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  1. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    more pics guys, these ones are of both plants, the huge really long one ,( sprouting from each side/every other net hole) is the one i am going to let go, and the other is the one im going to train, just thought you guys might like to have a look??!! (they are 25 days old , on canna , DWC,in...
  2. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    Thankyou very much guys!!!! will get a look at making my screensright away! Thaks again guys!! TMS
  3. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    hi again guys, just wanted to post some pics of the ladies today ( day 25) , and would llike any thought s on what leaves to take of??which ones to tie town if i was ti LST it??? Am thinking i will train 1 of them and let the other one grow as 'naturallly' as it can.....And this is the one i...
  4. treemasterskunk

    Welcome New Members!

    another couple of shots, because i cant get the shots right!! ..... so where should i trim leaves/ nodes off this plant, (thats what im going to do i think , play with one and let other one go as it will), as i am totll neewbie thanks to everyone who reads!! Any help will b very much...
  5. treemasterskunk

    Welcome New Members!

    thankyou smoochie , here goes, Right, i have also done some photos with a 15cm ruler and a british 5pence piece incase you know not the size of the coin!! Thanks very much for ya help again!! TMS
  6. treemasterskunk

    Welcome New Members!

    ok fan and filter kit ordered, ot will pull up to 280m3/ that bigenough dya think????
  7. treemasterskunk

    Welcome New Members!

    Guys , dumbass question but im gonna throw it out to ya, what fan will i need for my 3x3x7 ft room???? all measurements are in metres so its what in cubic metres so i can get the right fan 1st time!!!!!??? im confused... and
  8. treemasterskunk

    Welcome New Members!

    Also smoochie, any chance you could maybe ring the leaves on my pics (i dont know paint ? or something?) so i can see exactly which ones i should do?? or just a couple so i have to learn would be great! Regards , TMS
  9. treemasterskunk

    Welcome New Members!

    thankyou very much for the info again smoochieboochies i will be purchasing extraction kit tomorrow will post pics tomorrow, Thanks again
  10. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    oh my god that stuff is amazing!!!!! loooks awesome!!!!
  11. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    yes jigfresh i have read that today in your journals, your dwc first grow, and i really dnt mind flashing throught the pages as its all info and i loove it Also I have a lot of time on my hands as not currently working but think i will try scrogging but need to find a way to fix and...
  12. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    thankyou just toying up the idea of doing one of the plants and leaving the other to compare , for my own knowledge/peace of mind of course. But still not sure wether to scrog or lst as lts might be easier to manage ???? or not??? any thoughts ?? Thanks again
  13. treemasterskunk

    Welcome New Members!

    @ smoochieboochies ..yes they are cheese cuttings, they are just starting to smell lovely, Should i start tying budsites down now then?? is it the right time?? Sorry i am a total novice so might sound a bit thick in asking questions.
  14. treemasterskunk

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks very much smoochieboochies, i was going to play with one and leave the other but was not sure wether or not to scrog or lst.Scrog will be difficult as i will need to get in there with them but i guyess lst will be tricky aswell.... s again in answer to your question the light is really...
  15. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    okay, right , to maximize my space im going to make a scrog to fit the buckets and some way of attatching them to the buckets. (this will hopefully come to me tonight) ...... please can anyone upload some drawing, links, photos, anything that might be able to help the dwc scrog as i get lost on...
  16. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    thanks guys for the comments, any links or anything can go to find good pics of a 3x3 scrog??? i willl need 4-8 pieces of wood a ball of string and some hook end screws???? i guess??
  17. treemasterskunk

    Welcome New Members!

    What no feedback on ideas how to get the most frm my little ladies???? come on guys...:)
  18. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    thanks very much for the advice dst, i was thinking that myself but was swerved from the idea by the wife .....tut tut. how should i attatch the screen tho, due to having to change nutes etc, check levels, it will b difficult to manage will abig set of buds on?? Like i said never done my own so...
  19. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    lovely spot for bit of camping jigfresh, just taken up fishing myself, looks awesome.
  20. treemasterskunk

    Club 600

    glad to be part of this thread guys , and yes it is an awfully quick one, i posted on another one earlier and noone has checked it, this one is going crazy !! lol ....all good frm my point of view.:)