And the noose continues to tighten..

Informing us is doing nothing?

WTF have YOU done for the planet lately?

1. I've never bought a new car.
2. I do indeed ride my bicycle and walk for many errands.
3. My primary computing device is my smartphone, far more efficient than my old desktop.
4. I converted to COB LED.
5. I'm doing research to bring high power, high efficiency grow lighting to all sectors of the indoor cultivation industry.
6. I've installed a high efficiency HVAC system based on dual circuit heat pump technology
7. I threw away my old gas furnace- last NOVEMBER, and have used no natural gas for heat since.

So I'll ask you again; exactly what the fuck are YOU doing to help reduce global warming, you worthless hack?!

I really don't think anyone who grows weed indoors can claim to be fighting CO2 output.

You can take your steps, but let's be real... this is not how nature intended and is probably one of the most wasteful wastes of energy in human existence. Thanks government for that.
I haven't done shit. I don't give a fuck. That's why you won't see me here crying about it all day. :)

Digital read out says I'm averaging just over 10 mpg in my daily. Its been colder this last week (zomg global warmingz!!!) so tires aren't as sticky, had to back her down a little. I'll be sure to fix that this next week.

I toss my aluminum cans in the trash too.

Somewhere out there, someone is rinsing and reusing their glad ziplock bags to keep the balance.
Digital read out says I'm averaging just over 10 mpg in my daily. Its been colder this last week (zomg global warmingz!!!) so tires aren't as sticky, had to back her down a little. I'll be sure to fix that this next week.

I toss my aluminum cans in the trash too.

Somewhere out there, someone is rinsing and reusing their glad ziplock bags to keep the balance.

I look at it like I look at removing a band-aid, rip that shit off quick and get it over with. ;)
lmao, ill do ya one better....three straight days of 65-85 degrees here in burlington..........then down to 25 for 3 more.........all in MAY! yes there's snow now too! el nino nina wtf man.
Damn, y'all still got snow? Ours was gone that day just getting warmed back up so the black flies can make my life hell. Nice being near water except May.
My local garbage collector spent years promoting recycling. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Help save the planet!! Go green!! Green Earth!! All these catch phrases try to get people to recycle based on the fact that they were doing something to help the environment. They used to say "If you aren't sure if it's recyclable go ahead and throw it in the green bin and we'll figure it out". Well a few months ago that all suddenly changed.

Now all they want is cardboard. They have people physically checking what people are recycling and issuing fines if it's done improperly. They will halt your garbage pickup if they find prohibited items in your green bin. The new motto is "When in doubt throw it out".

Apparently it's always been based around money. They were selling the recycled items. It was NEVER about saving the planet. It was simply about revenue. At this point the only thing being bought is cardboard. Unless they can make money off of it, they don't want it. It was a scam from the get go.

It's not illegal for me to use gasoline. It's not illegal for me to buy items packaged in plastic. It's not illegal for me leave a carbon footprint. I am doing nothing wrong. Get over it.
The ice caps on mars... you know, from the article I linked. And all I'm saying is scientists want to get funded to so they can keep working.... conspiracy? Well, no, not exactly. Conspiracy requires secrecy.

A scientist falling on his biases is hardly conspiratorial. Although yeah, I do believe there are some who have engaged in conspiracy as has been demonstrated by the email scandal, this is hardly a majority.

It's also being used as a tool by the very powerful to further consolidate power and establish totalitarian systems of control.

It was written about openly that using the environment would be a fantastic way to implement some really harsh authoritarian policy. John Holdren wrote a book about it in the 70's littered with absolute fucking crazy (forced sterilizations, abortions, mass sterilization through drugging water etc.. all in the name of saving the planet). And he wound up on Obama's cabinet.

The scientist in question did not produce this data and is totally irrelevant to the point I am making.

And yeah, I would actually question the doctor who made that point as the studies done on cigarettes were almost exclusively done with processed tobacco grown with all kinds of nasty shit. It also depends on how you are consuming it as well. It appears very likely that it does, but it isn't settled and it never will be as there's always a chance for a missed variable.

And that is in no way analogous to the massive system (with so many inputs, including solar system position, sun intensity etc etc) you are trying to claim the science is settled on... when there has yet to be an accurate model produced, the scientists making claims about the future are almost always wrong about everything and yet the science is settled. OK.
More conspiracy theory bullshit

Not worth wasting my time on
My local garbage collector spent years promoting recycling. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Help save the planet!! Go green!! Green Earth!! All these catch phrases try to get people to recycle based on the fact that they were doing something to help the environment. They used to say "If you aren't sure if it's recyclable go ahead and throw it in the green bin and we'll figure it out". Well a few months ago that all suddenly changed.

Now all they want is cardboard. They have people physically checking what people are recycling and issuing fines if it's done improperly. They will halt your garbage pickup if they find prohibited items in your green bin. The new motto is "When in doubt throw it out".

