And the noose continues to tighten..

Fracking contaminates ground water. Big time. There are cancer clusters all over Alberta where they're injecting the most garbage into the ground and it's winding up in water supplies. It's being identified, but then it can't be verified because the companies hide behind their patents and claim trade secrets so the lawsuits are thrown out. But there are mystery chemicals appearing in the water and people are getting cancer. 100% verified. Thanks government for forcing oil on us instead of hemp (which is what they SHOULD and WOULD be using that land to grow if the government didn't provide insulation from liability in the form of incorporation, patent law and regulations...), you're oh so wonderful.
for one, methane itself may be clean but is a major greenhouse gas when freely released into the atmosphere in huge (actually any) amounts by man. It released when natural gas wells are drilled, and from thawing permafrost. 2 fuck the US government, they are paid representatives for BIG BUSINESS, not Americans. I have not and never would tout them as anything but the worst thing to happen to human kind. As far as I am concerned they should all be killed, with their heads on stakes for all the evil assholes in the world to see. And Third, if you think fracking is in anyway safe for the environment or ground water, I know there is plenty of free land with ground water that you can drink.
Even the EPA agrees that fracking does not pollute ground water yet the government that you so highly tout for global warming somehow doesnt know what they are talking about with fracking? Consistency would be nice here.

The EPA...

You are drunk
Ignorance may be bliss but it sure makes you look dumb. Its also funny and a bit ironic that science deniers hungrily grasp at scientific reports or pseudo scientific shams when convenient. But, to your comment, no, the EPA has yet to release their report.

Conflicting EPA draft reports support assertions for and against ground water contamination. Given the health risks, it would be best if a moratorium on fracking were put in place until the science can be settled. There is no good reason for putting people's lives at risk while the assessment and science are not settled.

Michael Savage was really hot and dramatic today. said something about not supporting Trump today and how congress and Paul Ryan decided today to bail out Puerto Rico spending 70 billion. There was a conversation about wasting top level compassion on trans gender children when compassion should be given out on tiers. Children dealing with pain and cancer go to the top tier and the transgender children, while they do get compassion, go to the bottom of the compassion list.
He talked about what insanity is. He said insanity is a confusion of organization and priorities. That was so fuckin deep. It made me think about this thread. :peace:
Fracking contaminates ground water. Big time. There are cancer clusters all over Alberta where they're injecting the most garbage into the ground and it's winding up in water supplies. It's being identified, but then it can't be verified because the companies hide behind their patents and claim trade secrets so the lawsuits are thrown out. But there are mystery chemicals appearing in the water and people are getting cancer. 100% verified. Thanks government for forcing oil on us instead of hemp (which is what they SHOULD and WOULD be using that land to grow if the government didn't provide insulation from liability in the form of incorporation, patent law and regulations...), you're oh so wonderful.
Its amazing to me how the oil industry gets away with murder. You are right in that people around fracking wells have been getting sick, some unto death from wells that had been perfectly good before fracking began. Chemicals found in wells are sometimes linked to fracking but sometimes not, so, Big Oil sez, see -- not conclusive, so, I'll just go ahead and frack the world. When -- and I don't doubt that it will happen -- enough data are gathered to overcome all scientific skepticism over harm caused by fracking, Big Oil will switch to legal defense to avoid damages. As with AGW, it's all about delaying action to accrue profits.

This would all end tomorrow if today we put laws in place making top executives liable to charges up to murder for the actions of their company.
Michael Savage was really hot and dramatic today. said something about not supporting Trump today and how congress and Paul Ryan decided today to bail out Puerto Rico spending 70 billion. There was a conversation about wasting top level compassion on trans gender children when compassion should be given out on tiers. Children dealing with pain and cancer go to the top tier and the transgender children, while they do get compassion, go to the bottom of the compassion list.
He talked about what insanity is. He said insanity is a confusion of organization and priorities. That was so fuckin deep. It made me think about this thread. :peace:
When is Michael Savage not hot and dramatic? I avoid all of these passionate-sounding radio talk show hosts that say things to inflame people. It feels manipulative and that's one thing that I won't abide, not even from a smoking hot woman that I'm interested in. But I will say they are effective at garnering repeat listeners and making dough.

