Search results

  1. C

    This is my first harvest and i need general person to person tips/advice

    I don't know about trading yours in, but the 68 watt ones put out something like 4,300 lumens and I find them to be more efficient than smaller ones because two or three of the 68s can do the job of three or four times as many of the smaller wattage ones. Just makes for a more efficient setup...
  2. C

    Clone From a Flowering Plant?

    Some guy's got a semi instructional video on youtube where he's taking clones from a plant in late flowering stages and he seems to have success.
  3. C

    What would you prefer legalization or just decriminalization?

    I would say decriminalization is the way to go because it would'nt be accessible by all, of course having to go through the proper channels to acquire it legally. Nobody would have to lose their jobs as there is currently a thriving medical marijuana industry in thirteen states.
  4. C

    How much do you smoke a day??

    When It's abundant at least three blunts a day probably more, but this is exactly why I decided to grow because I find myself spending at least $100 a week on weed and I aint about to quit so....
  5. C

    Articles of Interest...

    Way to keep your finger on the pulse of what ails our republic. Where's the outrage you ask? People are sittin on it cause they've got their heads up their asses! instead of paying attention to the changes taking place, many peole are happily distracted. All the information you gave in this...
  6. C

    This is my first harvest and i need general person to person tips/advice

    They got some pretty big cfls now. Home Depot has some 68 watt ones that I have and love. I think three or four of these would definetly increase your yield next go around. They are only about 15 bucks a piece too!
  7. C

    cfls, flowering. help!!!

    Yo, how much are these lights?
  8. C

    An Evening with Jebus

    Welcome bruh, I'm pretty much a noob myself being about a week from my first harvest. Hope yours goes well and I hope you enjoy being a member of RIU!
  9. C

    thermal imaging

    Look, we are forgetting that the number one reason for peoples grows getting exposed and taken down is because of running their mouths. Does Law enforcement have the technology to see heat signatures? Yes. Do the fuckers use sneaky illegal means of obtaining evidence and warrants? Of course...
  10. C

    First Grow EVER

    LG Like to commend you on your grow even though you hit a couple bumps in the road recently. Good for you and your husband. Hey If I were you I'd germ some more beans meanwhile continuing to rehab your current plants. Then I'd put the damaged plants outside and kinda let them do their thing...
  11. C

    The Importance Of Mixed Lighting

    Fantastic thread! Really educational and helpful! Many thanks to all who actually know what they are talking about and contributed to the thread.
  12. C

    2-Liter SOG 12 Plant Perpetual Stealth

    Man your set up is inexpensive, but seemingly quite efficient. I think for people like myself with space limitations sog is the way to go. I'm just gearing up to try my own 2liter sog, but again I like yours man just simple and straight forward. Definetly gonna try your method of cloning as well.
  13. C

    Doing some shrooms....

  14. C

    Doing some shrooms....

    Any good spots to order spores and kits my dude?
  15. C

    End of Life Cycle / Harvesting Questions

    Quite right man, quite right. The experience comes from the doing. A person can do as much research as he wants, but when it comes down to it, your'e just gonna have to try for yourself and record your results. Definetly different strokes for different folks though. Like some people would...
  16. C

    Aurora Indica CFL Soil ghetto grow

    She's fuckin beautiful man!!! I wanted to get this strain and as far as I know Nirvana is the only spot that has it, but the fuckers dont ship to the U.S. Really beautiful chic though man!
  17. C

    4th grow smoke is better but same yield WHY???

    No problem homie that's what's up in RIU!
  18. C

    My Babies

    Those don't look like babies. They look like proper adolescents well on their way to adulthood. Lookin good bruh. If you are so incllined why not bless us with some close ups.
  19. C

    Doing some shrooms....

    I've done LSD, Mesculine gel tabs, mesculine micro dots, and mushrooms. The shrooms temporarily improved my eyesight dramatically. We were on the Brooklyn side of the Verrazano Bridge at night, trippin and laughing. Now I've always had to squint to see what everybody else has no problem...
  20. C

    Quitting Smoking (tobacco, of course)

    I quit cold turkey like five months ago. Funny, I've smoked one here one there maybe a total of five cigarettes since I officially and I don't have the desire to be a regular again. Weird, knowing that every time you smoke one it puts receptors in your brain that make you crave more. Mind...