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  1. shabba

    Soil advice needed!!!!

    Cheers mate! I'm using Biobizz grow solution & the Bloom solution, I've only added it once & I have decided to give them another week before I add more nutrient, have yu used this stuff is it any good?
  2. shabba

    Soil advice needed!!!!

    I'm 11 days in to my grow & I have been growing them in compost, which I have been told is not good, bad drainage etc. Any advice on a good soil mix to transplant them to as I'm planning on transplanting them at the weekend?
  3. shabba


    I'll have a look at the weekend & see about getting some soil to mix with it because lord dangly's right it dont seem to be draining well! Is it gonna cause my plants much stress transplanting them in to new soil?
  4. shabba


    does anyone else know if compost is any good because if not Im gonna need to transplant them to some decent soil? They ain't looking too bad at the minute the stems seem to be strengthening.
  5. shabba


    Im uusing compost & I've added nothing to it, I was really unsure of what soil to get & someone mentioned compost so I got that, what should I add to it?
  6. shabba


    I have now built the soil up around the stems which supports them pretty well & I have turned the fan up too so hopefully that'll strengthen them abit.
  7. shabba


    Here's a few pics, I've took them on my phone so thet ain't the best! The stem seems to be abit stronger today but now the other one has fallen over!!
  8. shabba


    I'll support the stem, stop the nutes, turn up the fan & see how it goes. Thanks for helping out, I'll keep you posted on how it goes & I'll get some pics up just to give an idea of the set up. Cheers
  9. shabba


    Im growing in a grow tent & it is reflective, should I stop the nutrients now then & give it another week or so? I'll try turning the fan up & see how it gets on with that.
  10. shabba


    Cheers, I will take some pics in the morning to show you. Yeah it is a HPS lamp. I like the idea with the straw, I'll give it a go & I'll build the soil up abit too.
  11. shabba


    I moved the light closer this morning when I found it laying down & I also started with the grow nutrient this morning as well, will this help? What else can I do to strengthen the stem?
  12. shabba


    Im using a 250w HPS lamp & I have got a small fan in there? :confused:
  13. shabba


    My plant is 9 days old & I went up to water it this morning & it had flopped right over & was laying in the soil, obviously the stem is too weak! What has caused this & how can I fix it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Cheers!
  14. shabba

    Timescale Question

    I might just get it on a timer then see how that goes for abit. need to get a thermometer in really! I'm considering adding bloom nutrient to them tomorrow, they're a week old is this a good idea or am I being abit impatient?
  15. shabba

    Timescale Question

    Do you think I'd should have mine on a timer then bcoz I cant see it getting to hot in there with 1x 250w HPS bulb & 2 plants? The reason I ask is I dont wanna it getting to chilled in there at night & I dont want the fan blowing up?
  16. shabba

    Timescale Question

    Fair play to ya man!! Looks shit hot! I've only got a little set up with a couple of plants in a 1.4m grow tent with a 250w lamp, growing soil. I'm gonna see how it goes & then pick up a couple of these ebb & flow pods I read up about them they look pretty good! A quick question about...
  17. shabba

    Timescale Question

    What sort of set up are you growing yours in?
  18. shabba

    Timescale Question

    Yeah these say 7 weeks but I was just abit unsure of how accurate that is so I thought Id get abit of advice. I've got about 4 feet that I could grow in to, what height or timescale should I stick to before I switch the lights to 12/12?
  19. shabba

    Timescale Question

    I am 1 week in to my grow & I just want a bit of advice on the average length of time you would vegetate my plants for until I need to flower them & a rough estimate on how long to flower them for, Im growing skunk? Thanks in advance for any advice!
  20. shabba

    What Light Can I Use During Dark Period???

    yeah man like the set up!!