Are you crying?
Pada, you don't disprove something by saying 'scientists havnt abandoned their other theory.'"Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a natural—and not a human-induced—cause, according to one scientist's controversial theory."
Not very convincing.. Not to mention the scientist in question has published papers sponsored by the Heartland Institute
"He has asserted that "parallel global warmings—observed simultaneously on Mars and on Earth—can only be a straightline consequence of the effect of the one same factor: a long-time change in solar irradiance." This claim has not been accepted by the broader scientific community. Some of Abdussamatov's opponents have stated that "the idea just isn't supported by the theory or by the observations" and that it "doesn't make physical sense."
What's coincidental about 2016 vying to be the hottest year on record and the Arctic cap melting completely for the first time due to human activities?So the polar caps are shrinking coincidentally then, ok.
How could Mars be hotter than the Earth in a few places if the warming is due to solar activity? Mars is 250 million miles from the Earth, 90 million miles farther from the Sun than the Earth is, so how do you explain that?I just saw a story about how Mars was actually hotter than Earth in a number of locations recently too.
Source pleaseJupiter's storms have been increasing in intensity as well.
Now you're talking about a global conspiracyThere is very likely a lot more variables at work than climatologists at large are considering because they have selfish motive, even if subconsciously... they have their biases. We all do. I tend to favor non coercive policy for example. Even to a fault, because I know the opposite tends to be worse for everyone not in the ruling class.
It's not from NASA, the scientific community has rejected Abdussamatov's theoriesNot sure why the scientist in question is even important at all. It's data from NASA (the only part of the story of any concern at all to me).
Enough research has been done to confirm without a shadow of a doubt the causes of anthropogenic climate change. The leading culprit being increases in carbon dioxide into the atmosphereI agree with his assessment that all the variables have not been ruled out because they haven't been. And to think they have been is the height of typical human arrogance.
Common misconception. Didn't happenKind of like how everyone at one point was sure the earth was flat and those who claimed otherwise would be killed for the controversial views.
Would you say the same thing to a medical doctor confirming the science is settled about the link between tobacco and lung cancer?Any scientist saying the 'science is settled' is someone I immediately raise an eyebrow to as they clearly do not understand what science is and are obviously being political.
Conspiracy theory nonsense isn't worth wasting my time entertainingPada, you don't disprove something by saying 'scientists havnt abandoned their other theory.'
Think about it. There was a claim made. The sun is contributing because Mars is warming too.
Well that doesn't generate any research grants does it? We cant alter the sun. We can get grants for research on things we can change. And we can get grants to propel new technology.
But one or two simole facts would dispel tbis; has Mars shown signs of warming too, and is there evidence the sun has increased its output.
Find evidence contradicting either of those and you dispell the counter claim
But you would rather argue from personal incredulity and authority.
Think for yourself, dude.
It isn't a conspiracy theory. Not what the man posted.Conspiracy theory nonsense isn't worth wasting my time entertaining
"Solar irradianceIt isn't a conspiracy theory. Not what the man posted.
He posted a credentialed scientist who published his findings.
You say you don't support conspiracy theories, ironic since you immediately discounted it because of what you implied was a conspiracy.
So yeah, you kind of do, do conspiracy theories
What's coincidental about 2016 vying to be the hottest year on record and the Arctic cap melting completely for the first time due to human activities?
How could Mars be hotter than the Earth in a few places if the warming is due to solar activity? Mars is 250 million miles from the Earth, 90 million miles farther from the Sun than the Earth is, so how do you explain that?
Source please
Now you're talking about a global conspiracy
Unless you have evidence to support this, it's not worth commenting on
It's not from NASA, the scientific community has rejected Abdussamatov's theories
Enough research has been done to confirm without a shadow of a doubt the causes of anthropogenic climate change. The leading culprit being increases in carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
Common misconception. Didn't happen
Would you say the same thing to a medical doctor confirming the science is settled about the link between tobacco and lung cancer?
In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row.
"Solar irradiance
It's reasonable to assume that changes in the sun's energy output would cause the climate to change, since the sun is the fundamental source of energy that drives our climate system.
