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  1. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    chaps i have took a few quick snaps, (kids floating round the house atm), not too sure if you can see very well. I am so close now, i would hate it if they went bad at this stage, they only got 6 days of straight ph'ed water left , then it been full 8 weeks flower!! Yee haaa (one on right it...
  2. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    TGSS i have no idea as i am total newb .lol. I will post some pics with lights out so u guys can see for yourselves and give me a bit of feedback maybe. Thanks again everyone. TMS
  3. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    yeah these bubble buckets have been a bit of a pain really, to keep an eye on everything i have to take them out the closet , then get the missus to hold it all up in the air whilst i run to the bathroom with the bucket and quickly get rid of that, quick rinse , then back in the room , fill the...
  4. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    will throw some up later D , thanks for the quick response.
  5. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    Qucik question fellow 6 hundos!!, As most of you know , its my first grow in 2 bubble buckets , with 2 'cheese' clones , ie sisters, ......why is one of the ladies a very bright yellow , and her sister is very dark green?? only thing i can think of i ph lockout?(heard u guys talking about it )...
  6. treemasterskunk

    7 week cycle practical?

    very nice theory my friend, very nice indeed....
  7. treemasterskunk

    The UK Growers Thread!

    haahah funny shit bro lol
  8. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    yeah ... i had the same problem antweed, mine all curled up too, my light was too low. but they wont die my freind if you move the light away. :)
  9. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    hahaha asewome!!!!!! the force is strong within thee... TMS
  10. treemasterskunk

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Managed to get camera working so snapped better one than before!! getting frosty....yum What ya recon guys?? TMS :peace:
  11. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    hi guys, thought i'd chuck a bit of bud porn in, as its been a while since i have had a chance to do so! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: TMS edit:...forgot the 6 hundo emblem too so apologies...doh! And heres a close up......they are...
  12. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    got myself a little badge, shes gonna be everywhere! lol
  13. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    hahaha ditto!!! i have just made my own! ;p
  14. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    hahaha awesome . Knew it would get a good respone from you guys in 'the six hundo!!' :)
  15. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    thought i would chuck this one in just for the crack! lol. hopefully... one day.... i will be THAT guy!... (aaaah..with his little
  16. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    thanks jig , and DST man!! (nt sure how to add more than one quote either) going to take a few select ones i think will have a good look later and post some befopr and after pics!! Cheers guys!!!
  17. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    DST i have the same question , but mine are totally different than the stuckonsticky's one pictured. I have 2 lil bushes, (cheese clones), and i am not sure wether it would be productive or counter productive to remove any of the real low, inside, small budsites(which i assume will recieve...
  18. treemasterskunk

    Did i just get robbed by the police?

    hahaha u know this!!!
  19. treemasterskunk

    600w hps 1 plant grow

    yes please!! :)