And the noose continues to tighten..

They're also predicting this summer or next summer could be the first time the Arctic goes completely blue due to melting sea ice caused by anthropogenic climate change

Apparently 1ºC is pretty significant afterall..
That would actually be pretty cool IMO you can see some real earth history then more than bullshit core samples what's below that?

Not like you are going to ride a bike to work 20 miles away and Hillary Clinton ain't going to bring in hemp to produce ethanol and bio diesel she is paid off by big oil.

So it's coming whether you like it or not just hope you don't have land in a low elevation, I'm going to love it I'll be pulling 75k an acre of mountain land. :) I'm going to be rich BITCH!!! :bigjoint:
I have to agree... Posting a link to someone elses work of professional propaganda is something Pada is really good at.
Spot on. Pada is very good at showing us what other people think. From seeing what gets most of his attention we can determin what his opinions might be.

But he is very weak at putting things into his own words.
Spot on. Pada is very good at showing us what other people think. From seeing what gets most of his attention we can determin what his opinions might be.

But he is very weak at putting things into his own words.
NLXSK1 said:
I have to agree... Posting a link to someone elses work of professional propaganda is something Pada is really good at.

The thing with words is that you pair of idiots understand only enough of them to make jack asses of yourselves with each expression.
NLXSK1 said:
I have to agree... Posting a link to someone elses work of professional propaganda is something Pada is really good at.

The thing with words is that you pair of idiots understand only enough of them to make jack asses of yourselves with each expression.

If it is propaganda, would the comprehension of it matter?

Some of us comprehend that it is bullshit...
And every planet in the solar system is experiencing similar increases. The P value of the CO2 -> temp (I think it was .48 or something I forget off hand) correlation is reasonably high, but not over the top high and this kind of stuff doesn't help it improve as the temperature this year has risen a lot more than the corresponding CO2 levels have.
And every planet in the solar system is experiencing similar increases. The P value of the CO2 -> temp (I think it was .48 or something I forget off hand) correlation is reasonably high, but not over the top high and this kind of stuff doesn't help it improve as the temperature this year has risen a lot more than the corresponding CO2 levels have.
Source for both of those claims please
April breaks global temperature record, marking seven months of new highs

Latest monthly figures add to string of recent temperature records and all but assure 2016 will be hottest year on record


April 2016 was the hottest April on record globally – and the seventh month in a row to have broken global temperature records.

The latest figures smashed the previous record for April by the largest margin ever recorded.

It makes three months in a row that the monthly record has been broken by the largest margin ever, and seven months in a row that are at least 1C above the 1951-80 mean for that month. When the string of record-smashing months started in February, scientists began talking about a “climate emergency”.

Figures released by Nasa over the weekend show the global temperature of land and sea was 1.11C warmer in April than the average temperature for April during the period 1951-1980.

It all but assures that 2016 will be the hottest year on record, and probably by the largest margin ever.


The new record broke the previous one by 0.24C, which was set in 2010, at 0.87C above the baseline average for April. That record itself broke one set three years earlier at 0.75C above the baseline average for April.


The current blast of hot air around the globe is being spurred by a massive El Niño, which is a release of warm water across the Pacific Ocean. But it’s not the biggest El Niño on record and that spike in temperatures is occurring over a background of rapid global warming, pushing temperatures to all-time highs.

“The interesting thing is the scale at which we’re breaking records,” said Andy Pitman, director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science at the University of New South Wales in Australia. “It’s clearly all heading in the wrong direction.

“Climate scientists have been warning about this since at least the 1980s. And it’s been bloody obvious since the 2000s. So where’s the surprise?” said Pitman.

Pitmans said the recent figures put the recent goal agreed in Paris of just 1.5C warming in doubt. “The 1.5C target, it’s wishful thinking. I don’t know if you’d get 1.5C if you stopped emissions today. There’s inertia in the system. It’s putting intense pressure on 2C,” he said.

The record temperatures were wreaking havoc with ecosystems around the world. They’ve triggered the third recorded global coral bleaching, and in Australia 93% of the reefs have been affected by bleaching along the 2,300km Great Barrier Reef. In the northern parts of the reef, it’s expected the majority of coral is dead, and on some reefs over 90% of the coral is dying.

Great Barrier Reef bleaching made 175 times likelier by human-caused climate change, say scientists

A recent analysis showed the bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef was made 175 times more likely because of climate change, and the conditions that caused it would be average in fewer than 20 years.

