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  1. C

    Why no reply just not popular enough I guess

    Lmfao!!Lmfao!! Best one I've heard in a minute.
  2. C

    what do you like to drink during your smoke sessions?

    Almost forgot my favorite non-alcoholic high time beverage. Simply Lemonade mixed with some Lipton Brisk Iced tea. So refreshing!!
  3. C

    what do you like to drink during your smoke sessions?

    Crown Royal (Special Reserve ) on da rocks...cause it goes down so smooth and I fuckin feel sophisticated when I drink it!
  4. C

    Why no reply just not popular enough I guess

    Can't believe I sat here and read this whole thread, funny as shit though! Lmfao the entire time! Shit after inviting everybody to a pity party then the pile on starts and the guest of honor never shows....go figure, but funny nonetheless.
  5. C

    How Do You Think There Looking?

    Ouch! If they had tear ducts they would cry every day. I find Low to mid 70s to be ideal.
  6. C

    Need advice on appartment growing

    True enough, but sometimes the risks are worth the rewards. In all honesty if you started tomorrow you could have your first harvest before November. You sell off then move the operation to a more suitable location.
  7. C

    How Do You Think There Looking?

    Wow! Those are stupid fresh!! They'll be monstrous by the time they're done.
  8. C

    organic 5 footer

    Hit em with some bat guano and worm castings and they'll love it.
  9. C

    Has anybody flowered using CFL?? post any pics if so.

    Check out the cfl grow journals my dude. Roseman's got a particularly enlightening thread all about cfls with pics of course.
  10. C

    Does Unsulfured Molasses Work?

    Word I just bought some of the Grandma's last week and ya'll answered that question for me too without me having to ask it. Thanks dudes!
  11. C

    trying to tie or bend plants???

    Na my dude should have done all your bending and LST before you started flowering. I'm afraid your'e just gonna have to let her do her thing now unless you wanna reveg which is gonna add time to yor grow.
  12. C

    How Do You Think There Looking?

    Yeah they look pretty good heat issues considered. Once you get that temp below 80 you should start to see some explosive growth.
  13. C

    Orange Bud, CFL grow, high def pics

    Yeah man you have to try again, if for no other reason cause imagine when you do get a girl the quality of budporn pics you could take with that camera!!! Shit!
  14. C

    Need advice on appartment growing

    I'm doin a stealth apartment grow myself much smaller than yours, but your proposed setup sounds good it's just that odor control is even more important in an apartment than a house for obvious reasons. Anyway when you start flowering and then drying those bitches that will be the true test of...
  15. C


    It's good stuff, but use sparingly. I usually put two or three drops per gallon and that's perfect.
  16. C

    Welcome to our Gangster Government ...

    I fear it may take nothing short of civil war....where are the true patriots? Think if we ask them nicely they'll give us back our country...not!!!
  17. C

    Welcome to our Gangster Government ...

    Yeah, unfortunately we are all victims of doublespeak. Obama employed this skill well during his campaign and he and his underlings continue to even now. I just wanna say that as a black man I wanted him to win and hoped that he would bring the change we need. I'd forgotten that It does'nt...
  18. C

    The REAL Reason Cannabis is Illegal.

    I really don't know what is going to happen in 2012, but I do think the world is being primed for something big. We can watch History channel about the Mayan calendar and the predictions of Nostradamus. It's all around us in pop culture. There is even a film coming out with John Cusack called...
  19. C

    The High-Potency Marijuana Sentencing Enhancement Act of 2009!WTF

    Is he introducing this as Illinois state legislature or is he pushing for Federal? Either way it's real fucked up, but at least at the state level it woul'nt affect everyone.
  20. C

    why do you get high, please share, get it off your chest man youll feel better

    Word up man hold ya head up and next blunt's for you!