Apparently it's always been based around money. They were selling the recycled items. It was NEVER about saving the planet. It was simply about revenue. At this point the only thing being bought is cardboard. Unless they can make money off of it, they don't want it. It was a scam from the get go.

It's not illegal for me to use gasoline. It's not illegal for me to buy items packaged in plastic. It's not illegal for me leave a carbon footprint. I am doing nothing wrong. Get over it.
Wow you are stupid
It`s not that, it`s simple deduction. The United States is a very large land mass with thousands of miles or shoreline. It can be seen from the moon with a naked eye and from Mars with simple field glasses. We understand Global warming but have yet to see it happening in our Country.

All you scientists have to do is answer Why Global Warming has hit the rest of the world we can`t see and totally avoided the United States ? We`re still trying to part with winter in New England.
Have you heard of the epic drought in California? Apparently your view of the world doesn't go past your own back yard.
Fuck Antarctica, right? Nobody lives on ice sheets...
Have you heard of the epic drought in California? Apparently your view of the world doesn't go past your own back yard.
Fuck Antarctica, right? Nobody lives on ice sheets...
What does somebody living in a wheel chair at assisted living know about the world? He only posts when he wakes up from his naps.
My local garbage collector spent years promoting recycling. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Help save the planet!! Go green!! Green Earth!! All these catch phrases try to get people to recycle based on the fact that they were doing something to help the environment. They used to say "If you aren't sure if it's recyclable go ahead and throw it in the green bin and we'll figure it out". Well a few months ago that all suddenly changed.

Now all they want is cardboard. They have people physically checking what people are recycling and issuing fines if it's done improperly. They will halt your garbage pickup if they find prohibited items in your green bin. The new motto is "When in doubt throw it out".

Apparently it's always been based around money. They were selling the recycled items. It was NEVER about saving the planet. It was simply about revenue. At this point the only thing being bought is cardboard. Unless they can make money off of it, they don't want it. It was a scam from the get go.

It's not illegal for me to use gasoline. It's not illegal for me to buy items packaged in plastic. It's not illegal for me leave a carbon footprint. I am doing nothing wrong. Get over it.
This sounds like more made up shit. I'm guessing that you haven't even talked to anybody about it. One thing is certain, you are pretty stupid.
Haahaahahaaa, you've been had or maybe I've missed your sarcasm and the joke is on me. In any case, what a funny post this is. The solar system has moved into an area of "high energy". Can anyone explain what the form the high energy is in or where it comes from? I don't think so, because its all ooga booga psuedo religious crackpot science bullshit. And plasma beings live in the core of our planet too. LOL

This science denial myth goes like this, solar system moved into a "high energy" (whatever that is) area of galaxy is stimulating activity in the sun, which causes earth and all planets to warm up. Those climate scientists are so wrong. Anybody with a grade school diploma knows better (or thinks they do).

How about some reality?

Climate Myth...
Other planets are warming
"[E]vidence that CO2 is not the principle driver of warming on this planet is provided by the simultaneous warming of other planets and moons in our solar system, despite the fact that they obviously have no anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases.

Mars, Triton, Pluto and Jupiter all show global warming, pointing to the Sun as the dominating influence in determining climate throughout the solar system." (Ian McClintock)

Rebuttal to the Myth
This argument is part of a greater one that other planets are warming. If this is happening throughout the solar system, clearly it must be the sun causing the rise in temperatures – including here on Earth.

It is curious that the theory depends so much on sparse information – what we know about the climates on other planets and their history – yet its proponents resolutely ignore the most compelling evidence against the notion. Over the last fifty years, the sun’s output has decreased slightly: it is radiating less heat. We can measure the various activities of the sun pretty accurately from here on Earth, or from orbit above it, so it is hard to ignore the discrepancy between the facts and the sceptical argument that the sun is causing the rise in temperatures.


TSI from 1880 to 1978 from Solanki. TSI from 1979 to 2009 from PMOD.

But if the sun’s output has levelled off or even diminished, then what is causing other planets to warm up? Are they warming at all?

The planets and moons that are claimed to be warming total roughly eight out of dozens of large bodies in the solar system. Some, like Uranus, may be cooling. All the outer planets have vastly longer orbital periods than Earth, so any climate change on them may be seasonal. Saturn and its moons take 30 Earth years to orbit the Sun, so three decades of observations equates to only 1 Saturnian year. Uranus has an 84-year orbit and 98° axial tilt, so its seasons are extreme. Neptune has not yet completed a single orbit since its discovery in 1846.

Nobody knows what the typical yearly temperatures of outer planets is. Nobody can say what is normal or not. To say otherwise requires faith, a commodity of no value to science.
You debunk this by saying over the last 50 years it has declined.

You then show a graph that shows that, although the last 50 years does trend down, the last 150 years shows a significant increase in solar output.

That seems to bolster the claim instead of debunk it, as you said it does.