Hello Everybody!!!! Welcome to my thread....Brand New , Lets See How We Do!I


Active Member
Hi to whoever is reading this!!

Brand new to growing , have seen a few but, now its time for one of my own!!

I have previously posted on someone elses thread, i have no idea what i am doings(600 club and newbie central), i thought i would do my own thread , so anyone can follow, (and so can I) lol.

Koay lets go then,....

The Set-Up:

3x3x7ft high closet/cupboard in bedroom,
600 watt bulb, reflector and ballast,
2x DWC 5 gall bubble buckets(own pump), with a 'cheese' clone in each,
very cheap extraction fan from homebase in the top left of the roof...........
(soon to be changed as my 'vents tt 125' inline fan and carbon filter arrived today),
cheapo thermometer,
and door opened for fresh air/ventilation.


Canna Vega (2 part)
Canna Flores (2 part)
Canna Rhizotonic??
Will be using some sort of boost , maybe canna but open to suggestions guys??!!!
Ph'd water obviously.

The Beginning:

Okay , now to start off the little ladies had 10 days of life as cutings before i was able to get hold of them and look after them as my own.....then i transported them into the big buckets and off they went!!!

They have now had...erm..27!! days in my DWC buckets and are doing fine..............i think??

What dya reckon guys??

I do now have the awesome task of fitting the fan , hanging the filter and connecting it all up so its exhausts properly. Then i might be able to shut the door !!! as it does get just under 30 in there when the door is shut ( i have to shut it at night, or me and the wife cant get any sleep!!) , so it gets a bit warm in there in the morning for couple of hours till i get up and open it.

Okay well i will put more pictures on tomorrow when i hopefully have it in and can take a few snaps.



Active Member
Dya think???
like i said havent done any growing before, but they are looking ok on the big one, they have really good all round coverage, ( there are 2 plants there),, but the one pictured with the ruler and coin did have 24 hours with a lack of bubbles.... so i put the less root coverage down to that i suppose...??? any thoughts anyone??


Active Member
thankyou very much las..

like i said i will put pics on tomorrow once i have installed the filter etc, and an update on the light positioning, as i have lowered it so its 29inches away from the tip of the 2 ladies.... well was yesterday!!

I can show you how much room i have aswell to fit the screen?? As i do have 2 inn there and dont really want to cramp the other.....maybe there is a way i can screen them both...but will that be difficult!!!
Ooh im glad to find somewhere i can air these thoughts and get a better feedback than the wife!! lol

Also, quick question for anyone....
My carbin filter has nothing i can hang it from the roof with.......ie hooks or anything to put a rope / twine through....can i just place sone cord around the can itself, then hang it ????

Please guys need quick reply ,


las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah i've hung my carbon filter with data cable before lol just make sure its secure u dont want it falling on ur girls, a fan took mine out bad enough lol


Active Member
sweeet news my friend,

i have placed the carbon filter in the hangers i devised , and now my oscilating fan has just died!!!! aaaaggghhh!!!!
so ive put my new extraction fan in there, just on a box n a few books, to blow the air around .....and the ladies of course :)

gotta keep em dancing eh? :)


Active Member
Right, i have put the inline bolted to the wall, ducting to carbon filter and fan , and outletted to my loft!!!

Cant seem to keep the temp down in here for some reason...well actually i still need to fit the inlet fan in the door...( that might be the problem as i have no intake at mo!)
And where i have moved the light i think it has affected the plants leaves as they are curling UP at the ends.......total newbie, so any help or advise very, very welcome.

And I have also done a bit of chopping and some light stress training....

Really not sure what i was doing, as it probably shows,....even broke 1 of the knuckles nearly off so have tried to patch it up with some tape.

Here is a pic of her with the other girl i have done nothing to. i guess she looks a little lighter, but still not sure if i have done it right...

Got pics of the filter and fan, and couple of the ladies side by side,

Please comment!!!

Regards Again guys!!!

Any feedback would be great ,


las fingerez

Well-Known Member
plenty of time for sceens, i'm mash up but can see the potential :)

bro do me a favor pls, get electrics up top, water down bottom. just in case of accidents like :)


Active Member
okay dude....just gott get some extra lenght on my wires

Thats the next job!! Getting all wiring and leccys out!

Any thoughts on the upcurled leaves dude??

Oh and time to roll a load of dirt i have......

Peace out las.


Active Member

but i do need to add some ph'd and nuted water tomorrow ,as my bloody dad brought the truncheon thingy but left the ph pen at his!!! grrr.

my e.c in the most curling one is 1.4 - 1.6.....i dnt think it was that high when we fed them,(maybe 1.2) dya think thats the prob?? overfeeding a little?? there is no yellowing though.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
not really an expert but i would of thought it looks like to dry or 2 humid, to hot or something like that if ur ec 1.4-1.6 i personaly use about 1.6 for about that size in coco and coco is technically hydro in pots, i've grown in bubblers also :)

whats the temp of the water in the pots

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
no go 2 the local fish shop, shop around though lol :) important coz if the water is warmer it holds less oxygen which is not so good for the roots lol maybe invest in some aluminium tape of ebay and cover the pots in it to keep the heat out? check ur temps 1st obviously but they wanna be around 21oc fro hydro i believe but check that out mate :)


Active Member
thanks las,
on it in the morning....

And nice ol boy i have done bit of trimming and tying to the one thats down, had it out from the light for a while, and its a lot thinner of course.

I am going to manipulate the thin one as much as i can , leaving the other and trying to tell if there is a difference betwen the yields....obviously i do need to get hands on, just hope i havent done too much!!!!....

thanks for readin and commenting guys.

Now some of the leaves have brown/black edges ( only on the curling ones), and only its not new growth , just existing!!

H E L P!!!!!!!