Indeed, studies show that solar variability has played a role in past climate changes. For example, a decrease in solar activity is thought to have triggered the Little Ice Age between approximately 1650 and 1850, when Greenland was largely cut off by ice from 1410 to the 1720s and glaciers advanced in the Alps.
But several lines of evidence show that current global warming cannot be explained by changes in energy from the sun:
- Since 1750, the average amount of energy coming from the sun either remained constant or increased slightly.
- If the warming were caused by a more active sun, then scientists would expect to see warmer temperatures in all layers of the atmosphere. Instead, they have observed a cooling in the upper atmosphere, and a warming at the surface and in the lower parts of the atmosphere. That's because greenhouse gases are trapping heat in the lower atmosphere.
- Climate models that include solar irradiance changes can’t reproduce the observed temperature trend over the past century or more without including a rise in greenhouse gases."
That's not really proven many non smokers get lung cancer. A lot of smokers also work in the trades which are then exposed to asbestos but if they smoke the cigarettes that did it, do they test what the cause was? And how is such a thing tested? I would not be the slightest bit surprised if car exhaust can cause lung cancer.Would you say the same thing to a medical doctor confirming the science is settled about the link between tobacco and lung cancer?
Feel free to argue your point circa 1993 when it might have remained relevantThat's not really proven many non smokers get lung cancer.
Just another bigot talking to himself. The problem is, Spandy will be dead by the time his legacy takes its toll on humanity and the rest of the world. If you think education is expensive, compare that expense to the high cost of ignorance.
And you're doing absolutely nothing on your part to change any of this. All you care about is proving to an internet forum that you are right. When the day comes you will be standing in the back of the crowd mumbling "I told you so". In the meantime, you keep doing nothing.
Pada, you don't disprove something by saying 'scientists havnt abandoned their other theory.'
Think about it. There was a claim made. The sun is contributing because Mars is warming too.
Well that doesn't generate any research grants does it? We cant alter the sun. We can get grants for research on things we can change. And we can get grants to propel new technology.
But one or two simole facts would dispel tbis; has Mars shown signs of warming too, and is there evidence the sun has increased its output.
Find evidence contradicting either of those and you dispell the counter claim
But you would rather argue from personal incredulity and authority.
Think for yourself, dude.
Informing us is doing nothing?
WTF have YOU done for the planet lately?
1. I've never bought a new car.
2. I do indeed ride my bicycle and walk for many errands.
3. My primary computing device is my smartphone, far more efficient than my old desktop.
4. I converted to COB LED.
5. I'm doing research to bring high power, high efficiency grow lighting to all sectors of the indoor cultivation industry.
6. I've installed a high efficiency HVAC system based on dual circuit heat pump technology
7. I threw away my old gas furnace- last NOVEMBER, and have used no natural gas for heat since.
So I'll ask you again; exactly what the fuck are YOU doing to help reduce global warming, you worthless hack?!
I haven't done shit. I don't give a fuck. That's why you won't see me here crying about it all day.![]()
Quoted evidence to the contrary. So in addition to making an ass of yourself you're a liar.
You're a mean smallminded selfish individual with a serious lack of character I refuse to associate with from this point forward.
lmao, ill do ya one better....three straight days of 65-85 degrees here in burlington..........then down to 25 for 3 more.........all in MAY! yes there's snow now too! el nino nina wtf man.It just snowed last night this global warming shit needs to hurry up.
Haahaahahaaa, you've been had or maybe I've missed your sarcasm and the joke is on me. In any case, what a funny post this is. The solar system has moved into an area of "high energy". Can anyone explain what the form the high energy is in or where it comes from? I don't think so, because its all ooga booga psuedo religious crackpot science bullshit. And plasma beings live in the core of our planet too. LOLI just saw a story that the atmospheric pressure around Pluto has increased by
300%. Which is by far the most of any body in our solar system. Scientists believe that as our solar system is traveling thru the galaxy at more than 72,000 KPH Pluto has moved into an area of high energy causing these radical changes which means that as we get closer to the area that Pluto now resides in the inhabitants of the third rock from the sun will experience similar results.
I got my info from a recent episode of Beakmans World !