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  1. C

    The Mandatory Swine flu vaccine thread (important)

    We will have to try again and again. Die trying in fact because the alternative is just unacceptable. I can 't in good concience take a seat at the tabe that is being prepared for us. There's just too much at stake for that. Not enough people willing to die for their country anymore? And I...
  2. C

    The Pro Alex Jones Thread.

    Look around! All anybody has to do is pay close attention to the new legislature being passed and read between the lines of the language being used because it is doublespeak. Step away from your PS3, your ipod, and your television for awhile. Read the proper books, newspapers, magazines and...
  3. C

    Decrimininalization bill --- again

    Barney Frank must be a real weed head LOL! He better be careful before they start investigating why he's so adament about this issue.
  4. C

    The Mandatory Swine flu vaccine thread (important)

    Glad to see somebody that actually gets it. Scary indeed! More frightening than anything Hollywood can conjure up, but then reality often is.
  5. C

    The Mandatory Swine flu vaccine thread (important)

    Right here witcha homie, they'll have to kill me to get it in me. They are not slick this is pretty much how AIDS got it's start. It was first administerd to openly gay men then minorities as some sort of a flu vaccination. Then with the help of the media the propaganda was spread. Gotta be...
  6. C

    Feeding Urine to your plants.

    Yup I'm on a real low budget grow already bought everything i'm gonna buy for now, but i've been mixing some of my mello yello in with their food and they seem to like it just fine.
  7. C

    My first HPS closet grow! - PPPics

    Yeah tight work! How is your temp in the closet with the hps? I was considering getting one for my next closet grow, but I'm nervous about the heat and cutting holes and shit is out of the question.
  8. C

    Florida Growers Thread

    Thanks for posting this man, but how to wake people up. Sad part is this thread probably wont see much action.
  9. C

    Florida Growers Thread

    My dude don't take this the wrong way, but your response to his post graphically illustrates a portion of what the article is saying about us. As somewhat of a student of history I implore you to first reread the article and then pick up some books on the history of Russia before communism and...
  10. C

    Working at a dispensary is not all that fun as it seems.

    Ever handle dead bodies? I have and it's not fun. Downright creepy and the smell....ill!
  11. C

    Working at a dispensary is not all that fun as it seems.

    I feel your pain homie I'm a front desk concierge at a high end condo and I feel like a bump on a log most days and I certainly burn up their internet too. What else? Oh an go up on the roof and burn a bowl I guess.
  12. C


    Could'nt have said it better myself bruh.
  13. C


    Indeed. Honestly to me part of mankinds problem is the desire to want to fix everything. Make everything perfect and live in some peacful utopian society. I think it is only god that can bring true peace and we will not have it until the stench of the what transpires on this planet reaches...
  14. C

    Oh Where Oh Where Has The Quality Control Gone?

    everything's going to shit look at the fucked up toys and the fake dry wall the Chinese have been selling us! Quality such thing anymore. Been smoking my first harvest this week and now I see what's up. Like the saying says "if you want something done right you have to do it...
  15. C

    what do you like to drink during your smoke sessions?

    Kinda agree, but it is cool after you eat to feel your high creepin back up on you, but typically I like to eat before I smoke.
  16. C

    Why no reply just not popular enough I guess

    Depends how high I am, short term memory loss. Now where...did I put my goddamn lighter?!
  17. C

    Response to Ounce in ur area....

    Wow supply and demand and whatever market you happen to live in obviously are big factors.
  18. C

    Why no reply just not popular enough I guess

    Tip: Don't ever roll a loose blunt, light it, and then put it down to go do something right quick and forget it. when you get back....nothing, but blunt shaped ash. Haha..not funny if it happens to you though.
  19. C

    Response to Ounce in ur area....

    Have to say I agree with this dude. Now don't get me wrong I'm all for giving discounts and of course it's easier to do this if you grew it, but $150 an oz is just too cheap. Going rate in my neck of the woods is $300-350 and If your'e charging 350 it better be worth it. When I get my op...
  20. C

    how do you deal with tigh ass motherf*****s

    Good Thread and I agree with pretty much all of you. I got no problem smoking my dudes out, but motherfuckers get used to shit too much. Like me and my homie Deebo, he serves, everybody knows and I cop from him at least once a week and smoke some with him. It's like his crib is the hangout...