The April figures come as the symbolic milestone of CO2 concentrations of 400 parts per million (ppm) have been broken at the important Cape Grim measuring station in Tasmania, Australia.

Reflecting on the CO2 concentrations, Pitman said: “The thing that’s causing that warming, is going up and up and up. So the cool ocean temperatures we will get with a La Niña are warmer than we’d ever seen more than a few decades ago … This is a full-scale punching of the reef system on an ongoing basis with some occasionally really nasty kicks and it isn’t going to recover.”

And you're doing absolutely nothing on your part to change any of this. All you care about is proving to an internet forum that you are right. When the day comes you will be standing in the back of the crowd mumbling "I told you so". In the meantime, you keep doing nothing.

I've seen other things sources saying the same basic things about other planets as well but I don't care to dig too much deeper.

The P value comes from your sources. That's a very high correlation by any measure (somewhere around .5). It is not anywhere close to 1 however.
"Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a natural—and not a human-induced—cause, according to one scientist's controversial theory."

Not very convincing.. Not to mention the scientist in question has published papers sponsored by the Heartland Institute

"He has asserted that "parallel global warmings—observed simultaneously on Mars and on Earth—can only be a straightline consequence of the effect of the one same factor: a long-time change in solar irradiance." This claim has not been accepted by the broader scientific community. Some of Abdussamatov's opponents have stated that "the idea just isn't supported by the theory or by the observations" and that it "doesn't make physical sense."
And you're doing absolutely nothing on your part to change any of this. All you care about is proving to an internet forum that you are right. When the day comes you will be standing in the back of the crowd mumbling "I told you so". In the meantime, you keep doing nothing.

and i guess you're just here to prove how wrong you are.
"Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a natural—and not a human-induced—cause, according to one scientist's controversial theory."

Not very convincing.. Not to mention the scientist in question has published papers sponsored by the Heartland Institute

"He has asserted that "parallel global warmings—observed simultaneously on Mars and on Earth—can only be a straightline consequence of the effect of the one same factor: a long-time change in solar irradiance." This claim has not been accepted by the broader scientific community. Some of Abdussamatov's opponents have stated that "the idea just isn't supported by the theory or by the observations" and that it "doesn't make physical sense."

So the polar caps are shrinking coincidentally then, ok. I just saw a story about how Mars was actually hotter than Earth in a number of locations recently too.

Jupiter's storms have been increasing in intensity as well. There is very likely a lot more variables at work than climatologists at large are considering because they have selfish motive, even if subconsciously... they have their biases. We all do. I tend to favor non coercive policy for example. Even to a fault, because I know the opposite tends to be worse for everyone not in the ruling class.

Not sure why the scientist in question is even important at all. It's data from NASA (the only part of the story of any concern at all to me). I agree with his assessment that all the variables have not been ruled out because they haven't been. And to think they have been is the height of typical human arrogance. Kind of like how everyone at one point was sure the earth was flat and those who claimed otherwise would be killed for the controversial views.

Any scientist saying the 'science is settled' is someone I immediately raise an eyebrow to as they clearly do not understand what science is and are obviously being political.

This data on its own doesn't really suggest anything other than more examination is needed. Mars has a 2 year orbit and it is slightly off center. Observation will take longer.
And you're doing absolutely nothing on your part to change any of this.

What does "something" look like to you? What could I be doing to avoid such criticisms in the future? If I say I'm riding my bike to work or recycling, it's met with mockery

In one breath, you claim individual contributions don't work, in another, you claim individuals aren't doing enough.. You don't get to sit on both sides of the fence. The fact is, you don't believe humans can have any effect on the climate either way because it's all up to the Sun anyway (even though NASA has difinitively settled that), so this line of questioning is obviously disingenuous.

What does "something" look like to you? What could I be doing to avoid such criticisms in the future? If I say I'm riding my bike to work or recycling, it's met with mockery

In one breath, you claim individual contributions don't work, in another, you claim individuals aren't doing enough.. You don't get to sit on both sides of the fence. The fact is, you don't believe humans can have any effect on the climate either way because it's all up to the Sun anyway (even though NASA has difinitively settled that), so this line of questioning is obviously disingenuous.

Smells like shit. Most likely because you just pulled all that right out of your ass.

The climate is changing. Are you ever going to stop crying about it?