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  1. B

    Dumb newbie question about photoperiod

    Looks like he's talking about a zero light period before harvest.
  2. B

    12/12 From Seed

    Wasn't he? Vegging under 12/12 is still vegging.
  3. B

    Newbie question: organic soil and nutes

    You're OK with that mix. Plants just want good soil and good nutrition, and they don't care about brand names. Many people will add perlite to the Happy Frog to increase drainage. Good luck, have fun, and don't stress.
  4. B

    Best Vape Pen Dry Herb

    Here's where I got mine: Arizer Solo
  5. B

    I think I chopped my plant too early?

    Good on 'Ya. We all learn with each grow, so put this in the memory bank and your next one will please you even more. You're the only one that needs to be happy here.
  6. B

    I think I chopped my plant too early?

    Lots of ways to do a quick dry for an early sample, man. You know that.
  7. B

    2.5 weeks of growth. Are these plants growing slow?

    It's more than over watering. There are some spots, and in places the texture looks wrong.
  8. B

    Watering in the seedling stage

    To be clear, this was not in response to the stunting comment. That was probably due to not letting it dry enough.
  9. B

    Found a brown spot on one of my flowers please help....

    If you don't see the Safer brand, ask for a caterpillar killer that is B.T. based. It's a bacteria and you can use it right to harvest.
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    Watering in the seedling stage

    That's the idea. Longer cycle is easier on the plant, and with all of the media moist, the roots have more space to spread. They won't grow out into dry soil.
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    Watering in the seedling stage

    You can't saturate a half-liter of media with a capful of water. Take it to the sink and gently run water until you get runoff.
  12. B

    Watering in the seedling stage

    A detail or two would help, but in general, enough to saturate the media, then let it get fairly dry before doing it again. Don't fixate. These things are tough!
  13. B

    Found a brown spot on one of my flowers please help....

    Yes, they chew inside and depending on the amount of damage they do, you'll see outer parts die off. Even with just a week or so to go, I'd spray because they are big eaters and you don't know how many more there may be. Aside from the chewing, their waste can cause mold. Get 'em quick.
  14. B

    Found a brown spot on one of my flowers please help....

    Open up that flower and look for green or brown caterpillars or little black spots of poo. If you find any, spray with Safer Caterpillar Killer.
  15. B

    clones still flowering??

    Did you change their light schedule? They are the same age as the mother, so unless you give them more hours and reveg, they'll bloom and finish just like Mom.
  16. B

    Best Vape Pen Dry Herb

    "leafy" is parked. You mean They just redirect to Arizer and you can do much better on the price elsewhere. Watch out for Chinese fakes. The bottom of the real ones from Canada look like this: Fakes are much different.
  17. B

    Best Vape Pen Dry Herb

    Excellent little cooker, but if portability is a priority for you I strongly suggest you handle one before buying if at all possible. It's thick and heavy. If you just look at price vs performance, it is very tough to beat this one.
  18. B

    I think I chopped my plant too early?

    Loss of volume. Loss of potency. Altered "profile", meaning effect, taste, smell. What strains? Indoor or outdoor? In a now deleted post you said everyone told you to chop yesterday. Do you mean people here? If so, put them all on your ignore list!
  19. B

    I think I chopped my plant too early?

    Show some close shots of the buds themselves so we can better judge, but they both look young. Bottom one looks WAY early. Can't go by the shape of the plant, though. That's got nothing to do with it.
  20. B

    Best Vape Pen Dry Herb

    I love my fat marker Solo, but if you bring plug-ins to the discussion it really isn't the same discussion. And yes, very few, if any true pens can do flower well. That's just the reason I chose the Arizer.