Busted :( The second you know its over :(

Yep it happened. The day we never want to see come :(

So I was asleep on my couch when I hear a knock at the door, I look out the window and see a fed ex truck and two fed ex guys. Odd....a bit but maybe someone in training. I open the door and step outside closing the door behind me. The fed ex driver holds a package out while asking me if I am so and so. I say yes I am and hold my hand out for the package. He pulls it back a bit and opens the top and tilts the package towards me while saying "I am detective ------- from the ------ county police department and we recieved an anonomous phonecall that their are illegal narcotics at this location" I try to act surprised but the damn world stopped spinning as I tried to figure out if someone was messing with me and could not help the shakes as I relized it was real.

I told him no, he asked why I was so nervous and I responded "Because your dressed up like a f-ing fedex worker with a badge in a box talking about narcotics in my house, that isnt normal man". He suggests going in and taking a look inside to dispell any rumours.

I figured I would be ok at this point being if he had any evidence he would have had a warrent. I tell him No you can not look inside and I dont have anything to say without my attorney present in and am I under arresst because if not I am leaving. He reads me my miranda rights and tells me to have a seat. Calls a judge and tells him when I opened the door he smelled marijuana in which the judge tells him is probable cause. He opens my door walks directly where my stuff was opens that door looks inside comes back out and calls the judge and tells him "Yes, sir I will need that warrent" an hour later he gets a call the warrent is ready and I am shipped off to jail as everycop in the county goes in my house.

I was charged with manufactering with the intent to distibute scedule 1 narcotic first offense. On the evidence sheet it says a clear plastic bag with 297 grams of green plant material and all my equipment :( bond was $5500.

Sucks........never seen it coming. People remember the golden rule - dont even let your f-ing dog know what your doing. I do not know how they found out but obvisouly I messed up somewhere. I guess I will find out who or what when my lawyer files a discovery.

Monday was a shitty day. Only good thing is the bondsman told me he had 8 calls before my bond was even set with people trying to get me out, you find out who your real people are when the shit hits the fan :( :(

Something is fishy about the whole search process and I am praying my lawyer tells me dont worry about anything this shit will be thrown out for illegal search and seziure when I go see him tomorrow.

Just thought I would share and put an extra word of caution out to people.

Wish me luck, hopefully I get thru it all without any jail time. It is my first drug offense and the only other time I was charged with a felony was 20 years ago.
Hope this all turned out in your favor!
Hope this all turned out in your favor!

I know it is a bit late for the update but I went to court and somehow my lawyer worked everything out to 90 days, here you get 5 for 2 so I would have had to duo 36 but as my luck sucks I got staph infection in there and ended up doing 57.

2 months after I got out DEU pulled me over and told me they had information I sold cocaine and pills which I never have and after argument they said "let ys look in your house and if we find nothing you will never see us again" so I told them lets go.....they came, looked like idiots and left.

Straight and narrow now but in the end it was all worth the ride.

Current shenanigans can be found here
Rule # 1,. Never, NEVER GIVE ANY INFORMATION OUT, NEVER. ALWAYS talk to att: first . Which you did. And if your smoking or have anything out that people would see from even the door, " your not home, if it's ups, they can come back or leave it at the door. D.