I think I chopped my plant too early?


Well-Known Member
image.jpeg Plant one: ready, it was tall and big and stretched out.

Plant two: seems unready, it was short and square and bushy.
image.jpeg image.jpeg

I think it is unready because the lower buds there's nothing really even developed, so is it, or are some plants just this way?


Well-Known Member
Show some close shots of the buds themselves so we can better judge, but they both look young. Bottom one looks WAY early. Can't go by the shape of the plant, though. That's got nothing to do with it.


Well-Known Member
side light more next time spread your branches if you can

give good airflow to both upper and lower bud sites

and yes looks like you took the tall one down 3/6 weeks early and the short one 2/4 weeks early

but harvest time comes down to strain and feeding program, you choose when they finish (within reason)


Well-Known Member
side light more next time spread your branches if you can

give good airflow to both upper and lower bud sites

and yes looks like you took the tall one down 3/6 weeks early and the short one 2/4 weeks early

but harvest time comes down to strain and feeding program, you choose when they finish (within reason)
What are the differences from harvesting too soon? I had a much smaller indica plant that I harvested earlier and the buds are just fine from my perspective. I had another plant that had started flowering the soonest and that one spoiled


Well-Known Member
What are the differences from harvesting too soon? I had a much smaller indica plant that I harvested earlier and the buds are just fine from my perspective. I had another plant that had started flowering the soonest and that one spoiled
small buds, less taste, some will give a mild high that lasts ages instead of a heavy stone

I like riper buds myself and I hate trimming under developed light bud, I`d rather just cook with that or make oil out of it

Depends on the strain but running till there atleast fat and 50% milky is the least you wanna do

yellowing the buds or going for amber/brown trichs is another thing but cutting down early you cost yourself yield

2 weeks early sometimes it can smell better but you`re not even 2 weeks early your stuff all looks like it needed 4 to 8 more weeks

It`s worth it, you`d get more bud running them plants 2 to 6 more weeks than if you harvested them and started new plants, plus your bud would over grow your sweet leaf, leaving you with only fan and shade leaves to trimm


Well-Known Member
What are the differences from harvesting too soon
Loss of volume. Loss of potency. Altered "profile", meaning effect, taste, smell.

What strains? Indoor or outdoor? In a now deleted post you said everyone told you to chop yesterday. Do you mean people here? If so, put them all on your ignore list!


Well-Known Member
No advice for shit weed harvested early as fuck.

Take the loss and start over
Yeah I`ve seen some people cut off limbs like that to make cuttings

have you dried it all yet @so.nice ? You know I`m pretty sure I could of got them to root up looking at them pics now, the real trick would be to keep them flowering while rooting them

I know a guy that`s so lazy he`d do that to save him having to lift the rootball during transplanting, lol


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3783774 Plant one: ready, it was tall and big and stretched out.

Plant two: seems unready, it was short and square and bushy.
View attachment 3783775 View attachment 3783776

I think it is unready because the lower buds there's nothing really even developed, so is it, or are some plants just this way?
I'm no pro, but isn't it still wet? Needs to dry/cure, yeah? Shouldn't the buds be tighter/less leaf?
(Based on watching my brother grow many years ago, I'm still popping seeds.)


Well-Known Member
It ain't shit weed, I just smoked some and it's amazingly good, and it ain't a loss, it's the most weed I have ever had and I don't need it all..I am happy.
Good on 'Ya. We all learn with each grow, so put this in the memory bank and your next one will please you even more. You're the only one that needs to be happy here.


Well-Known Member
If anything this should teach OP
Patience ....just looking at your pics I can tell those buds were still guna fatten up some more just by there shape .....you costed yourself some yeild and potency for sure ......if you like microwaved young weed then you would shit your pants over some well dry/cured mature bud ......early harvesting is a practice but the harvest window has to be open in order to do a early harvest .....sadly your window was shut with a pad lock on it IMO .....more patience next time


Well-Known Member
It ain't shit weed, I just smoked some and it's amazingly good, and it ain't a loss, it's the most weed I have ever had and I don't need it all..I am happy.
First I want to say congrats on a successful harvest mate. To answer your original questions yes you harvested a little early. And if you harvest too soon you will miss out on potency mate. I didn't believe it either but I assure you a plant that is allowed to fully mature can be 3 times more potent than a plant that is harvested to early. I know your smoking on some good bud and it's a relief to not have to buy any from someone else but next time let them go a few weeks longer, you won't be disappointed.


Well-Known Member
And none are worth a fuck.

I'm not in this for a bullshit ass high. No need to rush it or fuck it up. You spend a long time getting them to where they need to be just to fuck it all up at the end??? Do it right or don't do it at all.

Everyone told him not to harvest...
I did it right. it's perfect..I'm not really going to keep all of it. This whole process has been a blast for me.