Busted :( The second you know its over :(

This is exactly why I plant 'Piss off plants' (Plectranthus esculentus X Plectranthus canina ) all around my house. It keeps dogs and cats away from my flower beds and an answer for anyone wanting to know where that skunky smell is comming from.
Cop smelled pot, cop found pot. How can you disprove that?
Like I said, there is nothing for you to disprove as it is up to the prosecution to provide proof that a smell was in fact marijuana in the first place. A human nose and what it interprets is not enough to go on. A trained K9 would be though.
Obviously someone snitched him out. I would say that 99% of the time that is how they catch growers and dealers. It is rare for cops to figure anything out on their own. It is always someone being nosy and calling in a tip or someone that knows you that got caught and is just plain old snitching to try to get out of trouble themselves. In your case, I would say since the police showed up wearing fucking costumes someone told them about your operation. They don't do shit like that everyday I gurantee you that. I've come to the conclusion that if you are breaking the law in any way on a daily basis, sooner or later you are going to get caught. I have already accepted that fact that I will get caught growing it is just a matter of when. That is why I keep my law breaking at a misdemeanor level, so that I can avoid going to jail for more than a night and end up getting a slap on my wrist.
Argue that had they smelled pot they wouldn't have asked to search to "dispel rumors". They would have been able to search right away. Suddenly he smells pot after you refuse the search? Even a judge might think that's shady but it depends if you get a judge with integrity or not.

and someone you know or connected to probably rolled on you, anyone you know go to jail recently or make a new friend?
This whole post is the reason I keep a jar of ona block linen on a shelf right next to my front door and I even dilute it into a spray and spray it around my door jams and on my sidewalk and around my house lol. Smells like fresh linen at my place inside and out. Sucks really bad to get busted....Most people who will rat on you are those that come over to pick up a small bag, leave your place, speed down the street while smoking a bowl of the bud you just sold him...getting themselves pulled over and the cop smells bud on them. After they get arrested they are given a chance to tell on the person who sold it to them to get off scott free. Weak motha fuckas fall for it everytime, usually young high schoolers or just out of high school scaredy cats. I've seen it happen to my friends so many times and have told them you have to know how to read if the people you fucks with are strong willed or weak minded. One weak minded fool can ruin your whole life. My two cents. Good luck and I hope you get off or at least just probabtion.
Like I said, there is nothing for you to disprove as it is up to the prosecution to provide proof that a smell was in fact marijuana in the first place. A human nose and what it interprets is not enough to go on. A trained K9 would be though.

I agree. In order for their search to be legit they would have to have a canine confirm the smell before entry. They would have also had to wait until the judge signed the warrant before making entry. If you see two fed ex workers at your door know that something is up. they might work in pair sometimes but I have never seen two workers at the door unless they are delivering something very big. Refusing entry was a plus in this instance. It gives the judge something to think about. There are so many things in nature that give off a skunky smell its insane and for them to come to the conclusion that it was cannabis shows they were being biased and that works in his favor. A good lawyer will get him out of this mess with no harm done. I would move to a different place though as they will always have a red target placed on him..especially if he gets off.
Can you disprove it in a court of law? That he did not smell it?

Is the police officers word his only proof? If so I would say that it is a very weak proof.

Could the smell have emanated from another location?

Could it have drifted in the window from a neighbors home?

Could the policeman have lied?

Has the policeman's nose been calibrated in the manner of a diagnostic instrument?

Do we even know that the policeman has any sense of smell at all?
man best of luck to you, I almost pissed myself the other day when I was walking the dog around the block, as we were back on my street ready to go back home we see a cruiser parkd right out our house, with two cops waiting for us and just bullshiting, at the time me and my wife are freaking out cuase we had just went to the hydro store earlier that day, what was really a 3 min walk from the corner of the street to the house felt like an hour, and we were freaking out not knowing if we should just walk pass them or turn around and walk the other way, finally I decided fuckit lets go see what they want, turns out they were just there cause our neighbor got his house broken into and they wanted to know if we had seen anything. man what a relief, I hope shit doesnt go sour on you and they let you go with a slap on the wrist, what state was this in?
How in hell did 8 people know about this before bond being set? How many folks knew about your operation?

From your description it sounds that the S&S sounds pretty legit.

What boggles me is why you even opened the door, if you were expecting a package then let them leave the little fedex slip and pick that shit up at the nearest depot, if you were not expecting a package you should have thrown on a movie and have them fuckers wait at the door all fuckin day and night as there is no requirement to open your door to anybody, not even the police if they identify themselves.

best of luck.


