

Active Member
I have now built the soil up around the stems which supports them pretty well & I have turned the fan up too so hopefully that'll strengthen them abit.


Active Member
Im uusing compost & I've added nothing to it, I was really unsure of what soil to get & someone mentioned compost so I got that, what should I add to it?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Hmmmm. well you want to make sure it drains well. the stuff in your pots looks dense like it will not drain very well. But I am really not the guy to answer this question. Maybe someone else will. I have never used compost at all. But from what I have read, you should add Compost to soil and perlite. But get a second oppinion. Someone who has used these products and such.


Active Member
does anyone else know if compost is any good because if not Im gonna need to transplant them to some decent soil? They ain't looking too bad at the minute the stems seem to be strengthening.


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't know - i've only experimented with hydro but lord dangly won't steer you wrong. and i think he is right on the money that compost should be part of a soil mix - not the only thing! you definitely want good drainage otherwise you'll end up with root rot and a stem that just rots away.


Active Member
I'll have a look at the weekend & see about getting some soil to mix with it because lord dangly's right it dont seem to be draining well! Is it gonna cause my plants much stress transplanting them in to new soil?


Well-Known Member
I'll have a look at the weekend & see about getting some soil to mix with it because lord dangly's right it dont seem to be draining well! Is it gonna cause my plants much stress transplanting them in to new soil?
I don't think the stress of transplanting can be worse than the sure death by bad drainage (if that is the case).