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  1. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    Good vibes guys , good vibes..:hump: Appreciated!!! Treemasterskunk
  2. treemasterskunk

    H E L P !!!!...brown/ black leaves today!!!! Perfectly fine untill today!!!

    Hi guys , got a question for anyone and everyone!! I have a journal on the go in newbie section , but was after responses from anyone as to why my leaf tips are curling up and going brown/black on the edges.... I have 600 watt(no glass or cooltube) HPS, in 3x3x7ft high closet in my...
  3. treemasterskunk

    Hello Everybody!!!! Welcome to my thread....Brand New , Lets See How We Do!I

    thanks las, on it in the morning.... And nice ol boy i have done bit of trimming and tying to the one thats down, had it out from the light for a while, and its a lot thinner of course. I am going to manipulate the thin one as much as i can , leaving the other and trying to tell if there is a...
  4. treemasterskunk

    DR. aMbRa TrYcoMbs***** SuMmEr BUD baKE*******2011*****12/12 gRowiN'

    Awesome thread Dr A, Brand new to the forums and growing DST my man..... hope ya all good mate. How do i subscribe??!! Regards TMS:leaf:
  5. treemasterskunk

    Hello Everybody!!!! Welcome to my thread....Brand New , Lets See How We Do!I

    not that is one thing i dont know.................should i get an underwater thermometer???????? and are they expensive??
  6. treemasterskunk

    Hello Everybody!!!! Welcome to my thread....Brand New , Lets See How We Do!I

    yup.. but i do need to add some ph'd and nuted water tomorrow ,as my bloody dad brought the truncheon thingy but left the ph pen at his!!! grrr. my e.c in the most curling one is 1.4 - 1.6.....i dnt think it was that high when we fed them,(maybe 1.2) dya think thats the prob?? overfeeding a...
  7. treemasterskunk

    Hello Everybody!!!! Welcome to my thread....Brand New , Lets See How We Do!I

    okay dude....just gott get some extra lenght on my wires Thats the next job!! Getting all wiring and leccys out! Any thoughts on the upcurled leaves dude?? Oh and time to roll a load of dirt i have...... Peace out las.
  8. treemasterskunk

    Hello Everybody!!!! Welcome to my thread....Brand New , Lets See How We Do!I

    okay..... Update!!..... Right, i have put the inline bolted to the wall, ducting to carbon filter and fan , and outletted to my loft!!! Cant seem to keep the temp down in here for some reason...well actually i still need to fit the inlet fan in the door...( that might be the problem as i have...
  9. treemasterskunk

    Welcome New Members!

    aaaaaaghhhh, moved my light closer to the ladies last night , and today the tips on the top few fan leaves are curling up at the end... is this nutes or the light?????? Regards TMS
  10. treemasterskunk

    Welcome New Members!

    Smoochies you are the man!!!! going to start chopping away now!!....well actually got a mate round so will attemp it verysoon , and i need to fit the fan and extractor i recieved yesterday... update soon
  11. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    hahahhaa awesome stories guys...... keep em coming!! TMS
  12. treemasterskunk

    Hello Everybody!!!! Welcome to my thread....Brand New , Lets See How We Do!I

    sweeet news my friend, i have placed the carbon filter in the hangers i devised , and now my oscilating fan has just died!!!! aaaaggghhh!!!! so ive put my new extraction fan in there, just on a box n a few books, to blow the air around .....and the ladies of course :) gotta keep em dancing...
  13. treemasterskunk

    Hello Everybody!!!! Welcome to my thread....Brand New , Lets See How We Do!I

    thankyou very much las.. like i said i will put pics on tomorrow once i have installed the filter etc, and an update on the light positioning, as i have lowered it so its 29inches away from the tip of the 2 ladies.... well was yesterday!! I can show you how much room i have aswell to fit the...
  14. treemasterskunk

    Hello Everybody!!!! Welcome to my thread....Brand New , Lets See How We Do!I

    Dya think??? like i said havent done any growing before, but they are looking ok on the big one, they have really good all round coverage, ( there are 2 plants there),, but the one pictured with the ruler and coin did have 24 hours with a lack of bubbles.... so i put the less root coverage down...
  15. treemasterskunk

    Hello Everybody!!!! Welcome to my thread....Brand New , Lets See How We Do!I

    Thankyou very much!! nice ol bud......... Regards.. TMS
  16. treemasterskunk

    Hello Everybody!!!! Welcome to my thread....Brand New , Lets See How We Do!I

    Hi to whoever is reading this!! Brand new to growing , have seen a few but, now its time for one of my own!! I have previously posted on someone elses thread, i have no idea what i am doings(600 club and newbie central), i thought i would do my own thread , so anyone can follow, (and so can...
  17. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    Quick update guys, have moved the 600hps down, so it is now 29inches from the top of the 2 this a good height?? thought i would have had heat issues as its lower, so opened the door a little wider for more intake (or circulation)....and i would have tried it lower but ran out of...
  18. treemasterskunk

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey guys.... Moved the 600 watt so its now 29inches from the top of the plant, thought i would have had heat issues but as yet everything is fine........just got the door open a littlw wider for new air/ this a good height ??? cnt have it lower i havent got the length on the...
  19. treemasterskunk

    Welcome New Members!

    hi guys , ive show some pictures of the plant now for the roots, think they are doing ok for 25 days??? bit small?? any thoughts always welcome!! (25 says old, canna nutes, 3x3x7 closet, 600 watts DWC,)
  20. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    sorry guys , didnt put em on straight, let me see what i can do...... sorted, look above :) regards, Treemasterskunk