No I called one friend and told them I was locked up, he called around to have people rdy to go when bond was set because at that point nobody knew how much it would be. Nobody but one person knew about what I was doing. I do not know yet how I got caught. I was asleep when they knocked so I guess I did not wake up enough to think :(
Obviously someone snitched him out. I would say that 99% of the time that is how they catch growers and dealers. It is rare for cops to figure anything out on their own. It is always someone being nosy and calling in a tip or someone that knows you that got caught and is just plain old snitching to try to get out of trouble themselves. In your case, I would say since the police showed up wearing fucking costumes someone told them about your operation. They don't do shit like that everyday I gurantee you that. I've come to the conclusion that if you are breaking the law in any way on a daily basis, sooner or later you are going to get caught. I have already accepted that fact that I will get caught growing it is just a matter of when. That is why I keep my law breaking at a misdemeanor level, so that I can avoid going to jail for more than a night and end up getting a slap on my wrist.

Could have something to do with every cop in the state in my city busting 50+ hells angels with a huge grow operation...........I dont know.
Spoke to a paralegal friend today who looked thru my paperwork. Turns out the evidence was photographed and destroyed at 13:00 on 5/14 the search warrant was signed by the judge at 3:45pm on 5/14.

Maybe someone should have practiced military time better and hopefully its enough to get the evidence surpressed.

At his advice I will no longer be posting about this case, I will however let everyone know the outcome. Thanks for the comments.
I agree. In order for their search to be legit they would have to have a canine confirm the smell before entry. They would have also had to wait until the judge signed the warrant before making entry. If you see two fed ex workers at your door know that something is up. they might work in pair sometimes but I have never seen two workers at the door unless they are delivering something very big. Refusing entry was a plus in this instance. It gives the judge something to think about. There are so many things in nature that give off a skunky smell its insane and for them to come to the conclusion that it was cannabis shows they were being biased and that works in his favor. A good lawyer will get him out of this mess with no harm done. I would move to a different place though as they will always have a red target placed on him..especially if he gets off.

You are correct, after he asked me if he could search and I said no he asked if I objected to them walking a dog back and forth past my door and it was then I figured if they had shit they wouldnt be asking me all of that and I told them I dont consent to any search and would like a lawyer before anymore questions. Thats when he called the judge and the bullshit started.
sorry to hear about your troubles man. best of luck to you though. i'm sure you'll be ok though. maybe a hefty fine, lawyers fees, probabtion, some community service, etc...

this is why i always record any conversations with cops. shady fuckers.
I figured I would stop and give a quick update on the situation, my lawyer feels I have a good argument for the case and reccommended Jury Trial. I found threw discovery that a friend of 14 years is the one that told on me, oddly enough he was at my house selling me zanax when I messed up and left a door open and he seen the lights.

Anyway I was offered a plea agreement of 6 months in jail shortly after my arrest and I declined, my arraignment was sceduled and one time the judge didnt show, one time the solicitor didnt and one time my lawyer didnt, I finally got arriagned on the 7th of dec. I was reminded the maxium penalty was 5 years in prison and that the plea would not be offered or honored if I did not take it then and a jury trial would begin in January.

Driving home from that I thought of everything but the judge made it clear I would recieve a pretty stiff penalty if found guilty and came to terms I did it to myself by being careless and 6 months is a hell of a lot better then 5 years, I have responsibilities that can wait a few months but not years and the entire thing over my head is eatting me away so I asked my lawyer to contact the DA and arrange it that I will take the plea providing they let me spend the holidays with my family. That was a $1000 dollar phone call, anyway I am turning myself in January 8th to do the six months, from what I am hearing they are doing 3 for one right now and I should be out in less then 60-90 days.

This is my first offense so if you know someone busted who gets off on probation...........watch your ass. God bless all.
I know it must be hard right now but keep your head up man. It is unfortunate that that person ratted you like that, but people will fail you.

Best of luck to you
I figured I would stop and give a quick update on the situation, my lawyer feels I have a good argument for the case and reccommended Jury Trial. I found threw discovery that a friend of 14 years is the one that told on me, oddly enough he was at my house selling me zanax when I messed up and left a door open and he seen the lights.

Anyway I was offered a plea agreement of 6 months in jail shortly after my arrest and I declined, my arraignment was sceduled and one time the judge didnt show, one time the solicitor didnt and one time my lawyer didnt, I finally got arriagned on the 7th of dec. I was reminded the maxium penalty was 5 years in prison and that the plea would not be offered or honored if I did not take it then and a jury trial would begin in January.

Driving home from that I thought of everything but the judge made it clear I would recieve a pretty stiff penalty if found guilty and came to terms I did it to myself by being careless and 6 months is a hell of a lot better then 5 years, I have responsibilities that can wait a few months but not years and the entire thing over my head is eatting me away so I asked my lawyer to contact the DA and arrange it that I will take the plea providing they let me spend the holidays with my family. That was a $1000 dollar phone call, anyway I am turning myself in January 8th to do the six months, from what I am hearing they are doing 3 for one right now and I should be out in less then 60-90 days.

This is my first offense so if you know someone busted who gets off on probation...........watch your ass. God bless all.

I commend you on taking responsibility for your actions. The situation sucks but we all know if we play the game we might have to pay the consequences. I had to stand before several judges when I was younger and there were always technicalities on my side but in the end I always knew I was guilty of what I was being accused of so I decided to take my medicine and move forward. I have no regrets. I wish you the best.