing with me and could not help the shakes as I relized it was real.

I told him no, he asked why I was so nervous and I responded "Because your dressed up like a f-ing fedex worker with a badge in a box talking about narcotics in my house, that isnt normal man". He suggests going in and taking a look inside to dispell any rumours.

I figured I would be ok at this point being if he had any evidence he would have had a warrent. I tell him No you can not look inside and I dont have anything to say without my attorney present in and am I under arresst because if not I am leaving. He reads me my miranda rights and tells me to have a seat. Calls a judge and tells him when I opened the door he smelled marijuana in which the judge tells him is probable cause. He opens my door walks directly where my stuff was opens that door looks inside comes back out and calls the judge and tells him "Yes, sir I will need that warrent" an hour later he gets a call the warrent is ready and I am shipped off to jail as everycop in the county goes in my house.

I was charged with manufactering with the intent to distibute scedule 1 narcotic first offense. On the evidence sheet it says a clear plastic bag with 297 grams of green plant material and all my equipment :( bond was $5500.

Sucks........never seen it coming. People remember the golden rule - dont even let your f-ing dog know what your doing. I do not know how they found out but obvisouly I messed up somewhere. I guess I will find out who or what when my lawyer files a discovery.

Monday was a shitty day. Only good thing is the bondsman told me he had 8 calls before my bond was even set with people trying to get me out, you find out who your real people are when the shit hits the fan :( :(

Something is fishy about the whole search process and I am praying my lawyer tells me dont worry about anything this shit will be thrown out for illegal search and seziure when I go see him tomorrow.

Just thought I would share and put an extra word of caution out to people.

Wish me luck, hopefully I get thru it all without any jail time. It is my first drug offense and the only other time I was charged with a felony was 20 years ago.
Fuck that would be anyone's nightmare. I'm new to the forum I see that this has been dated some time back . Hope you got some peace .heres hoping where you are it's legal now . And they have expunged your record like they did up here in Canada after legalization took place .
Fuck that would be anyone's nightmare. I'm new to the forum I see that this has been dated some time back . Hope you got some peace .heres hoping where you are it's legal now . And they have expunged your record like they did up here in Canada after legalization took place .

OP is dead. Died in prison. Covaids, I believe. We can finally put this thread to rest. RIP, bro...
I told him no, he asked why I was so nervous and I responded "Because your dressed up like a f-ing fedex worker with a badge in a box talking about narcotics in my house, that isnt normal man". He suggests going in and taking a look inside to dispell any rumours.
Old post I know .........
I have my gate locked all the time, nobody can get within 10m of my house.
Delivery drivers honk their horn outside the property, and hand me stuff over the fence.
Yep, I'm paranoid as hell, they ain't getting in without bolt cutters.