I don't get it. Was he saying that we only have enough compassion to go around and so only the deserving cases get it? And just how does trying to raise healthy children that happen to be born with identity issues have to do with cancer victims or Puerto Rico? I fail to see how caring for one prevents caring for the other.

His definition of insanity is convenient but sane people have problems setting priorities too. So, again, it was a manipulative statement to make him seem the sane one when he claims that transgender children should not get the kind of care they need. Or at least that's what I gather from your description.

That said, I agree with you that there is a confusion around priorities and what kind of organized response we should give to anthropogenic global warming. But really, there is no confusion among the scientific community. And there would be no confusion in the general public without the very calculated and mendacious campaign waged by the fossil fuel industry to confuse the public. The earth is warming at a rate that is too fast for many plants and animals to adjust and we are seeing only the beginning of a mass extinction. Global warming is already affecting us in predictable ways, including drought, spread of disease and increasingly extreme weather events. Its a fact and the oil industry is delaying action in order make the high profits that are created by our lax regulations regarding waste products from the use of fossil fuel.
yeah, i can relate to what you say:leaf: Fogdog:leaf:. ...athropogenic, what does that mean? yeah Michael Savage is really a piece of work. Yesterday he had a show about LSD! i missed it what I heard about it was really depressing. A father called in about his son taking too much Molly and designer drugs and ended up in the looney bin. Jerry Garcia being the devil because he helped to promote LSD creating all the liberal morons we have today. He is pretty depressing alright, very entertaining. Him and Trump are very similar in many ways, its pretty scary.
Ignorance may be bliss but it sure makes you look dumb.


Funny how you called me stupid and accused me of making shit up. I blew your claim out of the water and you completely ignored it. Like a dog with his tail between his legs. You can sit in the corner and lick your balls now. ;)
Funny how you called me stupid and accused me of making shit up. I blew your claim out of the water and you completely ignored it. Like a dog with his tail between his legs. You can sit in the corner and lick your balls now. ;)
The pertinent part of my post stated that it is certain you are stupid.
And so it continues. Most of the US is experiencing above normal temperatures. Parts of the west were so dry, there were grass fires during what should have been a wet period. 13% of the US is in a drought.

But hey, Fox news says everything is fine. Ignoramuses can go back to sleep.
yeah, i can relate to what you say:leaf: Fogdog:leaf:. ...athropogenic, what does that mean? yeah Michael Savage is really a piece of work. Yesterday he had a show about LSD! i missed it what I heard about it was really depressing. A father called in about his son taking too much Molly and designer drugs and ended up in the looney bin. Jerry Garcia being the devil because he helped to promote LSD creating all the liberal morons we have today. He is pretty depressing alright, very entertaining. Him and Trump are very similar in many ways, its pretty scary.
Anthropogenic means human caused. Why they don't just say human caused climate change is a head-scratcher.

So M Savage moved from skewering people who are trying to raise healthy kids with identity issues to "LSD creates liberals"? That's pretty dam funny. It sounds as if he's a bit delusional himself.
Lol, are these pathetic stooges still trying to push this farce? "Above the baseline" that's all you need to see to know its total horseshit. The fictitious, Eco-Loon created baseline that was concocted purely for the purpose of this scam.

Face facts you teary-eyed, sad little lemmings, we're going to continue burning fossil fuels in mass quantities for 10-20 years after the technology that replaces it is perfected. If you're hoping for anything other than empty legislative victories that change nothing, financially punish ourselves unnecessarily and give liberals microchubbies, you're in for a rude awakening. Funniest shit I've read in a while.